45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



6,212 posts

187 months

Monday 24th June
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LF5335 said:
CharlesdeGaulle said:
Despite thinking that someone living in London/West Sussex, as our pink friend appears to, having a favourable view of Trump is pretty bizarre, I do commend him for sticking around and arguing his case.
I’m not sure he is arguing his case though. He’s avoiding answering any question directly and just coming out with vague responses, such as “I admire some of his personality traits”, but when pressed to explain, he wafts it away with a “what’s the point?” style reply. The comment around the war and international relations as a whole is ridiculously poor. He somehow is arguing that Trump,will play world peacemaker. This is the guy who encouraged Russia to attack US allies, who wants to hand over Ukraine to Russian, the guy who sells highly classified US national security info to the highest bidder.

He can’t be taken seriously and is just another bot, or “Own the libtards” right wing hardman.
My read as well. Also statements are rarely backed up with actual facts / links.

Troll being a troll.


14,593 posts

251 months

Monday 24th June
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Thing is, you can explain it to someone, but you can't understand it for them.

As I said the other day:

A majority of Americans believe they are in a recession, when in fact economic growth is strong.

They also believe crime is rising, when in fact it is falling.

They believe Biden is senile, and Trump is a great orator.

Three reasons.

The media. I won't repeat myself again on that.
Some people are fking morons.
The Dems messaging is horrifically bad.

Would better messaging reach the morons? I'll bet that it wouldn't. I'll paint my house pink if I lose.

Honestly coming in and going "the economy was better under trump" and then expecting to be taken seriously. Unreal. See second reason above.


22,424 posts

204 months

Monday 24th June
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CambsBill said:
Fiscally? He increased the US national debt by 8 TRILLION Dollars, having promised before the 2016 election that he'd reduce the debt. That's a 40% increase in the gross national debt in a single term. Can the USA afford for him to be president again?

Biden’s also on course to beat that despite the Covid spending. It’s part of Bidenonomics, use government money to onshore jobs, improve infrastructure and hope the growth pays back the investment. It’s not clear it will so far.

Strangely Brown said:
PinkHouse said:
cayman-black said:
Pink this is the anti Trump thread so dont waste your time here.
Unfortunately seems to be that way. As soon as I post the indisputable facts that Trump is ahead in recent election and battleground polls...
But it's not indisputable. The very fact that your claim has been rebutted and an explanation given proves that. Do you have anything else to support your claim or are you relying only on a single source? You can get all huffy and flounce off if you wish but argument by assertion is not going to produce a worthwhile discussion.
It’s stuff like arguing the polls are biased just to get clicks on stories by the media, then suddenly when Biden is ahead it’s evidence of Biden’s victory. It’s stuff like this that is the issue here. It’s just an echo chamber, and that comes from someone who detests Trump.

CambsBill said:
Two minutes of searching shows that to be untrue though - the S&P 500 is showing a higher gain under Biden than under Trump, & the Dow Jones is pretty much even Stevens. Both lag noticeably behind Obama.



As others have already pointed out, Presidents have relatively little influence over inflation (or is Biden to blame for the inflation in UK, EU & everywhere else it rose in parallel?).
Context again matters though, Europe and the UK have suffered a lot of extra inflation because of the US though. Most stuff is priced in $, and so a strong USD makes it more expensive for others. The US was able to lift interest rates quickly and (relatively) high so fast as so many mortgages are long term ones so it didn’t hit their own people as hard. In Europe we tend to have more short term ones, so struggled to lift our rates as much, meaning our currencies got weaker against the $ and so we had higher inflation to buy goods. The reaction to Covid probably created a lot of issues too. There doesn’t seem much agreement as to how much is Biden’s stuff versus others.


14,593 posts

251 months

Monday 24th June
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NRS said:
CambsBill said:
Fiscally? He increased the US national debt by 8 TRILLION Dollars, having promised before the 2016 election that he'd reduce the debt. That's a 40% increase in the gross national debt in a single term. Can the USA afford for him to be president again?
No, not Covid.

Can you back that up at all with any proof?


6,318 posts

58 months

Monday 24th June
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Au contraire.

Deficit going up is not the same as "president added to the debt"

It's the GOP you mightvwant a word with, if the deficit is a concern


Al Gorithum

3,844 posts

211 months

Monday 24th June
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PinkHouse said:
paulguitar said:
Al Gorithum said:
paulguitar said:
What is it about trump that you like?
To be fair, I know quite a few people who like Trump. They're all thick. Every single one of them.
Well, hopefully, CB will not be thick and will make a case for trump.
I also know a few people that like trump and they're all incredibly intelligent. The thing with anecdotes is that they are essentially meaningless in arguments, this includes my own personal anecdote in the previous sentence
Obviously we can’t verify your people so can you point to anyone in the public domain who is both a Trump supporter and “incredibly intelligent”?


22,424 posts

204 months

Monday 24th June
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dobbo_ said:
NRS said:
CambsBill said:
Fiscally? He increased the US national debt by 8 TRILLION Dollars, having promised before the 2016 election that he'd reduce the debt. That's a 40% increase in the gross national debt in a single term. Can the USA afford for him to be president again?
No, not Covid.

Can you back that up at all with any proof?

It’s stuff like this that is stupid. We had country closures, massive ballooning of government debt across the world and it’s not to do with Covid? Yet inflation is out of Biden’s hands and nothing to do with him, it’s just something that happens?

You do realize how crazy this sort of claims are? They’re as bad as some of Trump’s ‘facts’. As I said it’s like the polls being ignored before until they show Biden winning. Be consistent, that’s all I ask.

Let me fire it back to you, what was the Covid spending under Trump’s government if it had so little impact? The UK’s debt to GDP jumped from 80 to around 100% under Covid, so a significant debt increase. What was it about the US that caused so little Covid debt there in your opinion?


2,072 posts

168 months

Monday 24th June
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Byker28i said:
tangerine_sedge said:
Byker28i said:
Then we've the debate this week - if trump turns up. It'll be a car crash for trump, probably
Concerning the debate - has it been confirmed that there will be a drug test beforehand, or was that internet hopes and dreams?
Basically trump, Dr Candyman etc all trying to claim Biden will be pumped full of drugs.

Of course they don't want drug tests, just to throw out unfounded accusations, because the projections from trump makes it clear he takes performance boosting drugs in his arse. Demoted to Captain Ronny Jackson was also on right wing media yesterday claiming he's demanding a drugs test for Biden - note only Biden...

It's all the excuses coming out. They spent months claiming Sleepy Biden, then Biden smashed the SOTU address, whilst trump slept through his trials. They only week trump didn't sleep was after Dr Candyman visited him at magalardo the weekend before...
Confirmation Team Trump reads this thread hehe

Trump offering to take drugs test for debate if Biden does (I appreciate this is after you wrote what you wrote, I just found it funny) - https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/18053321454198211...


12,611 posts

98 months

Monday 24th June
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paulguitar said:
I'm fascinated that anyone could support trump, but I am completely open to hearing an argument about why they do. I've been awaiting that since he fired up his political career with his 'birther' lie campaign.
I know a guy who was wealthy enough to have likely benefited from Trump's economic policies, however even he won't go near Trump after J6. He claims to have met Trump himself a few times, being a Miami native and I've never known this guy to stretch the truth. Sure, he gets a bit... excitable after too much to drink but who amongst us has no character flaws.

I find that anyone with an ounce of sense who supported Trump through 2016 and 2020 has utterly abandoned him after J6. It's not a case of being shy Trump supporters, it's a case of being so disgusted that even though they're lifelong Republicans and unwilling to vote for the other side, they cant bring themselves to vote for Trump and in many cases, the current Republicans.

A lot are waiting for Trump to die, hoping his influence will wane and the Republican party will regain its senses. I suspect a lot of Republicans will stay home in November.

I think our new contributor said it best when he said something along the lines of "some character traits I like", all Trump has left in his character is racism, lies and hate... That's what the remaining supporters like although none want to admit it openly, even if their sole reason is hating the other guy so much they'll turn a blind eye to the racism, lies and other bigotry.


22,424 posts

204 months

Monday 24th June
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thatsprettyshady said:
Confirmation Team Trump reads this thread hehe

Trump offering to take drugs test for debate if Biden does (I appreciate this is after you wrote what you wrote, I just found it funny) - https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/18053321454198211...
Trump says loads of stuff, a huge amount he never follows through. It’s why he appeals to some, he doesn’t appear an ‘expert’ (now distrusted by some) as he speaks so much nonsense and half of it is not true/he’ll never do.


6,212 posts

187 months

Monday 24th June
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NRS said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Confirmation Team Trump reads this thread hehe

Trump offering to take drugs test for debate if Biden does (I appreciate this is after you wrote what you wrote, I just found it funny) - https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/18053321454198211...
Trump says loads of stuff, a huge amount he never follows through. It’s why he appeals to some, he doesn’t appear an ‘expert’ (now distrusted by some) as he speaks so much nonsense and half of it is not true/he’ll never do.
And indeed he can safely say this to take the moral high ground as he know it will never come of anything.


2,072 posts

168 months

Monday 24th June
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InformationSuperHighway said:
NRS said:
thatsprettyshady said:
Confirmation Team Trump reads this thread hehe

Trump offering to take drugs test for debate if Biden does (I appreciate this is after you wrote what you wrote, I just found it funny) - https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/18053321454198211...
Trump says loads of stuff, a huge amount he never follows through. It’s why he appeals to some, he doesn’t appear an ‘expert’ (now distrusted by some) as he speaks so much nonsense and half of it is not true/he’ll never do.
And indeed he can safely say this to take the moral high ground as he know it will never come of anything.
Neither of them are taking drugs tests, for sure. I'm looking forward to the debate and hope its not "he's senile" "oh yeah but you're on drugs!" sort of thing. Let's have some policy talked about, not personal problems - that includes Hunter Biden talk and paying off prostitutes etc.


1,108 posts

60 months

Monday 24th June
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InformationSuperHighway said:
LF5335 said:
CharlesdeGaulle said:
Despite thinking that someone living in London/West Sussex, as our pink friend appears to, having a favourable view of Trump is pretty bizarre, I do commend him for sticking around and arguing his case.
I’m not sure he is arguing his case though. He’s avoiding answering any question directly and just coming out with vague responses, such as “I admire some of his personality traits”, but when pressed to explain, he wafts it away with a “what’s the point?” style reply. The comment around the war and international relations as a whole is ridiculously poor. He somehow is arguing that Trump,will play world peacemaker. This is the guy who encouraged Russia to attack US allies, who wants to hand over Ukraine to Russian, the guy who sells highly classified US national security info to the highest bidder.

He can’t be taken seriously and is just another bot, or “Own the libtards” right wing hardman.
My read as well. Also statements are rarely backed up with actual facts / links.

Troll being a troll.
"I have such a simple mind so everything I don't like is a troll"


1,108 posts

60 months

Monday 24th June
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CharlesdeGaulle said:
Despite thinking that someone living in London/West Sussex, as our pink friend appears to, having a favourable view of Trump is pretty bizarre, I do commend him for sticking around and arguing his case.
Thanks it might seem strange but I've got strong American family links in Texas which had quite the influence


1,108 posts

60 months

Monday 24th June
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CambsBill said:
PinkHouse said:
CambsBill said:
PinkHouse said:
Trump has been better fiscally and on issues of national and international security than Biden and in summary the country was a much better place under his leadership than the current admin. The voters get to decide later this year so all we have to do is wait and see which way they prefer
Fiscally? He increased the US national debt by 8 TRILLION Dollars, having promised before the 2016 election that he'd reduce the debt. That's a 40% increase in the gross national debt in a single term. Can the USA afford for him to be president again?
But conversely every single stock market index fund had a bigger % rise under Trump than Biden, so businesses were doing better. Inflation also rose much higher under Biden than Trump, so everyday consumers were also doing better.
Two minutes of searching shows that to be untrue though - the S&P 500 is showing a higher gain under Biden than under Trump, & the Dow Jones is pretty much even Stevens. Both lag noticeably behind Obama.



As others have already pointed out, Presidents have relatively little influence over inflation (or is Biden to blame for the inflation in UK, EU & everywhere else it rose in parallel?).
In terms of absolute numbers of percentage gain, Biden still lags Trump in both indices despite the worldwide market crash during covid. Time will tell whether Biden catches up before the end of the year.

The economic argument is always hard to conclude as you can always find isolated metrics to form a position, so it all boils down to the opinion of the analyst at the time


1,959 posts

181 months

Monday 24th June
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NRS said:
CambsBill said:
Fiscally? He increased the US national debt by 8 TRILLION Dollars, having promised before the 2016 election that he'd reduce the debt. That's a 40% increase in the gross national debt in a single term. Can the USA afford for him to be president again?
In 2017, 2018 & 2019? Nope, I don't think so.


1,108 posts

60 months

Monday 24th June
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LF5335 said:
CharlesdeGaulle said:
Despite thinking that someone living in London/West Sussex, as our pink friend appears to, having a favourable view of Trump is pretty bizarre, I do commend him for sticking around and arguing his case.
I’m not sure he is arguing his case though. He’s avoiding answering any question directly and just coming out with vague responses, such as “I admire some of his personality traits”, but when pressed to explain, he wafts it away with a “what’s the point?” style reply. The comment around the war and international relations as a whole is ridiculously poor. He somehow is arguing that Trump,will play world peacemaker. This is the guy who encouraged Russia to attack US allies, who wants to hand over Ukraine to Russian, the guy who sells highly classified US national security info to the highest bidder.

He can’t be taken seriously and is just another bot, or “Own the libtards” right wing hardman.
That looks like an almighty strawman, there is nowhere on this thread where I've claimed to "Own the libtards". So you can continue your imaginary fight and I simply won't engage. You may think my responses are poor but I won't lose any sleep over your opinion as it's going to have no bearing on the result.

Since you are such a stickler for detail:
How much in USD did Trump sell highly classified national security info for?
What specific info was sold?
Where was the auction held and via what channels? Who made the eventual purchase?


12,487 posts

237 months

Monday 24th June
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PinkHouse said:
Thanks it might seem strange but I've got strong American family links in Texas which had quite the influence
Where in Texas? It is usually stated that Texas is a Republican stronghold, which it is. However, its not quite as Red as the perception might be:


52% vs 46% isnt close, but its not the red landscape that a lot of people think. And when you look at the big cities of Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and El Paso, they are distinctly Blue. Just wondering where are these links from as they can be just as likely to be Blue rather than Red, depending on the location.


14,593 posts

251 months

Monday 24th June
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NRS said:

It’s stuff like this that is stupid. We had country closures, massive ballooning of government debt across the world and it’s not to do with Covid? Yet inflation is out of Biden’s hands and nothing to do with him, it’s just something that happens?

You do realize how crazy this sort of claims are? They’re as bad as some of Trump’s ‘facts’. As I said it’s like the polls being ignored before until they show Biden winning. Be consistent, that’s all I ask.

Let me fire it back to you, what was the Covid spending under Trump’s government if it had so little impact? The UK’s debt to GDP jumped from 80 to around 100% under Covid, so a significant debt increase. What was it about the US that caused so little Covid debt there in your opinion?
Calling my comment stupid whilst not even remotely understanding how the deficit ballooned under trump. Bravo!

Have a look, digest, then come back.


2,072 posts

168 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Snopes finally fact checks “very fine people” lies.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-...