Rishi Sunak - Prime Minister


Randy Winkman

16,608 posts

192 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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silentbrown said:
vonuber said:
People crying out for a general election clearly don't understand how our system works.
They probably understand, but are optimistic. Johnson would likely have screwed the pooch in a matter of weeks and finding 40-odd tories prepared to vote against him wouldn't have been too challenging.

Barring an almighty-balls-up, Sunak can stick it out until 2014
Exactly. Unless Vonuber can tell us that the system does not allow a GE at this point?


3,208 posts

226 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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He does exactly same to my local mp snivelling Guy Opperman - 2nd in line.


17,868 posts

168 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Randy Winkman said:
Exactly. Unless Vonuber can tell us that the system does not allow a GE at this point?
Eh? Of course it does if voted for, but a change in prime minister does not require it, regardless of talking about 'mandates' or whatever.


3,183 posts

211 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Lets see how this goes then....


27,205 posts

186 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Rivenink said:
PositronicRay said:
Rivenink said:
Electro1980 said:
SteveStrange said:
Sounds like you're jealous, not picky, IMO. If your wife was foreign, as his wife is, then I'd be surprised if you didn't do what she did. She's done absolutely nothing illegal - as you have said - and therefore in my view, nothing wrong. Don't let the politics of envy poison your view.
The moment you invoke jealousy to counter an argument you have lost. You have no idea what someone else would do, and many people do not use schemes like this.

Non domicile status is meant for people who are only living in the UK on a temporary basis and retain links to another country, where they intend to return after a few years. Given his job either it’s clear she had no such intention, or he had no interest in remaining in the UK, so should rightly be questioned on his appropriateness for high office. Either she was engaged in aggressive tax evasion or he should not have been in office. It’s nothing to do with being jealous and everything to do with expecting people in public life to have a higher standard than “it’s not illegal”
I would expect her non-dom status to now change. As the spouse of the Prime Minister, there is a bit of an unofficial role she is now signed up to. She must domicile in the UK now, not for tax reasons, simply because of the practicalities that come with her husbands role and the amount of days she will need to stay in the UK.
Wife not necessarily needed.
But where there is a spouse, they are generally expected to show up to certain events. It's for the Sunaks, and I'd personally have no issue with them living a somewhat highly seperated life... but I am a lot more liberal minded than I think most in the UK are. Sunak already turns off a number of Tory voters simply because of his ethnicity. Having a non-traditional marriage might turn the rest off - or give them a convenient excuse.
I had no idea who she was not a minger good lad.

poo at Paul's

14,225 posts

178 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Will he manage to reverse the undoing of the NI increase before any of us actually get to benefit from it.

If he does, it's game over come next GE. He'll almost certainly pander to the great unwashed to show how down to earth he is and appease Twitter, but theyll never vote for him anyway.


3,384 posts

153 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Sunak has absolutely no mandate from the British electorate....he hasn't even got a mandate from Tory party members ffs!


11,067 posts

209 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Cobracc said:
Sunak has absolutely no mandate from the British electorate....he hasn't even got a mandate from Tory party members ffs!
I don’t understand this. People voted for Tory, they are in power. Sunak is now the leader…off he goes.


5,820 posts

146 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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I've just done a yougove survey on Rishi. I'm surprised at the number of people who dislike him, other than to say he's better than Boris and Penny. Also many wanting a general election.

I think he'll be OK, definitely the best choice at the moment.


18,165 posts

275 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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SlimJim16v said:
I've just done a yougove survey on Rishi. I'm surprised at the number of people who dislike him, other than to say he's better than Boris and Penny. Also many wanting a general election.

I think he'll be OK, definitely the best choice at the moment.
I've not been much of a fan of him in the past, always seems a bit smug / smarmy, but I agree with you, I think he will do better than Boris and is on another planet to the likes of Truss. It finally feels like we have someone at least semi competent at the helm. No doubt he will get blamed for the mess his predecessors left, just like they all do though.

I did like Penny, she comes across as the most sincere and genuine candidate, but there was always a risk that she lacked the experience, and could have ended up being Truss v2.0 although in fairness she appears to actually possess more than a single brain cell.


3,293 posts

114 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Wonder if he will have any say in the budget on 31st, be interesting to see if he delays Hunts stab at it.


11,067 posts

209 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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757 said:
Wonder if he will have any say in the budget on 31st, be interesting to see if he delays Hunts stab at it.
You would hope the PM has a say in it, especially one who was chancellor and has arguably come in to power to steady the ship of the economy.


10,146 posts

186 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Caddyshack said:
You would hope the PM has a say in it, especially one who was chancellor and has arguably come in to power to steady the ship of the economy.
quite surely he should rewrite it if needed.


2,517 posts

164 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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757 said:
Wonder if he will have any say in the budget on 31st, be interesting to see if he delays Hunts stab at it.
I think that’s an interesting question. I read somewhere that the budget has to be fixed by mid this week because it has to be provided to the OBR with sufficient time for them to do what they do.

There are hardly any other circumstances where an incoming PM would accept being bound by a budget that was fixed beforehand but perhaps we’re about to see that. The downside with delaying being potential blowback from the bond markets, of course, and the long term outlook for market interest rates is an important component of any budget.

Welcome to the job, Rishi…


11,067 posts

209 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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basherX said:
757 said:
Wonder if he will have any say in the budget on 31st, be interesting to see if he delays Hunts stab at it.
I think that’s an interesting question. I read somewhere that the budget has to be fixed by mid this week because it has to be provided to the OBR with sufficient time for them to do what they do.

There are hardly any other circumstances where an incoming PM would accept being bound by a budget that was fixed beforehand but perhaps we’re about to see that. The downside with delaying being potential blowback from the bond markets, of course, and the long term outlook for market interest rates is an important component of any budget.

Welcome to the job, Rishi…
Surely he would have galvanised his thoughts on what he would do as part of the process of deciding to stand, he will have strong opinions since being the chancellor and well versed. I expect he was prepared to have his team burning the midnight oil to get this sorted. I imagine he has spoken to the chancellor at length before the media announced him the pm.


44,574 posts

200 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Over nigh on forty years of eligibility I've voted at least twice for each of the three main parties.

However, only one has had female leaders, a Jewish leader and a BAME leader.

The other two have only put forward white, middle class men.

Politics eh? hehe


2,517 posts

164 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Caddyshack said:
basherX said:
757 said:
Wonder if he will have any say in the budget on 31st, be interesting to see if he delays Hunts stab at it.
I think that’s an interesting question. I read somewhere that the budget has to be fixed by mid this week because it has to be provided to the OBR with sufficient time for them to do what they do.

There are hardly any other circumstances where an incoming PM would accept being bound by a budget that was fixed beforehand but perhaps we’re about to see that. The downside with delaying being potential blowback from the bond markets, of course, and the long term outlook for market interest rates is an important component of any budget.

Welcome to the job, Rishi…
Surely he would have galvanised his thoughts on what he would do as part of the process of deciding to stand, he will have strong opinions since being the chancellor and well versed. I expect he was prepared to have his team burning the midnight oil to get this sorted. I imagine he has spoken to the chancellor at length before the media announced him the pm.
I presume so, especially given the obviously stage-managed supportive article had published in the Telegraph last night. But if his conclusion was that he wants to change what Hunt is planning, which is possible, he won’t have much time to get that done.

Randy Winkman

16,608 posts

192 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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vonuber said:
Randy Winkman said:
Exactly. Unless Vonuber can tell us that the system does not allow a GE at this point?
Eh? Of course it does if voted for, but a change in prime minister does not require it, regardless of talking about 'mandates' or whatever.
Why are you saying "People crying out for a general election clearly don't understand how our system works" then? Surely they are allowed to ask for that? It doesn't mean they don't understand.

Anyway, I've just watched Farage on-line saying that "The big reason Rishi is a disaster for the Conservatives is that he cannot connect with ordinary working class voters in the red-wall." Does he really care about how rich Sunak is?


7,066 posts

162 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Blib said:
Over nigh on forty years of eligibility I've voted at least twice for each of the three main parties.

However, only one has had female leaders, a Jewish leader and a BAME leader.

The other two have only put forward white, middle class men.

Politics eh? hehe
Starmer is only a few operations away from ticking every possible box. If he/she really wants it They will have to bite the bullet.


12,501 posts

265 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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Cobracc said:
Sunak has absolutely no mandate from the British electorate....he hasn't even got a mandate from Tory party members ffs!
That's about the sum of it.

Wait until the spending cuts are announced, that's when the wailing left will go up a notch.