45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



1,437 posts

135 months

ScotHill said:
Superflow said:
Those courts that said the jurors don’t have to all agree to convict Trump because we will just move the goalposts to get the result we want even if that means weaponising the US justice system.
They did have to all agree to convict, but then you know that, you're not an idiot:


Who is 'we' in your statement above, because it isn't the Democrats.
So they had to unanimously agree that a crime was committed but could choose one of three options what that crime was - goalposts moved.

So if they cannot get him on one charge they introduce another two and hey presto it’s unanimous except it isn’t because they are talking about different things.

I’m sorry but the article states the jury instructions were nuanced and complex they were indeed and they set a dangerous precedent with regards to getting the result you want no matter what.


3,307 posts

112 months

No, the charges were about falsifying business records with the intent to commit or conceal another crime - the offences were committed upon falsifying the records with criminal intent, the prosecution didn’t have to prove those further crimes occurred, just that’s what the intent was. Trump’s defence failed to persuade the jury that there was no criminal intent in falsifying the business records.


1,437 posts

135 months

ScotHill said:
No, the charges were about falsifying business records with the intent to commit or conceal another crime - the offences were committed upon falsifying the records with criminal intent, the prosecution didn’t have to prove those further crimes occurred, just that’s what the intent was. Trump’s defence failed to persuade the jury that there was no criminal intent in falsifying the business records.
So why give them three options?

Because they knew they probably wouldn’t get a unanimous verdict with one option that’s why and that’s them goalposts moving.


10,967 posts

184 months

Bonefish Blues said:
Katty was raising an eyebrow at how confident the Democrats' team was about their ability to mobilise their vote, based on the awful hash they'd made of this showpiece event.
An event they asked for!

I was skeptical that Trump had it in him, but he had obviously been well briefed on what a winning strategy looked like and had been sowing the seeds for weeks.


7,131 posts

191 months

Mortarboard said:
Yup, two very poor candidates.

But in terns of voter apathy, floating voters will be least likely to vote, followed by gop, then dem.

The democrats are very, very good at getting "their" vote out. Low turnout favors the blue side- as is shown by the gerrymandering and voter interference pursued non-stop in red areas.

Biden lost tens of thousands of young voters months ago. Time has shown us it is people under 30 of all races, colours and religions (including many Jewish students).

Him and Blinken getting pulled around on a leash and getting their balls squeezed by Netanyahu (who wants Trump in and is openly courting GOP politicians) and the unfortunate Genocide Joe tag (whether real or overblown) has stuck and not gone away. Just two weeks ago Biden gave a press conference unequivocally stating there was a deal Israel had agreed to only for Netanyahu to then say no that was not the case. Utterly pathetic for a US President to get played like that. Though as last night illustrated I suspect his team are largely responsible for many missteps as with Sunak here.

Every significant event is disrupted by protests and Michigan is a State that Biden cannot lose but I said six months ago he will not win Michigan. Even less chance now.

Time for a reset, otherwise this is political suicide and Dems are walking right into it.

Get someone in without the unfortunate baggage, who can construct a coherent response and Trump is not difficult to beat. Hoping it will all improve is a fool's errand.

It shouldn't be hard for a normal Democrat to construct a very persuasive argument against a rapist and convicted felon who may well be sporting an ankle bracelet in the next month severely restricting his ability to campaign.


6,244 posts

58 months

I've said it before- not voting for biden because of Israel might make "sense" normally.

Allowing trump in gives the region to the saudis. It's literally voting for war in the middle east.

Biden has been as strict or as lenient with netanyahu as he can be. Or could anyone else. There's no "right" side in the Gaza conflict- both Israel and hamas are dicks.



6,244 posts

58 months

cgt2 said:
It shouldn't be hard for a normal Democrat to construct a very persuasive argument against a rapist and convicted felon who may well be sporting an ankle bracelet in the next month severely restricting his ability to campaign.
No, but dumping biden now would be insanity.
"He's old" is all the gop have at the moment.

Dump biden and it's "his last three years were a disaster, even the dems agree, see?" "Not even the dens trust him" "who knows who'll you'll get, they'll change president after the election"

It's time for the democratic party to step up.



1,962 posts

168 months

Mortarboard said:
cgt2 said:
It shouldn't be hard for a normal Democrat to construct a very persuasive argument against a rapist and convicted felon who may well be sporting an ankle bracelet in the next month severely restricting his ability to campaign.
No, but dumping biden now would be insanity.
"He's old" is all the gop have at the moment.

Dump biden and it's "his last three years were a disaster, even the dems agree, see?" "Not even the dens trust him" "who knows who'll you'll get, they'll change president after the election"

It's time for the democratic party to step up.

Please no Kamala. Please.


7,131 posts

191 months

Mortarboard said:
I've said it before- not voting for biden because of Israel might make "sense" normally.

Allowing trump in gives the region to the saudis. It's literally voting for war in the middle east.

Biden has been as strict or as lenient with netanyahu as he can be. Or could anyone else. There's no "right" side in the Gaza conflict- both Israel and hamas are dicks.

Young voters who are protesting in their tens of thousands do not see nuance or understand history or the wider geopolitical implications. They see nearly 50,000 civilians bombed to oblivion, 20,000 children maimed with American bombs supplied by this administration.

We have a mountain of evidence as well as weekly protests wherever Biden goes showing how strongly they feel. And they are not with Biden.

They obviously will not vote for Trump but will simply stay home. And this is the very coalition that elected Biden in 2020 in vast numbers.

To pretend young people aren't very angry with Biden is to deny the evidence of our own eyes.


6,190 posts

187 months

gregs656 said:
Bonefish Blues said:
Katty was raising an eyebrow at how confident the Democrats' team was about their ability to mobilise their vote, based on the awful hash they'd made of this showpiece event.
An event they asked for!

I was skeptical that Trump had it in him, but he had obviously been well briefed on what a winning strategy looked like and had been sowing the seeds for weeks.
Trump (Well, his team) were smart. They made this a win win.

If he didn't do well it was rigged etc..


1,962 posts

168 months

Isn't Trump also a massive Israel simp anyway? I can't see things being much different under Trump, with either president the bombs would have fallen and the US support would have been there. I agree a bunch of students staying home rather than vote will hurt Biden more than Trump, however.


6,190 posts

187 months

cgt2 said:
Mortarboard said:
I've said it before- not voting for biden because of Israel might make "sense" normally.

Allowing trump in gives the region to the saudis. It's literally voting for war in the middle east.

Biden has been as strict or as lenient with netanyahu as he can be. Or could anyone else. There's no "right" side in the Gaza conflict- both Israel and hamas are dicks.

Young voters who are protesting in their tens of thousands do not see nuance or understand history or the wider geopolitical implications. They see nearly 50,000 civilians bombed to oblivion, 20,000 children maimed with American bombs supplied by this administration.

We have a mountain of evidence as well as weekly protests wherever Biden goes showing how strongly they feel. And they are not with Biden.

They obviously will not vote for Trump but will simply stay home. And this is the very coalition that elected Biden in 2020 in vast numbers.

To pretend young people aren't very angry with Biden is to deny the evidence of our own eyes.
In one of Trumps opening comments he called Biden a Palestinian (As an insult) and said he wanted Israel to 'finish the job'.


6,190 posts

187 months

Never has it been more true to vote for the party / polices than the person.

Neither a fit to be in the position.


7,131 posts

191 months

InformationSuperHighway said:
In one of Trumps opening comments he called Biden a Palestinian (As an insult) and said he wanted Israel to 'finish the job'.
Young voters have never been with Trump. They turned out in massive numbers for Biden in 2020 because of their visceral dislike of Trump.

In 2024 they dislike Trump and Biden with equal passion. In key States this will be devastating because of the slim margins.

Compare the number of young people out there four years ago actively showing support for Biden with hardly any today. The evidence is in front of our eyes.


21,314 posts

259 months

It's June. Everybody needs to take a chill pill.

Some of us remember the first debate in 2012 when Obama was so poor that Chris Matthews practically had a stroke live on MSNBC. And that debate took place in October!


6,244 posts

58 months

cgt2 said:
Young voters who are protesting in their tens of thousands do not see nuance or understand history or the wider geopolitical implications. They see nearly 50,000 civilians bombed to oblivion, 20,000 children maimed with American bombs supplied by this administration.

We have a mountain of evidence as well as weekly protests wherever Biden goes showing how strongly they feel. And they are not with Biden.

They obviously will not vote for Trump but will simply stay home. And this is the very coalition that elected Biden in 2020 in vast numbers.

To pretend young people aren't very angry with Biden is to deny the evidence of our own eyes.
I'm not. But they'll have to protest twice as hard if trump gets in and birth control is made impossible to get. And bans the shipping of mefiprestone

Hyperbole you say?

"Roe is settled law" "roe is precedent"

Note- Robert's has also stated the scotus can defer making a call on "if abortion is a right at all" to a future date.



6,244 posts

58 months

thatsprettyshady said:
Isn't Trump also a massive Israel simp anyway? I can't see things being much different under Trump, with either president the bombs would have fallen and the US support would have been there. I agree a bunch of students staying home rather than vote will hurt Biden more than Trump, however.
He's a bigger Saudi simp, surely?



5,255 posts

33 months

The problem the Dems have got now, is that if Biden isn't thought fit to stand in November, then surely he's already unfit to be President now. That's a bit of a pickle to answer.


6,244 posts

58 months

InformationSuperHighway said:
Never has it been more true to vote for the party / polices than the person.

Neither a fit to be in the position.
This. Although Joe is "fit", he's hardly going to light the world on fire.

Although under Trump, on the other hand, some bits almost certainly will



1,962 posts

168 months

Mortarboard said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Isn't Trump also a massive Israel simp anyway? I can't see things being much different under Trump, with either president the bombs would have fallen and the US support would have been there. I agree a bunch of students staying home rather than vote will hurt Biden more than Trump, however.
He's a bigger Saudi simp, surely?

The Israel conflict was bad for the Saudis anyway, it prevented the Israel-Saudi deal being signed which I'm sure both parties are unhappy about, so "getting it over with" which has been Trumps line since the start most likely favours everyone involved here, but not the Gazans obviously.
