45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



24,375 posts

116 months

Friday 28th June
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PurplePenguin said:
paulguitar said:
PurplePenguin said:
paulguitar said:
Superflow said:
More stressful than I imagined clearly.

I hope Biden stays on as he is making Trump stronger by the day.
Can you explain what it is about trump that you admire?
The more pertinent question is how the Democrats have fked up
Given this is the trump thread, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that question to a trump supporter and hope to get an answer from the person I addressed.
Fair enough - normal service here can be resumed
Well, respectfully, there is the Biden thread for Biden discussion, although I fully accept there will of course be some overflow in both directions.


4,378 posts

132 months

Friday 28th June
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paulguitar said:
Mostly agreed. But I'd still like to hear from one trump supporter what they admire in him. So far, not one of them has had the balls to attempt it, and that kind of weakness is frustrating.
I'd be interested in reading that too.

Positives about another Trump presidency please Trump supporters.


17,419 posts

258 months

Friday 28th June
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I was catching up on the debate and the Golf segment was hilarious rofl

2 old guys arguing about who can hit the ball furthest and who has the lowest Golf handicap. Just what the other ~330M American citizens actually care about.


1,368 posts

148 months

Friday 28th June
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paulguitar said:
paua said:
paulguitar said:
Superflow said:
More stressful than I imagined clearly.

I hope Biden stays on as he is making Trump stronger by the day.
Can you explain what it is about trump that you admire?
He can't. There's nothing admirable.
Crichton is dead.

Is there someone, somewhere practising on a grassy knoll?
A fiver for the quinella.
World's in trouble.
Neither candidate is even remotely suitable.
russia & china laughing, fear for Ukr.
Mostly agreed. But I'd still like to hear from one trump supporter what they admire in him. So far, not one of them has had the balls to attempt it, and that kind of weakness is frustrating.
Well, he's mentally competent for one and can finish a sentence without tailing off to incoherent gibberish.

He's quite funny IMO in a totally daft way with his bs statements. He is likely the most ridiculous person, but we all get the politicians we deserve.

However your sour grapes, subtle troll style posting is quite tedious and somewhat childlike. Just folding in your petty insults about Trump fans having no balls and weakness? Come on... Get over yourself.


1,438 posts

135 months

Friday 28th June
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It could with voter fraud.

Naive to think all immigrants will play by the rules and wait for citizenship to arrive.

Trump is a narcissist no doubt and has faults as we all do.I like his energy and sense of humour and would rather a drink with him than Biden who lacks charisma.

More importantly he has shown he will stand up for working Americans and be hard on immigration and take a hard line on China etc.

It is hard to criticise Biden as I don’t believe for a moment he is pulling the strings but clearly there are some dangerous people in the shadows.


24,375 posts

116 months

Friday 28th June
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Catatafish said:
Well, he's mentally competent for one
This must be a joke.

Catatafish said:
He's quite funny IMO in a totally daft way with his bs statements. He is likely the most ridiculous person, but we all get the politicians we deserve.
Perhaps you feel you deserve him.

Catatafish said:
However your sour grapes, subtle troll style posting is quite tedious and somewhat childlike. Just folding in your petty insults about Trump fans having no balls and weakness? Come on... Get over yourself.
I don't think it is insulting to ask trump fans what they admire in him, and I do think it displays weakness to not just say what one thinks.

You've sort of had a go, but your heart doesn't really seem in it.


1,206 posts

264 months

Friday 28th June
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Tom8 said:
I don't know, US politics is complex enough. Biden isn't the nominee yet though, but how would a new face make an impact in 4 months? Although that may help for the anyone but Trump vote.
Just spend the next weeks running focus groups to see who is more palatable to Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania voters. The rest will vote blue by default, these are the 3 states where the result will be decided. Biden was in a shaky situation on the polls there, but with some strong debate performances (similar to 2020) he might still get it. Now it's hopeless.


5,269 posts

33 months

Friday 28th June
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DeejRC said:
CivicDuties said:
Amazing how all the Trump fans have suddenly burst forth from the skirting boards.
Go on then, who? Name them…

I can think of 1 maybe 1.5 names on her since the debate last night that might be Trump “fan”. So which posters are you considering these bursting forth Trump fans?
I'm sure you're as able to read people's posts, and read between the lines, as I am.


25,849 posts

196 months

Friday 28th June
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Catatafish said:
Well, he's mentally competent for one and can finish a sentence without tailing off to incoherent gibberish.
rofl Oh, he's soo competent. He thinks he's running against Obama half the time.


9,057 posts

165 months

Friday 28th June
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barryrs said:
In the UK we have a party that was very likely to loose an election

The mind boggles.
And that very day will pack up his belongings and peacefully leave.


1,337 posts

33 months

Friday 28th June
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paulguitar said:
As a person leading a large team, in the short term, yes. He seemed fine a couple of hours later, just unable to do that under the jetstream of lies and lunacy he was facing.
Aww bless....it was the bad man's lies and lunacy that made Biden freeze, gibber, forget what he was talking about and drift.

Must have been Trump that caused his outrageous actions at the D-day celebrations the other week, when he was on stage with Obama and many, many other instances that have been blamed as fake or manipulated clips.

Yourself and the other dozen or so that have clogged up this thread with the same echo chamber sentiments for weeks and months rounding on anybody who dared to appose the 'Biden is perfect' view with petty put downs have had a huge reality check.

For the posters who stated that Trump would duck this debate, do you feel that Trump shall duck the next one, or shall Biden duck the next one?


4,156 posts

203 months

Friday 28th June
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hidetheelephants said:
Catatafish said:
Well, he's mentally competent for one and can finish a sentence without tailing off to incoherent gibberish.
rofl Oh, he's soo competent. He thinks he's running against Obama half the time.
Don't forget the sharks and the electric boats.


4,429 posts

226 months

Friday 28th June
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Catatafish said:
Well, he's mentally competent for one and can finish a sentence without tailing off to incoherent gibberish.

No other leading politician has done as much as Trump to raise awareness around the dangers of electric boats and sharks.


Beaten too it.

Glad im not the only one aware of these good works.


2,626 posts

223 months

Friday 28th June
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Unreal said:
I think you're in denial. Your hatred of Trump seems so visceral that you cannot bear to admit that the debate was a disaster for Biden.
Yep! Both Biden/Trump threads on PH revolves around the derangement syndrome of a small group of hardcore leftists /democrats. Why on earth they feel they need to dominate and control the discussion on a UK motoring forum is beyond me confused

Edited by cqueen on Friday 28th June 13:30


16,763 posts

208 months

Friday 28th June
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paulguitar said:
Four Litre said:
Paulguitar - forget Trump and focus on the thread.
This is the trump thread!

Four Litre said:
Do you think Biden is suitable to carry on as the president of the USA, simple yes / no answer.
As a person leading a large team, in the short term, yes. He seemed fine a couple of hours later, just unable to do that under the jetstream of lies and lunacy he was facing.
This is how I see it. I believe Biden is more than capable of leading the country when he is operating in a normal office environment and assisted by a good team. That's what's important. He shouldn't be binned off just because he can't think straight when confronted by a gibbering loon like trump. I know for a fact that I would be the same in that situation and I bet that most normal people, if they were being honest, would be in the same boat.


10,394 posts

158 months

Friday 28th June
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Superflow said:
It could with voter fraud.

Naive to think all immigrants will play by the rules and wait for citizenship to arrive.
You know the voter fraud topic was debunked in the courts several times after the last election, and it was the GOP found guilty of using fake electors to win the race.


6,288 posts

58 months

Friday 28th June
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Very bad night for biden. An opportunity to dispel/lessen the "tired old man" optics.

And they fluffed it

But that was pretty much it. How it comes across to dems doesn't matter. How it comes across to reps won't matter.

It's the floating voters. And despite all the "old man joe" stuff, there wasn't anything last night that would encourage a floating voter either way. Could be a very low turnout election.

And despite any gop crowing, low turnout is bad for the gop- very bad.



6,423 posts

221 months

Friday 28th June
quotequote all
Superflow said:
It could with voter fraud.

Naive to think all immigrants will play by the rules and wait for citizenship to arrive.

Trump is a narcissist no doubt and has faults as we all do.I like his energy and sense of humour and would rather a drink with him than Biden who lacks charisma.

More importantly he has shown he will stand up for working Americans and be hard on immigration and take a hard line on China etc.

It is hard to criticise Biden as I don’t believe for a moment he is pulling the strings but clearly there are some dangerous people in the shadows.
Show us the evidence of immigrants voting for Democrats. We can show you plenty of examples of Republicans committing voter fraud, Byker has posted plenty throughout the years/volumes of this thread.

Also it's absolute bks that a) you'd elect someone based on whether they're funny and you'd have a drink with them (especially when he definitely wouldn't have one with you) and b) he stands up for working Americans, is hard on immigration and takes a hard line on China - he does none of those. He cares about himself and grifting money for himself and that's it.


24,375 posts

116 months

Friday 28th June
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Blackpuddin said:
paulguitar said:
Four Litre said:
Paulguitar - forget Trump and focus on the thread.
This is the trump thread!

Four Litre said:
Do you think Biden is suitable to carry on as the president of the USA, simple yes / no answer.
As a person leading a large team, in the short term, yes. He seemed fine a couple of hours later, just unable to do that under the jetstream of lies and lunacy he was facing.
This is how I see it. I believe Biden is more than capable of leading the country when he is operating in a normal office environment and assisted by a good team. That's what's important. He shouldn't be binned off just because he can't think straight when confronted by a gibbering loon like trump. I know for a fact that I would be the same in that situation and I bet that most normal people, if they were being honest, would be in the same boat.
Yes, I agree. Most people would completely lose their temper when confronted with such a never-ending series of lies. The thing is, trump is so experienced and confident in the lie routine, and has been doing it so long that, coupled with his personality disorders, it is probably effectively true to him.

Having said that, it would be great to see someone like Obama tear him up. Biden is unable to do that.


5,951 posts

85 months

Friday 28th June
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CivicDuties said:
DeejRC said:
CivicDuties said:
Amazing how all the Trump fans have suddenly burst forth from the skirting boards.
Go on then, who? Name them…

I can think of 1 maybe 1.5 names on her since the debate last night that might be Trump “fan”. So which posters are you considering these bursting forth Trump fans?
I'm sure you're as able to read people's posts, and read between the lines, as I am.
So, go on then - name them?
I’ve got Superflow down as the 1 and Wheelspinning down as .5. Who else is on your list as bursting forth since last night?