45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



27,108 posts

164 months

Superflow said:
ScotHill said:
No, the charges were about falsifying business records with the intent to commit or conceal another crime - the offences were committed upon falsifying the records with criminal intent, the prosecution didn’t have to prove those further crimes occurred, just that’s what the intent was. Trump’s defence failed to persuade the jury that there was no criminal intent in falsifying the business records.
So why give them three options?

Because they knew they probably wouldn’t get a unanimous verdict with one option that’s why and that’s them goalposts moving.
You're clutching at straws.


1,962 posts

168 months

Some of the J6 rioters are potentially getting their convictions looked at again as the DOJ were using laws which were never meant for this situation, the court found the law, part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, was meant for evidence tampering, not the Capitol riot.

Over 300 Jan. 6 riot convictions now in peril after Supreme Court rules on obstruction charge - https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/over-300-jan-...
Supreme Court rules for Jan. 6 rioter challenging obstruction charge - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/supreme-court-ru...


10,387 posts

158 months

Superflow said:
Challo said:
Superflow said:
It could with voter fraud.

Naive to think all immigrants will play by the rules and wait for citizenship to arrive.
You know the voter fraud topic was debunked in the courts several times after the last election, and it was the GOP found guilty of using fake electors to win the race.
Those courts that said the jurors don’t have to all agree to convict Trump because we will just move the goalposts to get the result we want even if that means weaponising the US justice system.

Yes I know.
How many court cases did Trump and the GOP win after the 2020 election after they saying the election was stolen due to voter fraud?

Was their any evidence of mass voter fraud by the Dems?

Its something parroted by the GOP, but never any evidence.


26,359 posts

176 months

Mortarboard said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
Never has it been more true to vote for the party / polices than the person.

Neither a fit to be in the position.
This. Although Joe is "fit", he's hardly going to light the world on fire.

Although under Trump, on the other hand, some bits almost certainly will

I'm probably wrong but my recollection of his first term was that he started fewer than average wars.

There's a lot to beat Trump with but I'm not sure I'd start with his war mongering.


24,328 posts

116 months

ChocolateFrog said:
I'm probably wrong but my recollection of his first term was that he started fewer than average wars.

There's a lot to beat Trump with but I'm not sure I'd start with his war mongering.
Which wars has the current president started?


6,244 posts

58 months

ChocolateFrog said:
I'm probably wrong but my recollection of his first term was that he started fewer than average wars.

There's a lot to beat Trump with but I'm not sure I'd start with his war mongering.
If you were a gaza supporter, how do you feel things might happen if trump gets elected?
If you're in the front line in Ukraine, how would you feel if your airwatch/Intel disappeared overnight?
If you were stood on a western shore of Taiwan, how would you feel looking west?

None started. But sure as hell going to be worse if trump gets in.



17,148 posts

193 months

So an old but harmless chap who doesn’t speak well….

…or a slightly less old orange fella who speaks better but lies all the time?

Tough choice.

Edited by MiniMan64 on Friday 28th June 18:53

satans worm

2,399 posts

220 months

They cant dump Biden now, he should never of been allowed to run but thats hindsight.

The best thing they can do is swap out Kamala and switch in someone people might actually want to be president one day (from a VP as i cant see any chance of Biden being in power more than a year if he does get in), Obama maybe smile and yes he can serve a 3rd term, you just cant be elected by the public into a 3rd term but being bumped into President from VP is ok (well, the 11th amendment doesnt say you cant).....

To be clear, Biden does not have dementia, he is just an old, old man. At 83 Dr Fauci is older but sharp as a tac and clear in speech, if Biden had presented himself like that there would be no doubts, but he didnt, and now a Trump 2nd term (plus??) seems to be more likely


6,244 posts

58 months

The graphics are all "Biden Harris", so I presume that isn't going to change.
Time for her to up her game too.


Bonefish Blues

27,607 posts

226 months

Gambling for the highest stakes. Perfect result for Trump - a wounded Biden battles on frown


6,190 posts

187 months

I’ve just watched his campaign speech from today. It’s total night and day. What happened last night? Also no cold / raspy throat either.

It’s almost like it was done on purpose.

It’s very easy to start adding things up that don’t make sense and find yourself I conspiracy world. But something doesn’t add up to me at the moment.


14,569 posts

251 months

Bonefish Blues said:
Gambling for the highest stakes. Perfect result for Trump - a wounded Biden battles on frown
It was awful. At this point it seems the Dems are trying to fk it up. I'm not convinced it will change any minds. Now the dust has settled, seems maybe a small shift in independents away from Biden.


1,962 posts

168 months

InformationSuperHighway said:
I’ve just watched his campaign speech from today. It’s total night and day. What happened last night? Also no cold / raspy throat either.

It’s almost like it was done on purpose.

It’s very easy to start adding things up that don’t make sense and find yourself I conspiracy world. But something doesn’t add up to me at the moment.
He's coughing away in some of the clip I've seen, although it's very odd all this. Who knows what's going on in the background.


17,400 posts

258 months

InformationSuperHighway said:
I’ve just watched his campaign speech from today. It’s total night and day. What happened last night? Also no cold / raspy throat either.

It’s almost like it was done on purpose.

It’s very easy to start adding things up that don’t make sense and find yourself I conspiracy world. But something doesn’t add up to me at the moment.
It's a Biden double wink

Maybe they got it mixed up last night.


14,569 posts

251 months

This is a good thread that encapsulates the problem with both the media, and the Dems messaging


TLDR yougov blind test showed vastly more support for Biden policies than Trump

Bonefish Blues

27,607 posts

226 months

g4ry13 said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
I’ve just watched his campaign speech from today. It’s total night and day. What happened last night? Also no cold / raspy throat either.

It’s almost like it was done on purpose.

It’s very easy to start adding things up that don’t make sense and find yourself I conspiracy world. But something doesn’t add up to me at the moment.
It's a Biden double wink

Maybe they got it mixed up last night.
Someone forgot the Duracells.


1,710 posts

152 months

Sums it all up really


14,569 posts

251 months

quotequote all

At least you can have a laugh about it


2,597 posts

222 months

quotequote all
Jon Stewart got a lot of backlash, some months back, for questioning Biden's age (as well as for mocking Trump).

He 'apologised' by saying "but, look, I have sinned against you. I’m sorry,it was never my intention to say out loud, what I saw with my eyes, and then brain. I can do better. I can has learning. I can has it!"


25,788 posts

196 months

quotequote all
thatsprettyshady said:
Isn't Trump also a massive Israel simp anyway? I can't see things being much different under Trump, with either president the bombs would have fallen and the US support would have been there. I agree a bunch of students staying home rather than vote will hurt Biden more than Trump, however.
He is, Bibi would move on to levelling southern Lebanon or whatever his plan for "forever war" is to keep him in power and out of a courtroom and TFG would cheerlead the whole thing. The closeness with Saudi is not contradictory, MBS etc only care about power.