45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Jack Smith 33 page response

Exhibit 1: Search warrant and affidavit

Exhibit 2: Interview report with person 81 describing how obsessive trump was about his boxes at the White House

Exhibit 3: Additional copies of 2021 spill of four boxes

Exhibit 4: Evidence photo showing boxes stacked in storage room at beginning of search

Exhibit 5: 230322 interview with Molly Michael describing how trump consolidated some of the boxes she and Walt Nauta brought trump in 2021

Exhibit 6: 220817 302 documenting search of magalardo

Exhibit 7: Interview transcript with Person 29 (trump org official) describing how they turned off the CCTV server, but then had it turned back on directly at magalardo during the search. Theyu watched the search live having been notified of when it would happen with trump out the building

Exhibit 8: Showing evidence picture of items 14 and 23, with classified docs pulled out

Exhibit 9: Photo log describing photos documenting search, including trump’s office

Exhibit 10: Evidence photo of item 2

Exhibit 11: 302 from June 20, 2024 phone call with filter agent FBI 13 regarding the search of the leatherbound box

Exhibit 12: Showing how item 2 — the blue leatherbound box in trump’s office closet with the most sensitive documents — was found next to coke bottles and a cult painting of him

Exhibit 13: Showing where classified documents were found

Exhibit 14: Documenting belated discovery of Top Secret document in box 57

Exhibit 15: Instructions for document handling for Special Master scan

Exhibit 16: Showing what random things were found in boxes 10, 19, and 28

Exhibit 17: 302 describing picking up additional classified documents from Molly Michael on August 9


2,851 posts

213 months

Tuesday 25th June
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PinkHouse said:
thatsprettyshady said:
LF5335 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Read the fact check fully, not just the parts that make you angry. There were plenty of people there just upset that a statue was being removed who didn’t identify as part of the extreme groups.

“ We looked into these claims, and found that while Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," meaning both the protesters and the counterprotesters, he also condemned neo-Nazis and white nationalists outright and said he was specifically referring to those who were there only to participate in the statue protest.”

Specific quote from Trump:

“ — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?”
I read it, I read it in context and I understand exactly what he was saying. This is the guy who advised the Proud Boys to stand back and stand by.

It’s a strange hill to die on. What exactly is it that makes you want to be so committed to this point?
Becuase it's absolutely hilarious that depending on who we are talking about, the rules seem to change.

Fact check website goes against Trump - very good, no questioning and trusted as fact checking source
Fact check website actually backs up Trump - not correct, missed the point, wrong

Biden brings down inflation - very good, fantastic economic record
Biden inflation goes up - president has nothing to do with inflation

Poll favours Biden - Biden winning, doing so well
Poll favours Trump - Can't trust polls, polls are unreliable

Trump speech using "inflammatory" language at rally - Terrible, dogwhistle, incititng violence
Democrat uses incendiary language in an area where violent crime rate is double the national average - You just don't like the fact she is a woman hehe

It's the hypocricy which is fascinating to me, and what keeps me coming back.
It's fascinating to me too, I think it's best to observe the doublethink on this thread from afar and watch as things get progressively more ridiculous
You're just trolling now


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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The doublethink is how much they twist and turn to try to excuse the most impeached, indicted, convicted felon, conman, multiple bankrupt, serial sexual assaulter, rapist, insurrectionist etc as their candidate for president.


12,484 posts

237 months

Tuesday 25th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
LF5335 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Snopes finally fact checks “very fine people” lies.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-...
“Very fine people on both sides” so those actively supporting the white supremacists and Neo-Nazis who organised the Unite the Right rally are “very fine people”. Seems tenuous to me.

Interesting that you’ve jumped on this quickly. What is again that makes you a Trump supporter?
Read the fact check fully, not just the parts that make you angry. There were plenty of people there just upset that a statue was being removed who didn’t identify as part of the extreme groups.

“ We looked into these claims, and found that while Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," meaning both the protesters and the counterprotesters, he also condemned neo-Nazis and white nationalists outright and said he was specifically referring to those who were there only to participate in the statue protest.”

Specific quote from Trump:

“ — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?”
Yeah, thats a very interesting hill to take a position on. Yes, he did say that, but only after being pushed and prompted and context is everything, as the statements were not made close to each other - there was a considerable amount of separation between them. Though I will admit that they were made at the same interview.

Nah, it was pretty clear what Trump was saying and while there was a placating statement added at the end, it doesnt get away from the meaning of the rest of the answers. Oh, and it was 48 hours between what happened to his 'statement' on it - and again, its context that matters. If you read up on what happened, he didnt want to do anything because he didnt want to 'lose supporters'. It was only after his advisors pushed and pushed did he make any comment on the matter, and even then, it didnt have the same meaning that they were pushing for.

So yeah, context is key and cutting out a few important details can make the meaning change. But add the full context and you see what the meaning was.


1,100 posts

60 months

Tuesday 25th June
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dukeboy749r said:
You're just trolling now
The classic "everything I don't like must be trolling" response. I've heard that word so much on this thread, it's akin to an echo and I wonder why that may be....


12,484 posts

237 months

Tuesday 25th June
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PinkHouse said:
dukeboy749r said:
You're just trolling now
The classic "everything I don't like must be trolling" response. I've heard that word so much on this thread, it's akin to an echo and I wonder why that may be....
It can be an overused word, but in some cases it can be fully deserved. I am not saying that it is deserved in this case.

There is a distortion of truth from both sides, but the problem is when a number of aspects (such as what Byker just mentioned) are completely skipped over, then it can be a problem.


12,561 posts

98 months

Tuesday 25th June
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off_again said:
It can be an overused word, but in some cases it can be fully deserved. I am not saying that it is deserved in this case.

There is a distortion of truth from both sides, but the problem is when a number of aspects (such as what Byker just mentioned) are completely skipped over, then it can be a problem.
No, the distortion only comes from one side. The side trying to white wash insurrection, stolen documents, business fraud and a lot else. They're trying to make it look like "both sides" are criminal when one clearly is and the other clearly isn't.

He is just trolling now.

And you are two, if you're seriously trying the "both sides" argument again.


12,561 posts

98 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Byker28i said:
The doublethink is how much they twist and turn to try to excuse the most impeached, indicted, convicted felon, conman, multiple bankrupt, serial sexual assaulter, rapist, insurrectionist etc as their candidate for president.

It is the curse of terminal thickness that their best argument is whataboutism. They're unable to think of an original attack based in fact so they're just trying to muddy the waters by claiming the other side is doing just what their chosen side is. They desperately need the other side to be as bad to justify supporting Trump and they're too emotionally invested in Trump to let it go now.

The problem is, the other side isn't a multiple times bankrupt, serial sexual assaulter, multiple times impeached, convicted fraudster, conman and insurrectionist... So their argument tends to lack credibility.


8,804 posts

228 months

Tuesday 25th June
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PinkHouse said:
It's fascinating to me too, I think it's best to observe the doublethink on this thread from afar and watch as things get progressively more ridiculous
All facts and evidence demonstrate trump is an unconscionable scumbag of the highest order and should never ever be let near the WH again.

All facts and evidence demonstrate trump is the guy for me and who I want as POTUS, again.

Double think….seriously??? More like double derangement! laugh


7,812 posts

199 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Byker28i said:
16 Nobel Prize-winning economists are warning that a trump second-term would create an "inflation bomb" that would rock the global economy.

That a combination of more tax cuts for corporations, a labor shortage caused by the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and looser monetary policy in the form of lower interest rates would cause prices to skyrocket yet again just as inflation has started to stabilize in the three percent range.

"We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy,"

This after trump ran up a record amount of debt in just four years of his term.
A couple of days ago we all agreed that Biden did not impact inflation especially international inflation because only dumb people would think that.. Now, we have a post saying Trump is going to impact inflation. You can't have it both ways.

This is just one of many posts that have created the overall tone in this thread that goes beyond being anti Trump. Many observers have pointed this out but have been shot down as Trump supporters.

Being critical of the thread content has now turned into being a Trump supporter. As ever, and due to the thread culture, not a Trump supporter and would vote Biden if that was the choice. However, I would prefer a better selection to choose from.


12,484 posts

237 months

Tuesday 25th June
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captain_cynic said:
No, the distortion only comes from one side. The side trying to white wash insurrection, stolen documents, business fraud and a lot else. They're trying to make it look like "both sides" are criminal when one clearly is and the other clearly isn't.

He is just trolling now.

And you are two, if you're seriously trying the "both sides" argument again.
Oh no, do not get me wrong - I am not suggesting that the 'both sides' argument is anything other than an utter disgrace. I am merely saying that some people can spin a message, but if you do, you need to consider the context. Skipping over things like an attempt to undermine the electoral process, an insurrection, constant lies about business dealings, guilty verdicts on multiple charges etc.


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Did we all agree, there were two people claiming different things... 'many people' gambit?

As for other candidates, we've all said that we'd like others, but whilst trump, who to add to his other achievements is on a very small list if those not getting a second term, then Biden has done a good job and again is the candidate to beat trump.

4 years time will be interesting. GOP might have rebuilt by then because trump is happily destroying the party


17,400 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th June
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h0b0 said:
Byker28i said:
16 Nobel Prize-winning economists are warning that a trump second-term would create an "inflation bomb" that would rock the global economy.

That a combination of more tax cuts for corporations, a labor shortage caused by the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and looser monetary policy in the form of lower interest rates would cause prices to skyrocket yet again just as inflation has started to stabilize in the three percent range.

"We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy,"

This after trump ran up a record amount of debt in just four years of his term.
A couple of days ago we all agreed that Biden did not impact inflation especially international inflation because only dumb people would think that.. Now, we have a post saying Trump is going to impact inflation. You can't have it both ways.

This is just one of many posts that have created the overall tone in this thread that goes beyond being anti Trump. Many observers have pointed this out but have been shot down as Trump supporters.

Being critical of the thread content has now turned into being a Trump supporter. As ever, and due to the thread culture, not a Trump supporter and would vote Biden if that was the choice. However, I would prefer a better selection to choose from.
You even had the great political commentator Lady Gaga posted in this thread earlier today. What more do you want?!


1,957 posts

181 months

Tuesday 25th June
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h0b0 said:
Byker28i said:
16 Nobel Prize-winning economists are warning that a trump second-term would create an "inflation bomb" that would rock the global economy.

That a combination of more tax cuts for corporations, a labor shortage caused by the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and looser monetary policy in the form of lower interest rates would cause prices to skyrocket yet again just as inflation has started to stabilize in the three percent range.

"We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy,"

This after trump ran up a record amount of debt in just four years of his term.
A couple of days ago we all agreed that Biden did not impact inflation especially international inflation because only dumb people would think that.. Now, we have a post saying Trump is going to impact inflation. You can't have it both ways.
I was one of those suggesting that the global inflation resulting from the invasion of Ukraine shouldn't be 'blamed' on Biden as it shouldn't - if Putin hadn't invaded then none of us would have endured the resulting increases in prices that have happened.

What the economists are writing about is a Trump-specific policy to impose import duties, as well as the policies mentioned, which would have a direct impact on prices in the USA so yes, it can work both ways.

Similarly, Liz Truss was responsible for the economic chaos that followed her disastrous budget, but the global impact following the Ukraine invasion can't be pinned on Johnson, Truss or Sunak who have just had to deal with the consequences.


17,400 posts

258 months

Tuesday 25th June
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CambsBill said:
h0b0 said:
Byker28i said:
16 Nobel Prize-winning economists are warning that a trump second-term would create an "inflation bomb" that would rock the global economy.

That a combination of more tax cuts for corporations, a labor shortage caused by the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and looser monetary policy in the form of lower interest rates would cause prices to skyrocket yet again just as inflation has started to stabilize in the three percent range.

"We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy,"

This after trump ran up a record amount of debt in just four years of his term.
A couple of days ago we all agreed that Biden did not impact inflation especially international inflation because only dumb people would think that.. Now, we have a post saying Trump is going to impact inflation. You can't have it both ways.
I was one of those suggesting that the global inflation resulting from the invasion of Ukraine shouldn't be 'blamed' on Biden as it shouldn't - if Putin hadn't invaded then none of us would have endured the resulting increases in prices that have happened.

What the economists are writing about is a Trump-specific policy to impose import duties, as well as the policies mentioned, which would have a direct impact on prices in the USA so yes, it can work both ways.

Similarly, Liz Truss was responsible for the economic chaos that followed her disastrous budget, but the global impact following the Ukraine invasion can't be pinned on Johnson, Truss or Sunak who have just had to deal with the consequences.
Not entirely accurate.

There were a few different options and arming Ukraine to the teeth and entering into a proxy war with Russia was one of those options.


22,384 posts

204 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Byker28i said:
dvs_dave said:
thatsprettyshady said:
It's the hypocricy which is fascinating to me, and what keeps me coming back.
“Grab them by the pussy…”
“Stand back, stand by…”
“I don’t even know this woman…”
“I was able to kill Roe v Wade…”
“I declassified these documents myself…”
“Biden crime family…”
“The President should have absolute immunity…”
“do whatever the hell they [the Russians] want…”

No hypocrisy, danger to democracy, world peace, or women’s rights here. No sireee! A good god fearing honorable patriot.

He’s your guy. What a guy!

Have you no shame?
Well the GOP hypocrisy in just the last few years... just a few examples

Gym Jordons weaponisation committee hearing yet refusing to listen to any of the example of trump doing just that.
Agreeing a bipartisan border policy then killing it because trump wanted to make the border an election issue
Attending trump trial in trump uniform to break the gag order for trump, using bullet points trump was giving them
Defence of George Santos because they needed his vote
Claiming credit for Bidens infrastructure projects in their districts, when they all voted against it
Shall we mention blocking investigations and rushing through supreme court nominations
Election fraud, almost all committed by Republicans, much of it with trumps full blessing and knowledge/encouragement

etc etc theres so many examples
I’m a bit suspicious of the intent behind them given the lack of clear criticism of some of Trump’s very sketchy issues, but they are speaking about posters on here, not Biden or Trump. And for sure there is a truth behind the point. A lot of the stuff about Biden is explained away, and everything that might be bad is thrown at Trump. I can also understand why this is done given just how much of a nasty crook Trump is. But stuff like the way the polls are used and similar is a thing - we had many posts about how they are not trustworthy, then suddenly when they show a Biden lead they are used. That’s what some have pointed out, and is very different from saying the GOP and Trump are not hypocrites.

In my opinion this stuff is a bit dangerous because rather than blaming Biden for his mistakes and similar it looks like it is bias and only for one side and so all the very correct major issues don’t stand out as much. Hit him on the major stuff, but also be open that the other person has made mistakes, that either you never trust the polls or do trust them, and so on. Mixing and matching makes it easy to ignore your message as it looks like it’s just a massive bias and so not worth listening too. I think it’s part of the reason quite a few people have gone to Trump, they have been told the real negative stuff in their life is not real. It means they stop listening to sensible stuff and go down dangerous rabbit holes.


14,569 posts

251 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Byker28i said:
16 Nobel Prize-winning economists are warning that a trump second-term would create an "inflation bomb" that would rock the global economy
No way! I thought Trump was good at economy stuff?!

PinkHouse said:
It's fascinating to me too, I think it's best to observe the doublethink on this thread from afar and watch as things get progressively more ridiculous
Derp herp derp derp


14,569 posts

251 months

Tuesday 25th June
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NRS said:
In my opinion this stuff is a bit dangerous because rather than blaming Biden for his mistakes and similar it looks like it is bias and only for one side and so all the very correct major issues don’t stand out as much.
It's not about blaming Biden, or not. It's about a binary choice between an absolute mentalist who wants to install himself as a monarch, and a broadly centrist but flawed politician.

And lets not ignore the fact that the type of presidency that Trump wants is EXACLTY what caused the revolutionary war.

Edited by dobbo_ on Wednesday 26th June 00:01


62,114 posts

220 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Boebarts won her Colorado primary, going to her party in a maga hat and trump gold sneakers

whilst George Latimer has won in a NY primary beating Rep. Jamaal Bowman after pro Israel groups spent $15m to unseat him after his comments attacking Israels actions

Dave Williams, the chair of Colorado’s Republican Party, which sent out an email earlier this month calling for Pride flags to be burned, and claimed they were godless groomers, has lost his primary

Edited by Byker28i on Wednesday 26th June 06:50


62,114 posts

220 months

Wednesday 26th June
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Cannon didn't make a ruling yesterday on trumps attempt to have the damning evidence from his lawyer thrown out, but she appears to be suggesting she'll dismiss trumps claim.


Edited by Byker28i on Wednesday 26th June 06:36