45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



62,115 posts

220 months

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According to the Biden campaign, Team Biden-Harris raised $14 million on debate day and this morning.

The 11pm-12am hour after the debate was the single best hour of fundraising since the campaign's launch in April 2023

I'm expecting trump to announce he raised $50-100m biggrin

Bidens response to criticism was:
"I don't walk as easy as I used to, I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to. Well, I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up."

How come he's fired up there, was this a poorly planned debate technique for him to remain quieter?
Biden campaign rally in Raleigh, N.C yesterday

Kaitlan Collins reporting that that at the campaign event Jill Biden said that after the debate, Biden told her, "You know, Jill, I don't know what happened. I didn't feel that great."
Jill Biden "We're not going to let 90 minutes define the four years you've been president."

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 29th June 06:31


62,115 posts

220 months

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Scotus have rejected Bannons appeal to stay out of jail, he has to report to jail on Monday

Bannons final rant before going to prison, claiming it's all political

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 29th June 06:35


62,115 posts

220 months

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Oh the optics...

trumps parked his plane at Dulles, right next to the Russian embassy staff plane.


62,115 posts

220 months

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trumps done a rally in Virginia - reports of lots of empty chairs

Stable genius is on about electric vehicles again

trump: All they know is electric. They want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn't shining while you're up in the air?

trump: He's running against one of the Vindman twins. They are the worse people. They made up a story about a certain conversation that was false. We got to win that race. You got to teach the Vindmans. We got to get them out.

Rachel Vindman - responds referencing the threats they received after trump attacked them previously
This is what we are facing as a family. This is what is on the line. "You got to teach the Vindmans. We got to get them out."

trump again on climate change, saying it'll give more waterfront property and it's not a huge problem
trump: I say that the thing that's an existential threat is not global warming where the ocean will rise, maybe. And it may go down but may rise 1/8 of an inch in the next 497 years which gives you a little bit more waterfront property if you're lucky

Did he mean to say more than 4 years?
trump: Less than four years ago, we were a great nation..

again boasting the fix is in - he doesn't need votes

Trump slurs badly while attempting to say landslide: Land Schlade

Takes credit for what others did
lowering the price of insulin - Biden did that

Veterans accountability again - Obama did that

Migrants are taking the black jobs - what jobs are those?

Again promotes the release of his magamob jailed - because he wants another mob when he loses

trump: The Supreme Court ruled Biden's DOJ have wrongly prosecuted hundreds of Americans for peacefully protesting on January 6th.
They should immediately be released. The J6 hostages

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 29th June 06:38


62,115 posts

220 months

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Lawrence: We live in a country where most commentators declared the liar the debate winner


62,115 posts

220 months

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Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself.


3,496 posts

252 months

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Byker28i said:
How come he's fired up there, was this a poorly planned debate technique for him to remain quieter?
Teleprompters weren't allowed in the debate.


62,115 posts

220 months

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62,115 posts

220 months

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Justice Thomas has refused to recuse himself from the Chevron case despite participating in donor summits organized by the Koch brothers

Dick Durbin statement
“I’m disappointed – but unsurprised – that Justice Thomas refused to recuse himself from these cases, despite secretly participating in donor summits organized by the Koch brothers. The Koch network has invested tremendous capital trying to overturn the issue at the heart of these cases."

NewRepublic take on the latest decision yesterday to allow right-wing judges across the country now have a freewheeling veto over any new federal rule or regulation that they think is “ambiguous,”


3,496 posts

252 months

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Byker28i said:
trumps done a rally in Virginia - reports of lots of empty chairs
Reporter seems to think it was well attended.


62,115 posts

220 months

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TonyToniTone said:
Byker28i said:
How come he's fired up there, was this a poorly planned debate technique for him to remain quieter?
Teleprompters weren't allowed in the debate.
Pretty sure a teleprompter does change a performance from slow an methodical to more enthusiastic and energetic.


62,115 posts

220 months

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TonyToniTone said:
Byker28i said:
trumps done a rally in Virginia - reports of lots of empty chairs
Reporter seems to think it was well attended.
Yup this estimates 10,000


9,980 posts

160 months

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TonyToniTone said:
Byker28i said:
trumps done a rally in Virginia - reports of lots of empty chairs
Reporter seems to think it was well attended.
Maybe the few empty chairs were for people who have gone to look for Joe Bidens "Side Monsters"


1,316 posts

33 months

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After a 24hr break to try and recover and recalibrate after the clearest demonstration yet that Biden is exactly how he is portrayed in all of these alleged 'deep fake' videos, I cannot believe that the hard-core 12 or so on here are still coming out with the same postings that made this thread a toxic echo chamber.

If Biden was your parent, you would be securing power of attorney, and removing all of the day to day responsibilities of running their own household and finacials, be arranging a 3 times a day carer to pop by and make sure all was good to try and ensure that they had no stresses.

You wouldn't consider for a minute pushing them to be a CEO of a huge multi-national, never mind as the President of the USA.

Hopefully there isn't another debate; the worldwide press has reported his performance as an utter humiliation; another performance like that would be devastating.

Putin and Kim probably had a right laugh watching that over a beer.


27,108 posts

164 months

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Wheelspinning said:
After a 24hr break to try and recover and recalibrate after the clearest demonstration yet that Biden is exactly how he is portrayed in all of these alleged 'deep fake' videos, I cannot believe that the hard-core 12 or so on here are still coming out with the same postings that made this thread a toxic echo chamber.

If Biden was your parent, you would be securing power of attorney, and removing all of the day to day responsibilities of running their own household and finacials, be arranging a 3 times a day carer to pop by and make sure all was good to try and ensure that they had no stresses.

You wouldn't consider for a minute pushing them to be a CEO of a huge multi-national, never mind as the President of the USA.

Hopefully there isn't another debate; the worldwide press has reported his performance as an utter humiliation; another performance like that would be devastating.

Putin and Kim probably had a right laugh watching that over a beer.
As this is the Trump thread, what are your thoughts on a pathological liar, convicted felon, and rapist being President?


3,653 posts

272 months

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Wheelspinning said:
After a 24hr break to try and recover and recalibrate after the clearest demonstration yet that Biden is exactly how he is portrayed in all of these alleged 'deep fake' videos, I cannot believe that the hard-core 12 or so on here are still coming out with the same postings that made this thread a toxic echo chamber.

If Biden was your parent, you would be securing power of attorney, and removing all of the day to day responsibilities of running their own household and finacials, be arranging a 3 times a day carer to pop by and make sure all was good to try and ensure that they had no stresses.

You wouldn't consider for a minute pushing them to be a CEO of a huge multi-national, never mind as the President of the USA.

Hopefully there isn't another debate; the worldwide press has reported his performance as an utter humiliation; another performance like that would be devastating.

Putin and Kim probably had a right laugh watching that over a beer.
I asked ChatGPT "Who is the subject of this post?". The AI replied "The main subject of the quote is Joe Biden, the President of the United States. The quote criticizes his performance, particularly in debates, and compares his alleged incapacity to manage his own household and finances with his role as the President. The author suggests that Biden's performance is seen as a humiliation and implies that his leadership is viewed negatively by other world leaders like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un."

I then asked "Is it Trump?". And the response "The quote you provided is indeed about Joe Biden, not Donald Trump. The text critiques Biden's capabilities and suggests he is struggling in his role, particularly referencing a poor performance in a debate. The mention of "Biden" explicitly and the context of the quote focusing on his alleged deficiencies clarify that he is the main subject."

*checks* yeah, this is the Trump thread. Please, you shouldn't take this as a criticism of your comment, just its relevance to the thread title. Biden thread is here -> https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&...


1,962 posts

168 months

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I think these three threads have become so interwoven in the last week or two that you can't just pick up on that post as if it's unusual, both sides of the fence have been doing it. We could do with separating back out or even using the "47th" thread for election related stuff.


62,115 posts

220 months

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Wheelspinning said:
After a 24hr break to try and recover and recalibrate after the clearest demonstration yet that Biden is exactly how he is portrayed in all of these alleged 'deep fake' videos, I cannot believe that the hard-core 12 or so on here are still coming out with the same postings that made this thread a toxic echo chamber.

If Biden was your parent, you would be securing power of attorney, and removing all of the day to day responsibilities of running their own household and finacials, be arranging a 3 times a day carer to pop by and make sure all was good to try and ensure that they had no stresses.

You wouldn't consider for a minute pushing them to be a CEO of a huge multi-national, never mind as the President of the USA.

Hopefully there isn't another debate; the worldwide press has reported his performance as an utter humiliation; another performance like that would be devastating.

Putin and Kim probably had a right laugh watching that over a beer.
Putin and Kim, bith who have bot farms pushing disinformation for trump, both who have tried influencing US elections for trump - yup probably both laughing at how their attempts are working to destablise the US.

Pretty much expected from you, after months of trump demonstrating that he has issues with mental decline, stumbling, tiredness, falling asleep, that a trumpette tries to portray on lacklustre performance "But Joe Biden" or "both sides are the same..." biggrin

trumps demonstrated now for 9 years he's unfit to be potus, yet here you are, still cheerleading for the convicted felon, rapist, failed businessman, selling US policy for personal profit...

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 29th June 08:58


1,962 posts

168 months

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Byker28i said:
Wheelspinning said:
After a 24hr break to try and recover and recalibrate after the clearest demonstration yet that Biden is exactly how he is portrayed in all of these alleged 'deep fake' videos, I cannot believe that the hard-core 12 or so on here are still coming out with the same postings that made this thread a toxic echo chamber.

If Biden was your parent, you would be securing power of attorney, and removing all of the day to day responsibilities of running their own household and finacials, be arranging a 3 times a day carer to pop by and make sure all was good to try and ensure that they had no stresses.

You wouldn't consider for a minute pushing them to be a CEO of a huge multi-national, never mind as the President of the USA.

Hopefully there isn't another debate; the worldwide press has reported his performance as an utter humiliation; another performance like that would be devastating.

Putin and Kim probably had a right laugh watching that over a beer.
Putin and Kim, bith who have bot farms pushing disinformation for trump, both who have tried influencing US elections for trump - yup probably both laughing at how their attempts are working to destablise the US.

Pretty much expected from you, after months of trump demonstrating that he has issues with mental decline, stumbling, tiredness, falling asleep, that a trumpette tries to portray on lacklustre performance "But Joe Biden" or "both sides are the same..." biggrin

trumps demonstrated now for 9 years he's unfit to be potus, yet here you are, still cheerleading for the convicted felon, rapist, failed businessman, selling US policy for personal profit...

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 29th June 08:58
Byker, I know this is the Trump thread, but he didn't mention Trump once. Your cries of "but Trump" are just as bad as his posting "but Biden" - do you have any thoughts on what he actually said? Feel free to post them in the 46th thread if you want?


6,316 posts

46 months

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The Trumpettes really have come out in force over the last few days. I remain as always massively concerned that Trump could get re-elected and Thursday’s events have scared me even more.

Can’t wait to see what happens on sentencing day though. Wonder what nonsense will be screamed by the Trumpettes on here then.