45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



14,569 posts

251 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Byker28i said:
thatsprettyshady said:
It's the hypocricy which is fascinating to me, and what keeps me coming back.
Shady whataboutism again, trying desperately the 'both sides the same', whilst his head is deep in the sand
Also massive massive leaps to draw conclusions that support this fake centrist position.

"It's absolutely hilarious" is a way of claiming some sort of intellectual superiority.

Paraphrasing but the jist "you all say Biden can do no wrong and Trump is always wrong."

Nobody says that.

Total disregard of nuance and understanding of context is required to take that position.

Hard to conclude anything except the obvious. Cue the barrage of posts saying "this is the anti-Trump thread and this is a pile on by the usual suspects and you can't contribute because nobody lets you"

Edited by dobbo_ on Tuesday 25th June 10:22


50,264 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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His thumb is at half mast.


12,561 posts

98 months

Tuesday 25th June
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dobbo_ said:
Also massive massive leaps to draw conclusions that support this fake centrist position.

Paraphrasing but the jist "you all say Biden can do no wrong and Trump is always wrong.

Nobody says that.

Total disregard of nuance and understanding of context is required to take that position.
That is the way the "not" Trump supporters think. Biden is always wrong and Trump is never wrong... They hold these views beyond questionn.and assume everyone who disagreed with them holds and equal and opposite extreme view.

A world of nuance and context is inconceivable to them.

Projection is something extremists love, by pretending that everyone else is doing what they they are, they're trying to normalise extreme behaviour... I.E. Ronny Jackson claiming Biden is on drugs when Trumps Adderall habit is well known or Putin claiming Ukrainians are the Nazis.

Al Gorithum

3,841 posts

211 months

Tuesday 25th June
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DickyC said:

His thumb is at half mast.
That's a secret signal to the loonies donchaknow....


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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16 Nobel Prize-winning economists are warning that a trump second-term would create an "inflation bomb" that would rock the global economy.

That a combination of more tax cuts for corporations, a labor shortage caused by the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and looser monetary policy in the form of lower interest rates would cause prices to skyrocket yet again just as inflation has started to stabilize in the three percent range.

"We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy,"

This after trump ran up a record amount of debt in just four years of his term.


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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The Revolving Door Project on Monday released a set of reports on corruption and mismanagement in executive agencies during the trump presidency, showing tump's executive branch was rife with cronyism and corporate influence from 2017 until 2021.

"trump's most important legacy as president wasn't what he said, or even what bills he signed, but how he turned the federal government into a favor machine to benefit his family and cronies,"


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Judge Cannon now having a hearing on discounting trump lawyer Corcorans detailed notes about trump's behavior and statements, notes that prosecutors are using as key evidence to demonstrate that trump attempted to obstruct justice by hiding documents from investigators.

Comments such as trump didn't want people knowing he had kept boxes after claiming they'd all been returned, the notes that show trump admitting he committed a crime then asks his lawyer to help him commit more. trump tried to talk his lawyers into joining into a conspiracy to hide\destroy classified documents


Not only that but trump lawyer Evan Corcoran's private notes contain even more incriminating information than has been previously revealed.

Corcoran said in recorded notes that trump "privately expressed concerns that turning over potentially classified documents in his possession after a May 2022 subpoena could result in criminal charges."

trump knew he faced criminal prosecution for stealing the classified documents and shows his intention for hiding them and trying to destroy the evidence. Corcoran said that trump "raised a question as to, if we gave them additional documents now, would they, would they, the Department of Justice, come back and say well, why did you withhold them and try to use that as a basis for criminal liability or to make him look bad in the press."

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 25th June 12:54


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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In the exhibits in the latest Jack Smith filing of things trump had stored in with the stolen secret documents, is the article about Val Broeksmit, the whistleblower who used his dead stepfather’s passwords to reveal Deutsche bank’s dealings with Russia & trump.

He died mysteriously two years ago, just a couple of months before magalardo search

This is the filing against trump claiming the case against him should be dismissed because the boxes of docs weren't in the same order he's left them in... (yup go figure that one with his denials)

Jack Smith’s office asked for permission to exceed the page limit in their response, which Judge Cannon granted, so late last night the government filed their 33-page response.

"Defendant trump does not offer the Court a single case at any level, at any time, from anywhere in the country, in which the disruption of the precise order of documents gathered in the execution of a search warrant provided support for a spoliation claim."

"trump personally chose to keep documents containing some of the nation’s most highly guarded secrets in cardboard boxes along with a collection of other personally chosen keepsakes of various sizes and shapes from his presidency"

...pointing out they were stolen to his personal residence and social club, where the boxes traveled from one readily accessible location to another—a public ballroom, an office space, a bathroom, and a basement storage room. Stacked in the storage room they'd already fallen and splayed their contents on the floor.

They have a complete list of times trump and his staff moved the boxes around over the two years...

"The advance planning of these steps, their execution in fact, and the litany of additional protocols and precautions that were taken in connection with this search—labeling each and every box in the storage room prior to the search in order to be able to identify from which box each seized item came; employing later, offsite, careful review of potentially privileged materials before releasing any to the Case Team; preserving box-to-box integrity; and taking photographs of the searched areas both pre-search and post-search—are all utterly inconsistent with bad faith. In short, this search was conducted lawfully, professionally, efficiently, and respectfully. trump proffers no evidence of bad faith, because there was none. For the foregoing reasons, trump’s motion should be denied without a hearing"

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 25th June 13:11


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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One thing Jack Smith's response to trump's spoilation argument did is trace how docs were found. For example, the doc that Nauta found spilled out of a doc in December 2021 was discovered in the storage closet in box A-35 on August 8, 2022.

Not only that but trump was trying to argue that the agents had to seize all non-classified documents in proximity to the classified ones and maintain their order. But in his Special Master filings, he argued the non-classified stuff could not be lawfully seized... thereby breaking his claim the order was important...


1,100 posts

60 months

Tuesday 25th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
LF5335 said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Read the fact check fully, not just the parts that make you angry. There were plenty of people there just upset that a statue was being removed who didn’t identify as part of the extreme groups.

“ We looked into these claims, and found that while Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides," meaning both the protesters and the counterprotesters, he also condemned neo-Nazis and white nationalists outright and said he was specifically referring to those who were there only to participate in the statue protest.”

Specific quote from Trump:

“ — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?”
I read it, I read it in context and I understand exactly what he was saying. This is the guy who advised the Proud Boys to stand back and stand by.

It’s a strange hill to die on. What exactly is it that makes you want to be so committed to this point?
Becuase it's absolutely hilarious that depending on who we are talking about, the rules seem to change.

Fact check website goes against Trump - very good, no questioning and trusted as fact checking source
Fact check website actually backs up Trump - not correct, missed the point, wrong

Biden brings down inflation - very good, fantastic economic record
Biden inflation goes up - president has nothing to do with inflation

Poll favours Biden - Biden winning, doing so well
Poll favours Trump - Can't trust polls, polls are unreliable

Trump speech using "inflammatory" language at rally - Terrible, dogwhistle, incititng violence
Democrat uses incendiary language in an area where violent crime rate is double the national average - You just don't like the fact she is a woman hehe

It's the hypocricy which is fascinating to me, and what keeps me coming back.
It's fascinating to me too, I think it's best to observe the doublethink on this thread from afar and watch as things get progressively more ridiculous


8,804 posts

228 months

Tuesday 25th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
It's the hypocricy which is fascinating to me, and what keeps me coming back.
“Grab them by the pussy…”
“Stand back, stand by…”
“I don’t even know this woman…”
“I was able to kill Roe v Wade…”
“I declassified these documents myself…”
“Biden crime family…”
“The President should have absolute immunity…”
“do whatever the hell they [the Russians] want…”

No hypocrisy, danger to democracy, world peace, or women’s rights here. No sireee! A good god fearing honorable patriot.

He’s your guy. What a guy!

Have you no shame?


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Then there's the selling US policy for personal profit.

trump told oil execs he's kill environmental policies if they gave him $1bn

Crypto, tiktok, israel west bank policy, many examples now

Continuing from his first term

trump took the side of the Saudis and their friends in the United Arab Emirates against the government of Qatar, home to America’s most important military base in the Middle East, after the Qataris declined to extend a risky $800 million loan to Kushner. In fact the Saudi blockade of Qatr was dropped after they bailed out Kusners failing 666 fifth avenue business.

trump took millions from foreign govts during his first term

including a chinese bank account from 2015-2020, that the china govt were paying into, took money for rent in trump tower from the Chinese govt, that stopped when trump left the WH.

Upto $160m according to CREW


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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dvs_dave said:
thatsprettyshady said:
It's the hypocricy which is fascinating to me, and what keeps me coming back.
“Grab them by the pussy…”
“Stand back, stand by…”
“I don’t even know this woman…”
“I was able to kill Roe v Wade…”
“I declassified these documents myself…”
“Biden crime family…”
“The President should have absolute immunity…”
“do whatever the hell they [the Russians] want…”

No hypocrisy, danger to democracy, world peace, or women’s rights here. No sireee! A good god fearing honorable patriot.

He’s your guy. What a guy!

Have you no shame?
Orange blinkers.

Pink says he has family in Texas, yet as posted earlier
Byker28i said:
SB8, the Republican-backed Texas law that banned abortions in early pregnancy, is associated with a stark increase in infant and newborn deaths, a study published in JAMA Pediatrics found.

Infant deaths in Texas rose by nearly 13% the year after SB8 was passed.
Who have their own power grid that can't cope with demand, whilst their representative runs off to Cancun when the weather gets too bad...


24,328 posts

116 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Catatafish said:
Voldemort said:
PinkHouse said:
Since you are such a stickler for detail:
How much in USD did Trump sell highly classified national security info for?
What specific info was sold?
Where was the auction held and via what channels? Who made the eventual purchase?
I don't know.
Why do you think he had dozens of boxes of classified materials removed from the White House?
The same reason Biden had them lying around his property I suppose.
I'm curious, Catatafish, do you really see the trump and Biden documents situations as similar?


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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paulguitar said:
Catatafish said:
Voldemort said:
PinkHouse said:
Since you are such a stickler for detail:
How much in USD did Trump sell highly classified national security info for?
What specific info was sold?
Where was the auction held and via what channels? Who made the eventual purchase?
I don't know.
Why do you think he had dozens of boxes of classified materials removed from the White House?
The same reason Biden had them lying around his property I suppose.
I'm curious, Catatafish, do you really see the trump and Biden documents situations as similar?
Biden had less than a dozen, docs that had been gathered up and put in boxes when Biden left the Wh and not touched since.
Biden invited agents in to search for them straight away, didn't hide them, lie about them, reuse to give them back for 18 months, hadn't been sorting through them, didn't have an aide digitising them....

Same with Pence.

The stupid thing is, trump had many opportunities to give them all back and then he wouldn't be facing charges.


24,328 posts

116 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Byker28i said:
paulguitar said:
Catatafish said:
Voldemort said:
PinkHouse said:
Since you are such a stickler for detail:
How much in USD did Trump sell highly classified national security info for?
What specific info was sold?
Where was the auction held and via what channels? Who made the eventual purchase?
I don't know.
Why do you think he had dozens of boxes of classified materials removed from the White House?
The same reason Biden had them lying around his property I suppose.
I'm curious, Catatafish, do you really see the trump and Biden documents situations as similar?
Biden had less than a dozen, docs that had been gathered up and put in boxes when Biden left the Wh and not touched since.
Biden invited agents in to search for them straight away, didn't hide them, lie about them, reuse to give them back for 18 months, hadn't been sorting through them, didn't have an aide digitising them....

Same with Pence.

The stupid thing is, trump had many opportunities to give them all back and then he wouldn't be facing charges.
That's why I am asking Catatafish. I'm curious whether it's (genuine) ignorance or something else.


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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dvs_dave said:
thatsprettyshady said:
It's the hypocricy which is fascinating to me, and what keeps me coming back.
“Grab them by the pussy…”
“Stand back, stand by…”
“I don’t even know this woman…”
“I was able to kill Roe v Wade…”
“I declassified these documents myself…”
“Biden crime family…”
“The President should have absolute immunity…”
“do whatever the hell they [the Russians] want…”

No hypocrisy, danger to democracy, world peace, or women’s rights here. No sireee! A good god fearing honorable patriot.

He’s your guy. What a guy!

Have you no shame?
Well the GOP hypocrisy in just the last few years... just a few examples

Gym Jordons weaponisation committee hearing yet refusing to listen to any of the example of trump doing just that.
Agreeing a bipartisan border policy then killing it because trump wanted to make the border an election issue
Attending trump trial in trump uniform to break the gag order for trump, using bullet points trump was giving them
Defence of George Santos because they needed his vote
Claiming credit for Bidens infrastructure projects in their districts, when they all voted against it
Shall we mention blocking investigations and rushing through supreme court nominations
Election fraud, almost all committed by Republicans, much of it with trumps full blessing and knowledge/encouragement

etc etc theres so many examples


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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paulguitar said:
Byker28i said:
paulguitar said:
Catatafish said:
Voldemort said:
PinkHouse said:
Since you are such a stickler for detail:
How much in USD did Trump sell highly classified national security info for?
What specific info was sold?
Where was the auction held and via what channels? Who made the eventual purchase?
I don't know.
Why do you think he had dozens of boxes of classified materials removed from the White House?
The same reason Biden had them lying around his property I suppose.
I'm curious, Catatafish, do you really see the trump and Biden documents situations as similar?
Biden had less than a dozen, docs that had been gathered up and put in boxes when Biden left the Wh and not touched since.
Biden invited agents in to search for them straight away, didn't hide them, lie about them, reuse to give them back for 18 months, hadn't been sorting through them, didn't have an aide digitising them....

Same with Pence.

The stupid thing is, trump had many opportunities to give them all back and then he wouldn't be facing charges.
That's why I am asking Catatafish. I'm curious whether it's (genuine) ignorance or something else.
Also I guess for Catatafish whats his though now with the new evidence coming out in filings about what trump knew, how Corcoran covered himself with contemporaneous notes written at the time documenting everything

Emmanuel Macron Secret document found in trumps desk drawer, along with the unexplained grant of executive clemency to Roger Stone, which many suggest was because STone was involved in the 2017 MacronLeaks that attempted to help Le Pen in her election against Macron

He also had the the love letters from Kim Jon Un to Trump

125 boxes of stuff!

Not including the detailed list of the stuff trumps lawyers did return, that trump tried to get them to say that was all he had.

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 25th June 15:10


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I make no secret of my admiration of Ted Lieu

Here he is questioning Hur
Rep. Lieu asks Hur if he found evidence of Biden mishandling classified docs or engaging in criminality in the ways trump did


62,114 posts

220 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Remember this is the man who deliberately turned up late for the debate in 2020, so they didn't have time to give him a covid test - which had been agreed beforehand.

We know now that trump had tested positive before, then the claim he tested negative, yet a few days after the debate trump was positive for Covid that nearly killed him, and gave it to Chris Christie who helped trump prepare

Mark Meadows knew and hushed it up.