45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



12,584 posts

98 months

Thursday 27th June
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CivicDuties said:
Why, when he says st like this, does nobody say to him: "name 3 of them"?
Because he won't let any unfriendly media near him.

Also he'll just shout "FAKE NOOZ" at them.

Long gone are the days when a politician could stand up to a one on one grilling with a hardened journalist and come out on top without either of them calling the other names.


6,288 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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He can't back out without looking like a tit.

He's salting the ground with the excuses. On the maga-radio station this morning, they admitted that all JB has to do to "win" the debate is cone across as competent. That's it.

Trump et al will all claim "drugs, uppers, etc"

Fox, Newsmax and the like will claim trump "dominated it"

The centrist/floating voter reaction is the only one that matters.


Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
He can't back out without looking like a tit.

He's salting the ground with the excuses. On the maga-radio station this morning, they admitted that all JB has to do to "win" the debate is cone across as competent. That's it.

Trump et al will all claim "drugs, uppers, etc"

Fox, Newsmax and the like will claim trump "dominated it"

The centrist/floating voter reaction is the only one that matters.

One concern for me was that his immediate statement responding to Trump's recent court case got a bit caught up in the emotion of it all. In my view it went further than it needed to and I know some others agree. I hope he keeps his own contribution to the debate as unemotional and factual as possible. He should just state some facts and watch Trump destroy himself.


12,584 posts

98 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
He can't back out without looking like a tit.

He's salting the ground with the excuses. On the maga-radio station this morning, they admitted that all JB has to do to "win" the debate is cone across as competent. That's it.

Trump et al will all claim "drugs, uppers, etc"

Fox, Newsmax and the like will claim trump "dominated it"

The centrist/floating voter reaction is the only one that matters.

That's the way you, I and most sensible people will see it... His faithful will see it as supreme strength and proof of is 14D chess intellect because the whole thing was rigged, sleepy Joe Biden was on Drugs and the CIA was helping him.

Ignoring the fact that it's Trump on drugs, needs help from a tamed host/moderator and can only "win" by talking over people and shouting.

You're right that it is the floating voter that matters and that's why I don't think Trump will win. A lot of Americans vote based on how the economy is doing and when you don't get your news exclusively from Fox/Newsmax/OANN things are doing fairly well. Not gangbusters but good enough to say "lets keep doing what we're doing".


4,284 posts

213 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
With all due respect, your mate is an idiot. Over a thousand prosecuted, couple of corpses and a noose.

One last try......

He (my BBBBBB mate) is NOT a MAGA tw4t - he was playing devil's advocate to try and make the point that IF YOU WANT TO BELIEVE, it is very easy to reinforce that viewpoint by hearing similar (echos) that argue as you do. Opinions then turn into facts, allowing them to be pretty much as certain as I am of the opposite.

The flaw is that (IMO) they are morons and 99.999999% of their arguments are very easy to disprove - note, not give an alternative opinion, but DISPROVE. The J6 records for example. That point about 'peaceful tourists' is valid if you use the many folk that were there without weapons and violence but as we all know, folk don't get incarcerated for wandering around taking snapshots of paintings with a tour guide.

MJP/BBBBBB was trying to make the point that THEY think they are right and just because I dont agree, doesnt necessarily mean (to them,) that they are wrong, whatever facts are thrown at them.

I will leave this now as I am not sure it is adding anything further.....


6,288 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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Slaav said:
MJP/BBBBBB was trying to make the point that THEY think they are right and just because I dont agree, doesnt necessarily mean (to them,) that they are wrong, whatever facts are thrown at them.
I fully understand that.
But reality bites.

For example, there's plenty of pedophiles that'll tell you that "it's true love......"

People with cognitive dissonance shouldn't expect to get a free pass, when it's something abhorrent.



62,210 posts

220 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
He can't back out without looking like a tit.

He's salting the ground with the excuses. On the maga-radio station this morning, they admitted that all JB has to do to "win" the debate is cone across as competent. That's it.

Trump et al will all claim "drugs, uppers, etc"

Fox, Newsmax and the like will claim trump "dominated it"

The centrist/floating voter reaction is the only one that matters.

My thought too. He can't back out he was the one challenging Biden for a debate, hence team trump/fox/newsmax doing their best to claim it's all unfair for trump.

He may surprise us all yet. Team trump seem to be panicking enough so maybe they've managed to get some sense into him, although he tends to ignore advice. It's 90 mins, can trump manage for that long? I think the moderators will help by muting his mic

Edited by Byker28i on Thursday 27th June 17:28


62,210 posts

220 months

Thursday 27th June
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The Scottish Green Party is still trying to have trump org golf courses in Aberdeen and Ayrshire investigated through an Unexplained Wealth Order

We now have indisputable and independent evidence in the public domain that Trump’s business dealings, including those in Scotland, were linked to fraud, Yet while Trump is finally being held to account by the legal system in the U.S., Scotland’s Civil Recovery Unit have provided the same comment that they provided in 2021, that they cannot ‘confirm or deny’ whether a civil recovery investigation has commenced.”



3,316 posts

112 months

Thursday 27th June
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Can Biden last for 90 minutes?

And in that debate/dummy picture on a previous page, why did Biden's lectern have an ice cream on it?

edit - and no audience tonight, interesting. Could see Biden being calm and coherent while Trump flails with no audience to bounce off. Wonder if he'll still wave at imaginary people when he walks on.

Edited by ScotHill on Thursday 27th June 17:38


12,486 posts

237 months

Thursday 27th June
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Mortarboard said:
Slaav said:
It did, unfortunately (here I go again,) mirror quite a lot of standard MAGA/GOP talking points

1) there were obviously some folk who got a little excited
2) the vast/overwhelming majority of the ‘hostages’ simply walked through wide open doors with no Police trying to stop them - how are they criminals and going to jail?
3) Trump did ask for peace and quiet, with peaceful protests
4) it does seem that Pelosi and Co didn’t do enough to avoid the issues and
5) there are way too many stories about ‘plants’ and ‘Feds’ amongst the crowd as agitators

Etc etc. when calmly argued and backed up with the old ‘are you sure? The other side are’ it can seem reasonable. He is far from MAGA mind and if allowed, would rather set fire to his head than vote for Trump!!
With all due respect, your mate is an idiot. Over a thousand prosecuted, couple of corpses and a noose.


Not sure about anyone else, but as a student back in the day in Manchester, I didnt agree with the cuts to the grants and was motivated to be involved with the protests. The local one in Manchester took about an hour as we marched up to the council house, made some noise and the f*cked off to the pub. Job done. Then the follow one was in London, which I didnt go on, but was organized by the NUS - though most people used it for the cheap bus tickets to go shopping.....


However, there was a follow on one which I decided to attend with a couple of friends. We turned up and it was bloody clear that there were agitators in the crowd. People tooled up, some with backpacks with rocks in them, masks etc. It was VERY clear what was going to happen. Seeing that this was far from a legal protest, we f*cked off to the pub. We had the awareness that there were a lot of other people in the crowd that wanted to make this something else and guess what, it was.

Moving to the storming of the capitol building - you mean to tell me all of these 'innocent' protesters failed to see people in body armor? With knives, helmets and so on? Failed to listen to what was being said and the rhetoric that was being used? Storm the capitol and stop the steal? Yeah, not buying that.

What about when they got to the Capitol building? The crashing of the crowds against the barriers? The police and law enforcement telling them to disperse? Then the raining of rocks on them etc? And yet, not one of these 'innocent' people realized that it might be a good idea to f*ck off and not be involved? Yeah, not buying it.

Group mentality they say. Innocent people just wrapped up in the events they say. Walked into the Capitol building they say. Nah, screw that and screw them not a chance. They may have been unhindered in their entry to the building, but would have walked across carnage to get there. They KNEW that attempting to storm a public building was a Federal offense, and if not something that carried a stretch, they knew it was wrong. And then, do we need to remind anyone about the devastation that they left in the building? Should we remind these 'innocent' people about the sh*t smeared on the walls? Or the theft of things from the building?

And yet, after all of this, it was just a peaceful protest where people walked into a building through a broken window and over bodies of others, they were just 'innocent' bystanders.

Yeah, who ever is saying this is a moron and needs to stop watching Fox News / Newsmax etc. They are liars.


1,710 posts

152 months

Thursday 27th June
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So what happens if Trump fails to turn up for the debate? Does he go onto Fox or Newsmax and hold his own, no doubt claiming he won since Biden didn’t turn up ( because he wasn’t invited or even told about it).

Randy Winkman

16,588 posts

192 months

Thursday 27th June
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ScotHill said:
Can Biden last for 90 minutes?

And in that debate/dummy picture on a previous page, why did Biden's lectern have an ice cream on it?

edit - and no audience tonight, interesting. Could see Biden being calm and coherent while Trump flails with no audience to bounce off. Wonder if he'll still wave at imaginary people when he walks on.

Edited by ScotHill on Thursday 27th June 17:38
Do we know what the 90 mins represents? The whole event with intros, padding and ad breaks perhaps?

And if Trump avoids having a meltdown has he actually got anything sensible to talk about?


62,210 posts

220 months

Thursday 27th June
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ScotHill said:
Can Biden last for 90 minutes?

And in that debate/dummy picture on a previous page, why did Biden's lectern have an ice cream on it?
Why not Biden lasting 90 mins, I have no concerns about either

Bidens very fit for his age, takes exercise, eats well, and has done this before
trump eats junk, takes golf carts, but likes the sound of his own voice at rallys so they do usually last 90mins..

As for the cartoon, Biden likes an ice cream, has often grabbed one plus it's an excuse to push a dummy on trump as a big baby...


10,968 posts

184 months

Thursday 27th June
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Trump stock sliding today. If he doesn’t turn up it will badly impact the campaign they’re running. Until today the stock had been on the up, presumably because people thought he would do well.


8,715 posts

220 months

Thursday 27th June
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Is there really doubt that Trump will turn up?

Can’t see it myself - he’ll be there.


6,288 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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Pincher said:
Is there really doubt that Trump will turn up?

Can’t see it myself - he’ll be there.
He'd have to. The grift needs it.

"See how they're treating me? Only your dollars can right this wrong!"

It like a TV evangelist, but instead of "send your money to save your soul", it's "send your money to save my ass!"



9,885 posts

211 months

Thursday 27th June
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It would be a shame if the lectern was not strong enough to hold a fat man leaning on it, 90 minutes is a long time for anyone to stand unsupported.


17,419 posts

258 months

Thursday 27th June
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Pincher said:
Is there really doubt that Trump will turn up?

Can’t see it myself - he’ll be there.
Of course he'll be there.


40,385 posts

199 months

Thursday 27th June
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gregs656 said:
Trump stock sliding today. If he doesn’t turn up it will badly impact the campaign they’re running. Until today the stock had been on the up, presumably because people thought he would do well.
Am I missing something? AIUI Trump didn't pay anything for that stock, so even if it's worth $0.000001c he's still quids in, isn't he?


6,288 posts

58 months

Thursday 27th June
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Countdown said:
gregs656 said:
Trump stock sliding today. If he doesn’t turn up it will badly impact the campaign they’re running. Until today the stock had been on the up, presumably because people thought he would do well.
Am I missing something? AIUI Trump didn't pay anything for that stock, so even if it's worth $0.000001c he's still quids in, isn't he?

If like so many of his other businesses, he does something fraudulent, it could cost him dearly!

But currently his ROI should be pretty stellar alright!
