45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



6,199 posts

187 months

Friday 28th June
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PurplePenguin said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
dvs_dave said:
Biden’s performance was poor. Trump spouted a constant stream of bks.

No one will be changing their minds off the back of this.
There will be undecided voters watching this and now face the choice of choosing their favourite flavor of st sandwich.

It won’t be a choice of who they prefer. It’s choosing who they want less and then voting the other way (or staying at home).

If you think in this context, Biden may well do better with undecided voters.
Biden is old but at least he isn’t a liar etc..
Really? Biden’s performance is terrible

Edited by PurplePenguin on Friday 28th June 03:56
Indeed it was. No question.

He’s old, he stutters etc.

But if that’s the only thing bad about his performance tonight. The other guy did a lot worse.


2,919 posts

36 months

Friday 28th June
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hidetheelephants said:
Excellent lying performance by TFG; he lied fluently throughout. He aced his cognitive tests again, he must be taking them twice a week so he can remember it and cheated at golf twice too.

Edited by hidetheelephants on Friday 28th June 04:05
Do you think Biden is compos mentis?


25,849 posts

196 months

Friday 28th June
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2,919 posts

36 months

Friday 28th June
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InformationSuperHighway said:
PurplePenguin said:
InformationSuperHighway said:
dvs_dave said:
Biden’s performance was poor. Trump spouted a constant stream of bks.

No one will be changing their minds off the back of this.
There will be undecided voters watching this and now face the choice of choosing their favourite flavor of st sandwich.

It won’t be a choice of who they prefer. It’s choosing who they want less and then voting the other way (or staying at home).

If you think in this context, Biden may well do better with undecided voters.
Biden is old but at least he isn’t a liar etc..
Really? Biden’s performance is terrible

Edited by PurplePenguin on Friday 28th June 03:56
Indeed it was. No question.

He’s old, he stutters etc.

But if that’s the only thing bad about his performance tonight. The other guy did a lot worse.

I don’t think he did - despite your wish


2,919 posts

36 months

Friday 28th June
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hidetheelephants said:
Not sure if serious

Bonefish Blues

27,644 posts

226 months

Friday 28th June
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I think the optics were awful for Biden tonight. Trump won against the guy he was up against. Needs a warm handover and quickly, because polls will be brutal and I can't see how this is recoverable.

Mooch and Katty say it's possible it could be recovered. But not if the Biden campaign simply does more of the same, surely.

Edited by Bonefish Blues on Friday 28th June 04:28


8,811 posts

228 months

Friday 28th June
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It’s come down to a choice between someone who probably shouldn’t be president, and someone who absolutely must not be president (again).

Bonefish Blues

27,644 posts

226 months

Friday 28th June
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Exactly that frown


25,849 posts

196 months

Friday 28th June
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PurplePenguin said:
Not sure if serious
Clearly we disagree, let's keep it civil.


2,919 posts

36 months

Friday 28th June
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hidetheelephants said:
PurplePenguin said:
Not sure if serious
Clearly we disagree, let's keep it civil.
Happy to keep it civil


8,811 posts

228 months

Friday 28th June
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It’s an “oh no” vs a “hell no”.


12,431 posts

240 months

Friday 28th June
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hidetheelephants said:
Fortunately fluent off-the-cuff speechifying isn't a vital function of a president,
Unfortunately it is fairly important to being given the chance to be president.
hidetheelephants said:
I can't see swing voters being moved much by this, TFG delivered exactly what he delivers at his rallies, glib lies, and Biden was stuttery. No new data.
No doubt this will get me the same response I've been getting for the months I've been pointing this out, but putting an obviously ailing man up is not the best way to beat Trump and what we saw last night wasn't just a stutter no matter how much you wish it was.


25,849 posts

196 months

Friday 28th June
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Scrimpton said:
No doubt this will get me the same response I've been getting for the months I've been pointing this out, but putting an obviously ailing man up is not the best way to beat Trump and what we saw last night wasn't just a stutter no matter how much you wish it was.
No, it was a stutter with some kind of cold.

Bonefish Blues

27,644 posts

226 months

Friday 28th June
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hidetheelephants said:
Scrimpton said:
No doubt this will get me the same response I've been getting for the months I've been pointing this out, but putting an obviously ailing man up is not the best way to beat Trump and what we saw last night wasn't just a stutter no matter how much you wish it was.
No, it was a stutter with some kind of cold.
Mooch made the very correct observation that Biden's team should have briefed a cold and/or hoarseness out in advance.


10,968 posts

184 months

Friday 28th June
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Expect DJT stock will do well tomorrow.

It was Biden’s to lose. What a mistake it was inviting that debate to happen.


20,772 posts

194 months

Friday 28th June
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InformationSuperHighway said:
Indeed it was. No question.

He’s old, he stutters etc.

But if that’s the only thing bad about his performance tonight. The other guy did a lot worse.
Is that actually the case? Doesn't seem to be the general consensus from the articles I've read this morning.

BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crgedpw4r5eo

BBC said:
Before Thursday evening, many Americans had expressed concerns about Joe Biden’s age and fitness for office. To say that this debate did not put those concerns to rest may be one of the greatest understatements of the year.

The president came into the debate with a low bar to clear, and he stumbled. He was flat. He was rambling. He was unclear.


Mr Biden's own former communications director Kate Bedingfield was on CNN immediately after the debate, and she was clear: "There's no two ways about it, that was not a good debate for Joe Biden."

She said his biggest issue was to prove he had the energy and the stamina, and he didn't do that.


The former president largely offered a disciplined, nimble performance. He avoided the kind of interruptions and belligerence that undermined his first debate showing in 2020 and turned the discussion back to attacks on Mr Biden’s record whenever possible.

He repeatedly made assertions that weren't supported by facts as well as outright falsehoods, but Mr Biden largely was unable to corner him on them.
Telegraph: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/28/...

article said:
Joe Biden called for a summer debate to remind voters of Trump’s extremism. Instead he showcased his own senility. There’s no way to be polite. This wasn’t a debate, it was a medical emergency – the president resembling an animated corpse,
article said:
Tonight’s debate was the biggest disaster for Joe Biden since this race began.

White House aides have spent the last three weeks claiming that any stories about the US president’s age and mental capacity were manipulated “cheapfakes” or outright lies.

But those at home watching the two men on stage tonight were left with an unavoidable conclusion: Mr Biden struggled to hold his own, and Donald Trump wiped the floor with him.
Independent: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/...

article said:
Joe Biden’s stumbling performance in the first presidential debate left a large majority of viewers believing that Donald Trump came out on top, according to a flash CNN poll.

According to the news network’s poll on Thursday night, 67 percent of viewers felt that Trump put in a better performance than 33 percent for Biden.
USA Today: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/electi...

article said:
Experts USA TODAY spoke with said they saw sharp differences in the stamina of the two candidates on stage Thursday night, and argued Biden’s low-energy demeanor could hurt him for months to come.

In one of the most defining moments of the debate, Biden took a prolonged pause and froze while answering a question about the economy. After stuttering, the president continued, but began talking about COVID-19 and Medicare.

Even some of Biden's Democratic supporters felt that his freeze on stage and his somewhat wooden performance tipped the scales in Trump's favor.
New York times: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/us/politics/bid...

article said:
Who Won the Debate? Biden Stumbles Left Trump on Top
A halting debate performance by President Biden left Democratic strategists reeling, raising questions about his fitness to stay in the race.


3,315 posts

112 months

Friday 28th June
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Biden's odds went from 2.8 yesterday to 4.5 this morning, and Gavin Newsom from generally around 20+ all the way down to 7.5, so either there was some serious money flying around after the debate, or that was a seismic shift in the landscape.

I don't even think I want to watch any clips of it, it's too depressing reading about it.


4,117 posts

203 months

Friday 28th June
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Bonefish Blues said:
I think the optics were awful for Biden tonight. Trump won against the guy he was up against. Needs a warm handover and quickly, because polls will be brutal and I can't see how this is recoverable.

Mooch and Katty say it's possible it could be recovered. But not if the Biden campaign simply does more of the same, surely.

Edited by Bonefish Blues on Friday 28th June 04:28
All the need is to swap Biden out for a quick witted, intelligent 50 something and Trump would be buggered.

Biden just isn’t quick enough in a live debate situation.


25,849 posts

196 months

Friday 28th June
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ScotHill said:
Biden's odds went from 2.8 yesterday to 4.5 this morning, and Gavin Newsom from generally around 20+ all the way down to 7.5, so either there was some serious money flying around after the debate, or that was a seismic shift in the landscape.

I don't even think I want to watch any clips of it, it's too depressing reading about it.
For the TFG bits, just imagine any footage of his rally speeches where he didn't tail off and wind down like his batteries went flat; glibly delivered lies from start to finish. Biden was bad, there's no point in quibbling about that. Following on from what TFG was whining about at the end, the next debate ought to be preceded by a game of golf officiated by referees not paid by TFG to let him win, then one of these cognitive tests he keeps going on about. Being beaten by Biden at golf would probably induce a stroke there and then, as would having an accurate score card made public.


25,938 posts

170 months

Friday 28th June
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ScotHill said:
Biden's odds went from 2.8 yesterday to 4.5 this morning, and Gavin Newsom from generally around 20+ all the way down to 7.5, so either there was some serious money flying around after the debate, or that was a seismic shift in the landscape.

I don't even think I want to watch any clips of it, it's too depressing reading about it.
I saw the clips. He was REALLY bad.

Not sure anyone is still a floating voter these days, but how many just won’t bother coming out to vote for Biden. Some was excruciating.