46th President of the United States, Joe Biden

46th President of the United States, Joe Biden



57 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
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scottyp123 said:
La Liga said:
ou should also admit you know nothing of US democrats and economics.

The US does just as well under democrats as Republicans economically. In fact, as one measure the stock markets do better under the dems.

Not sure if the communism stuff is a parody or you’re really serious.
Nearly all the riots, destruction, looting, poverty, desperation etc etc have occurred in democratic run states, the republicans know how to get a grip of things. Here's what an average New Yorker thinks of his governor.

Correlation doesn’t mean causation.

Secondly, that doesn’t address the points I made to you.

Nice dodge.


3,881 posts

59 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
La Liga said:
scottyp123 said:
La Liga said:
ou should also admit you know nothing of US democrats and economics.

The US does just as well under democrats as Republicans economically. In fact, as one measure the stock markets do better under the dems.

Not sure if the communism stuff is a parody or you’re really serious.
Nearly all the riots, destruction, looting, poverty, desperation etc etc have occurred in democratic run states, the republicans know how to get a grip of things. Here's what an average New Yorker thinks of his governor.

Correlation doesn’t mean causation.

Secondly, that doesn’t address the points I made to you.

Nice dodge.
I'll bet no-one has ever given that even a second thought when they are deciding where to buy a house.


57 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
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scottyp123 said:
La Liga said:
don’t think there’s any ‘hard left’ on PH.

Why do you keep using phrases like that when you don’t appear to have any idea what you’re talking about?
Plenty of hard right though eh?
I think it’s fair to say PH is right-leaning and conservative overall.

That shows outrageous Trump is when most of PH was against him.

Although what the UK considers to be “right” isn’t that right relative to the US.

Vanden Saab

14,447 posts

77 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
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Lord Marylebone said:
scottyp123 said:
Not really, after watching your links the second half of the video I posted looks a bit iffy, its obviously a cropped fake image of a security cam or something, I can't comment on the first bit though, but even so should the counters be altering or "making good" the ballot papers that were damaged, thats just asking for problems, especially as most of the counters in that vide look like typical Karens.
What would you prefer they do? Throw the damaged ballot papers in the bin?

They need to be legible so they can be counted.
I am not sure what you wrote came across the way you intended



57 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
scottyp123 said:
La Liga said:
scottyp123 said:
La Liga said:
ou should also admit you know nothing of US democrats and economics.

The US does just as well under democrats as Republicans economically. In fact, as one measure the stock markets do better under the dems.

Not sure if the communism stuff is a parody or you’re really serious.
Nearly all the riots, destruction, looting, poverty, desperation etc etc have occurred in democratic run states, the republicans know how to get a grip of things. Here's what an average New Yorker thinks of his governor.

Correlation doesn’t mean causation.

Secondly, that doesn’t address the points I made to you.

Nice dodge.
I'll bet no-one has ever given that even a second thought when they are deciding where to buy a house.
Which again has nothing to do with your original point implying there’d be economic issues with the dems being in power.

When challenged and presented with a fact you worn away from it.

Standard behaviour of those who have no idea what they are talking about.


6,477 posts

184 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
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Cold said:
Fantastic. Insults on the back of perfectly valid queries.

I genuinely don't understand why this election seems to be being given such attention by some in the UK. I can't think of anything Obama did that had an effect on my day to day life and the same can be said for Trump. Why the glee that Trump is out of the door? Apart from a few headlines or Twitter rants, his presidency has meant nothing to me.
Oh so because you have your head in the sand we all do? Makes sense.


5,919 posts

166 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
How does he know bad things happened if as he claims his observers weren’t allowed to observe?
I've seen one (covert) video where the counters are quite clearly filling in ballot papers but I doubt you will see it on BBC news.
Have you really, got a link?



But you’ll probably have a go at me for spreading ‘fake news’, or supporting ‘MSM’.
Not really, after watching your links the second half of the video I posted looks a bit iffy, its obviously a cropped fake image of a security cam or something, I can't comment on the first bit though, but even so should the counters be altering or "making good" the ballot papers that were damaged, thats just asking for problems, especially as most of the counters in that vide look like typical Karens.
I don’t think I’m being unreasonable in saying it would be a good idea to do a little bit of research before posting theories like that. People end up believing it as fact.
Thats the mantra of the hard left isn't it? post a load of old bks to try and gaslight the honest person isn't it. 5 minutes ago you were the one that told me to post the video up.
I’m absolutely stunned at being called ‘hard left’, although I suppose the description depends on where you’re coming from.

But you have previously admitted a video you posed as fact as ‘dodgy’, and now seem to be changing your mind.

Just out of interest, did you used to work in Whitehaven? There was a Ford puma parked in Westlakes science park with the registration scottyp, or some interpretation of that.


7,821 posts

112 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
Cold said:
What bad things did Trump do the UK that has meant such an outpouring of relief and celebration of his defeat over here?

What good things has Biden promised to do for the UK that means his election is a thing to be commemorated with cheers and Champagne?
It is because Trump is a lying, cheating, egotistical, racist, misogynistic, over privileged,
jumped up little cowardly turd. It offended my sense of justice that such a despicable human being could have been elected president and I admit I was very keen to see him lose. Even if Trump were better for the UK I would want him to lose.

Of course, Trump was bad for the planet as, at best, a climate change denier or at worse, someone who accepted AGW but didn’t give a fk because doing something about it wasn’t in his interest.


57 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
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A blow for right-wing popularism on the world’s largest stage is understandably celebrated by those who object to it.

Serious politicians who aren’t going to present simplistic solutions to complex problems are needed, regardless of where they stand on the politician spectrum.


566 posts

71 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
La Liga said:
A blow for right-wing popularism on the world’s largest stage is understandably celebrated by those who object to it.

Serious politicians who aren’t going to present simplistic solutions to complex problems are needed, regardless of where they stand on the politician spectrum.
Agreed....... where are they please?


3,881 posts

59 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
ChevronB19 said:
I’m absolutely stunned at being called ‘hard left’, although I suppose the description depends on where you’re coming from.

But you have previously admitted a video you posed as fact as ‘dodgy’, and now seem to be changing your mind.

Just out of interest, did you used to work in Whitehaven? There was a Ford puma parked in Westlakes science park with the registration scottyp, or some interpretation of that.
I didn't say the video was an undisputed fact, I said I have seen a video which clearly shows counters altering the ballot papers, which it obviously does. To be fair I haven't got a scooby how US elections work, maybe its normal to "alter" the ballot papers to make them more legible who knows. However I stated that when it comes to posting unsubstantiated videos or "facts" then the hard left have got that one sown up, not that you are personally a hard leftie.

As for scottyP, I got the name from a Jennifer Aniston film that I can't remember the name of for the moment, something about drugs.


15,333 posts

93 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
Esceptico said:
Cold said:
What bad things did Trump do the UK that has meant such an outpouring of relief and celebration of his defeat over here?

What good things has Biden promised to do for the UK that means his election is a thing to be commemorated with cheers and Champagne?
It is because Trump is a lying, cheating, egotistical, racist, misogynistic, over privileged,
jumped up little cowardly turd. It offended my sense of justice that such a despicable human being could have been elected president and I admit I was very keen to see him lose. Even if Trump were better for the UK I would want him to lose.

Of course, Trump was bad for the planet as, at best, a climate change denier or at worse, someone who accepted AGW but didn’t give a fk because doing something about it wasn’t in his interest.
So his presidency went against your moral values and sense of fair play? They're pretty good reasons to be glad he's been voted out and the most honest I've seen so far.

I'm still struggling to come up with a reason to care either way. It's a foreign country.


3,008 posts

142 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
Cold said:
I'm still struggling to come up with a reason to care either way. It's a foreign country.
And yet here you are, seemingly caring away laughlaughlaugh


5,919 posts

166 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
How does he know bad things happened if as he claims his observers weren’t allowed to observe?
I've seen one (covert) video where the counters are quite clearly filling in ballot papers but I doubt you will see it on BBC news.
Have you really, got a link?



But you’ll probably have a go at me for spreading ‘fake news’, or supporting ‘MSM’.
Not really, after watching your links the second half of the video I posted looks a bit iffy, its obviously a cropped fake image of a security cam or something, I can't comment on the first bit though, but even so should the counters be altering or "making good" the ballot papers that were damaged, thats just asking for problems, especially as most of the counters in that vide look like typical Karens.
I don’t think I’m being unreasonable in saying it would be a good idea to do a little bit of research before posting theories like that. People end up believing it as fact.
Thats the mantra of the hard left isn't it? post a load of old bks to try and gaslight the honest person isn't it. 5 minutes ago you were the one that told me to post the video up.
Apologies to others as for some reason I can’t delete the ‘debate’ above.

ScottyP. As far as I’m concerned you posted up a load of old bks with no basis in evidence. You then admitted some of it was ‘dodgy’. I asked you for evidence, you didn’t provide it, I posted some links from well respected websites. So I’m sorry, the ball in is in your court.


3,881 posts

59 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
ChevronB19 said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
scottyp123 said:
chrispmartha said:
How does he know bad things happened if as he claims his observers weren’t allowed to observe?
I've seen one (covert) video where the counters are quite clearly filling in ballot papers but I doubt you will see it on BBC news.
Have you really, got a link?



But you’ll probably have a go at me for spreading ‘fake news’, or supporting ‘MSM’.
Not really, after watching your links the second half of the video I posted looks a bit iffy, its obviously a cropped fake image of a security cam or something, I can't comment on the first bit though, but even so should the counters be altering or "making good" the ballot papers that were damaged, thats just asking for problems, especially as most of the counters in that vide look like typical Karens.
I don’t think I’m being unreasonable in saying it would be a good idea to do a little bit of research before posting theories like that. People end up believing it as fact.
Thats the mantra of the hard left isn't it? post a load of old bks to try and gaslight the honest person isn't it. 5 minutes ago you were the one that told me to post the video up.
Apologies to others as for some reason I can’t delete the ‘debate’ above.

ScottyP. As far as I’m concerned you posted up a load of old bks with no basis in evidence. You then admitted some of it was ‘dodgy’. I asked you for evidence, you didn’t provide it, I posted some links from well respected websites. So I’m sorry, the ball in is in your court.
I'm not sure what you want me to do, you've quoted the video you don't want people to see about 20 times now.


15,333 posts

93 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
DMN said:
Cold said:
I'm still struggling to come up with a reason to care either way. It's a foreign country.
And yet here you are, seemingly caring away laughlaughlaugh
I think, if you read my recent posts (and ignore the juvenile insults that followed) you'll notice that I'm querying why others care about it when the effect of the election results won't impact day to day living in the UK to any great extent.
I'd certainly like any positives to be highlighted as it would be nice to have something to look forward to.


2,754 posts

167 months

Saturday 7th November 2020
quotequote all
Cold said:
DMN said:
Cold said:
I'm still struggling to come up with a reason to care either way. It's a foreign country.
And yet here you are, seemingly caring away laughlaughlaugh
I think, if you read my recent posts (and ignore the juvenile insults that followed) you'll notice that I'm querying why others care about it when the effect of the election results won't impact day to day living in the UK to any great extent.
I'd certainly like any positives to be highlighted as it would be nice to have something to look forward to.
Yet, here you are at 10 to midnight of a Saturday (post time) about something which is inconsequential to your intellectual wellbeing.
I. could. care. less. Don't you think?


6,477 posts

184 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
quotequote all
Cold said:
I think, if you read my recent posts (and ignore the juvenile insults that followed) you'll notice that I'm querying why others care about it when the effect of the election results won't impact day to day living in the UK to any great extent.
I'd certainly like any positives to be highlighted as it would be nice to have something to look forward to.
You don't think the US rejoining the Paris Agreement and the WHO are positives then?


14,964 posts

194 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
quotequote all
Cold said:
Esceptico said:
Cold said:
What bad things did Trump do the UK that has meant such an outpouring of relief and celebration of his defeat over here?

What good things has Biden promised to do for the UK that means his election is a thing to be commemorated with cheers and Champagne?
It is because Trump is a lying, cheating, egotistical, racist, misogynistic, over privileged,
jumped up little cowardly turd. It offended my sense of justice that such a despicable human being could have been elected president and I admit I was very keen to see him lose. Even if Trump were better for the UK I would want him to lose.

Of course, Trump was bad for the planet as, at best, a climate change denier or at worse, someone who accepted AGW but didn’t give a fk because doing something about it wasn’t in his interest.
So his presidency went against your moral values and sense of fair play? They're pretty good reasons to be glad he's been voted out and the most honest I've seen so far.

I'm still struggling to come up with a reason to care either way. It's a foreign country.
It directly affects me - although I work for a UK company, 90% of our business is in the US. When their economy suffers, so does our revenue. There's also the fact I have friends and colleagues out there.


3,008 posts

142 months

Sunday 8th November 2020
quotequote all
Cold said:
DMN said:
Cold said:
I'm still struggling to come up with a reason to care either way. It's a foreign country.
And yet here you are, seemingly caring away laughlaughlaugh
I think, if you read my recent posts (and ignore the juvenile insults that followed) you'll notice that I'm querying why others care about it when the effect of the election results won't impact day to day living in the UK to any great extent.
I'd certainly like any positives to be highlighted as it would be nice to have something to look forward to.
Of course you would.
