47th President of the United States

47th President of the United States



62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 26th January
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For those who said they didn't know Newsom, good statement from him yesterday
When it comes to immigration, the GOP are nothing but complete frauds.as they attempt to create problems at the border so trump can run on it



12,622 posts

98 months

Friday 26th January
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Byker28i said:
LOL and Lasermilk was the one attacking me claiming I was spamming a thread. biggrin
I suspect he's already reported you.

Four Litre

2,058 posts

195 months

Friday 26th January
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Biden said:
g4ry13 said:
Biden said:
tangerine_sedge said:
People don't get banned unless they deserve it. Your incessant bellyaching about it, won't alter the fact.

That thread appears one sided, because there are literally no redeeming aspects to trumps character. Occasionally trump fans pop in to repeat some nonsense they've read online, but they soon leave when they're confronted with counter evidence from reliable sources.

That thread is one of the best ones in NP&E precisely because it expects wild claims to be supported by some kind of evidence.
Funny how they wouldn't give a reason and I received no emails for it like you normally would.

I bet people don't leave, but are generally just banned from it.
Would be interesting to see the number of users banned from there.
Someone in #45 made this comment: "Someone needs to take the phone away from grandpa dementia don"

Imagine if you posted the same thing in #46 and replaced one name. I bet it would be deleted and poster banned.

The leash is a lot looser if you criticise / mock the 'right' person.
Definitely, they are too far gone to see it though.
I've noticed byker bringing up trumps mental decline/dementia etc, but they defend biden to the hilt even when he's trying to shake nobody's hand on the stage and has to be led off by his doctor/wife hehe

I don't even like trump (this will be jumped on as usual...) But I don't like biden either and at least when trump was in charge we weren't nearly in WW3!
I’ve had the same rhetoric from the usual crowd on here. They would defend Biden if he st his pants and had a stroke on stage. He looks like he’s been touching cloth a few times of recent!

Random Account No6

4,645 posts

189 months

Friday 26th January
quotequote all
Byker28i said:
LOL and Lasermilk was the one attacking me claiming I was spamming a thread. biggrin
Thread seems a bit more peaceful today hehe


4,409 posts

132 months

Saturday 27th January
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I'm still waiting for someone to give me just one good, sane reason why they'd like to see Trump back as president. Just one will do.

I notice no one has commented on or refuted his attempted insurrection too.

Would anyone rational honestly like him back in power? If so, please tell me why as I am genuinely intrigued.


17,531 posts

258 months

Saturday 27th January
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BigMon said:
I'm still waiting for someone to give me just one good, sane reason why they'd like to see Trump back as president. Just one will do.

I notice no one has commented on or refuted his attempted insurrection too.

Would anyone rational honestly like him back in power? If so, please tell me why as I am genuinely intrigued.
Trump needed to make one tweet and global leaders would st their pants that he might be crazy enough to do something.

North Korea, China, Russia, Iran were all largely behaving themselves during Trump's time.

Since Biden stepped in they have been having an absolute field day and not scared of the "superpower".


2,726 posts

267 months

Saturday 27th January
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g4ry13 said:
BigMon said:
I'm still waiting for someone to give me just one good, sane reason why they'd like to see Trump back as president. Just one will do.

I notice no one has commented on or refuted his attempted insurrection too.

Would anyone rational honestly like him back in power? If so, please tell me why as I am genuinely intrigued.
Trump needed to make one tweet and global leaders would st their pants that he might be crazy enough to do something.

North Korea, China, Russia, Iran were all largely behaving themselves during Trump's time.

Since Biden stepped in they have been having an absolute field day and not scared of the "superpower".
They didn't misbehave as they didn't need to. Trump did anything they wanted hence besties. Biden isn't selling secrets, agreeing with invasions, pulling the US out of long term security agreements, etc. so is naturally not on good terms with them.

I know which I'd rather.

Random Account No6

4,645 posts

189 months

Saturday 27th January
quotequote all
g4ry13 said:
Trump needed to make one tweet and global leaders would st their pants that he might be crazy enough to do something.

North Korea, China, Russia, Iran were all largely behaving themselves during Trump's time.

Since Biden stepped in they have been having an absolute field day and not scared of the "superpower".
That’s certainly one view, I wouldn’t be portraying it in a positive way though.

The principle is also a reason why people don’t step out of line in NK. Everyone’s scared of the fat boy and how easily punishments are handed out.

I suppose Trump did say he admired Kim…


12,520 posts

265 months

Saturday 27th January
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BigMon said:
I'm still waiting for someone to give me just one good, sane reason why they'd like to see Trump back as president. Just one will do.
It's difficult until the GOP platform is 100% confirmed that he will run with.

One problem for the 2020 run was that the GOP threw Trump under a bus by not fully committing to supporting the things that Biden is doing now, this indecision was costly. An extension of 'building stuff' and bringing some key things back under U.S/Five Eyes supply chain control would signal at least a continuation of that and solidify support where it mattered most - the rust belt states.

The other key one is immigration, the numbers and the optics have not been great recently and Trump can re-affirm plans to finish the most symbolic of things from the 2016 campaign - the wall.

Al Gorithum

3,852 posts

211 months

Saturday 27th January
quotequote all
BigMon said:
I'm still waiting for someone to give me just one good, sane reason why they'd like to see Trump back as president. Just one will do.

I notice no one has commented on or refuted his attempted insurrection too.

Would anyone rational honestly like him back in power? If so, please tell me why as I am genuinely intrigued.
Owning the Libs. Something something...


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 27th January
quotequote all
g4ry13 said:
BigMon said:
I'm still waiting for someone to give me just one good, sane reason why they'd like to see Trump back as president. Just one will do.

I notice no one has commented on or refuted his attempted insurrection too.

Would anyone rational honestly like him back in power? If so, please tell me why as I am genuinely intrigued.
Trump needed to make one tweet and global leaders would st their pants that he might be crazy enough to do something.

North Korea, China, Russia, Iran were all largely behaving themselves during Trump's time.

Since Biden stepped in they have been having an absolute field day and not scared of the "superpower".
It's pretty funny that this situation is so surreal that the above has been posted as a positive.

It's nonsense anyway, if trump had been in power these last two years Ukraine would now be part of Russia and Vlad would be eying up Scandinavia.


19,359 posts

276 months

Wednesday 31st January
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Here's an interesting thing:


China's president has said he wont interfere in the 2024 election. Its an odd thing to say, no? I haven't seen any other world leaders pledge they wont interfere in the election. It's not normally needed..

Its like they did beforehand, but wont this time...


21,343 posts

259 months

Friday 2nd February
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Fantastic job numbers today, double what was expected.

We have historically low unemployment, relatively low inflation, consumer confidence at a 2 year high, stock market going gangbusters.

Bidenomics Baby!


13,345 posts

203 months

Friday 2nd February
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21,343 posts

259 months

Friday 2nd February
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Crafty_ said:
Moodys analysis/prediction report. https://www.economy.com/getfile?q=95674FFE-7734-44...
Interesting analysis. It's likely that an already strong economy will become even moreso as the year progresses and interest rates fall. And that will only favour Biden / Harris.


12,520 posts

265 months

Thursday 8th February
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NBC have done a state of play video on youtube here:


This part is interesting:


19,359 posts

276 months

Thursday 8th February
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Thats just a survey. Depends on who they asked, where, when etc..

Its still nuts. One is odd, doddery, almost unintelligable, in obvious mental decline# the other could be in prison. Come on America. How did you get to this..

  1. Yeah I know. Got banned for saying it last time. Still think it. Nothing has convinced me otherwise.


12,520 posts

265 months

Tuesday 20th February
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A new poll was released this past Friday.



8,973 posts

119 months

Wednesday 21st February
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g4ry13 said:
Trump needed to make one tweet and global leaders would st their pants that he might be crazy enough to do something.
"Let's ask Fred and Rose to move next door. That'll stop those pesky kids kicking balls in my yard".

Hunter's been snorting sawdust now...

And Comer's star witness is in a spot of bother too.


24,460 posts

116 months

Wednesday 21st February
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Carl_VivaEspana said:
A new poll was released this past Friday.

This is interesting, but not surprising:

'There is a stark divide in 2024 support among voters with and without a college degree: voters without a college degree break for Trump 48% to 39%, whereas voters with a college degree break for Biden 52% to 39%.'

Aside from that, staggering to see that they appear neck and neck. The USA continues to jump the shark.