Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1295

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%


11,070 posts

209 months

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Some people stay up all night to watch and find out the final outcome...never understood why they do not just go to sleep and find out in the morning?


1,448 posts

148 months

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Caddyshack said:
Some people stay up all night to watch and find out the final outcome...never understood why they do not just go to sleep and find out in the morning?
I guess they like to watch it build. Take it all in as it happens. The fun is in the event, not just the result.

Some people are really into politics. I totally get it.

It's like asking why set your alarm to watch the Grand Prix early, when you could just find out the result when you wake up. It's not a perfect analogy, but you get the idea lol.

Randy Winkman

16,637 posts

192 months

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Caddyshack said:
Some people stay up all night to watch and find out the final outcome...never understood why they do not just go to sleep and find out in the morning?
You can say that about lots of things though. Why watch a football match or GP when you can find out the result afterwards on line?


26,010 posts

196 months

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There's a rich seam of schadenfreude to be mined from watching MPs rejected by their electorate having to give concession speeches. I watched Portillo go in '97, I expect there may be more tories getting their marching orders tonight. I'll also be enjoying the SNP being depleted.


104,961 posts

263 months

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Randy Winkman said:
Caddyshack said:
Some people stay up all night to watch and find out the final outcome...never understood why they do not just go to sleep and find out in the morning?
You can say that about lots of things though. Why watch a football match or GP when you can find out the result afterwards on line?
In a lot less than 12 hours. It's fair enough of course for those who want to stay up, why not. I'd rather have the kip and see all the juicy bits being re-run throughout Friday, these days that'll be more interesting than F1 highlights.


17,197 posts

193 months

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If the Tories can’t win a poll on Pistonheads then I don’t think they’re going to win one out in the real world!

Mr Penguin

2,068 posts

42 months

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Caddyshack said:
Some people stay up all night to watch and find out the final outcome...never understood why they do not just go to sleep and find out in the morning?
I like the drama and discussion as it happens - a bit like watching a football match live with commentators rather than watching the highlights the day after narrated by someone who watched the highlights then recorded the commentary.
Also it is a chance to stpost with my political allies and opponents alike.


4,043 posts

217 months

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S600BSB said:
a311 said:
Cutrent seat is Conservative, first time ever I think at the last election previouapy being a garanteed Labourseat. However she's not standing again. The Labour candidate has good profile saying the right things, with some good ideas. There is a Conservative replacement but apart from one flier thorough the door months ago there's been nada, so I assume the hierarchy of the party have just decided to concede defeat with the seat.

I voted not bothering. Can't vote for the Cons after the way things have went, but don't feel like Labour are capable of running the country either. Just something about Starmer that doesn't gel with me.
Vote for your Labour candidate who is “saying the right things, with some good ideas”. Isn’t that what you want from your constituency MP?
That local mp wont be the one that makes the decisions that will affeCt your life.

Square Leg

14,741 posts

192 months

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Just been to vote - I’m in the very south of Notts, the ‘local’ Independant candidate lives in Derbyshire.
Don’t know when that changed as we had a decent independent who lives in the next village.


4,609 posts

197 months

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MiniMan64 said:
If the Tories can’t win a poll on Pistonheads then I don’t think they’re going to win one out in the real world!
Was just thinking exactly the same laugh


13,938 posts

287 months

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hidetheelephants said:
There's a rich seam of schadenfreude to be mined from watching MPs rejected by their electorate having to give concession speeches. I watched Portillo go in '97, I expect there may be more tories getting their marching orders tonight. I'll also be enjoying the SNP being depleted.
The Liz Truss concession speech will be the one to watch - it'll be like something out of The Exorcist.

She'll step up to the microphone, open her mouth to speak but instead of words what will emerge will be a high-pressure stream of boiling liquid similar in colour and consistency to pea and ham soup, and as her head starts a series of complete 360 degree revolutions on her shoulders thus soaking everything in a 30 foot radius, her eyes will roll backwards in their sockets to revealing inky black voids. Finally, a pit will open at her feet belching sulphurous smoke into which Truss will slowly descend, returning back from whence she came.

Cutting back to the studio, straight to Sir John Curtice nodding and saying "Well, this is turning into something of a pattern, it being the third demonic manifestation from a deposed high-profile Tory tonight, after Jacob Rees-Mogg's transformation into Astaroth at the results for North-East Somerset, and Priti Patel unexpectedly taking the form of a Philippine Manananggal goul and biting the head off the returning officer in Witham".


26,010 posts

196 months

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Esther McVey seems more the type to shift into demonic form and ascend to another plane, but whatever. rofl


104,961 posts

263 months

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hidetheelephants said:
Esther McVey seems more the type to shift into demonic form and ascend to another plane, but whatever. rofl
Something Of The Night revisited?


13,262 posts

206 months

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TroubledSoul said:
MiniMan64 said:
If the Tories can’t win a poll on Pistonheads then I don’t think they’re going to win one out in the real world!
Was just thinking exactly the same laugh
Another indicator that it's going to be a massacre. Not good news for Reform either.


104,961 posts

263 months

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hairykrishna said:
TroubledSoul said:
MiniMan64 said:
If the Tories can’t win a poll on Pistonheads then I don’t think they’re going to win one out in the real world!
Was just thinking exactly the same laugh
Another indicator that it's going to be a massacre. Not good news for Reform either.
Not long to wait.


15,810 posts

132 months

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Caddyshack said:
Some people stay up all night to watch and find out the final outcome...never understood why they do not just go to sleep and find out in the morning?
I enjoy election night, usually stay up til around 2 in the morning though don't do the whole night.

I find it quite entertaining.


6,227 posts

51 months

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Drew106 said:
Caddyshack said:
Some people stay up all night to watch and find out the final outcome...never understood why they do not just go to sleep and find out in the morning?
I guess they like to watch it build. Take it all in as it happens. The fun is in the event, not just the result.

Some people are really into politics. I totally get it.

It's like asking why set your alarm to watch the Grand Prix early, when you could just find out the result when you wake up. It's not a perfect analogy, but you get the idea lol.
I understand this point exactly
The '97 election is notable for various moments


2,223 posts

97 months

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I predict a seismic shift to Reform


27,210 posts

186 months

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Register1 said:
I predict a seismic shift to Reform
Double maybe treble their seats perchance?


2,223 posts

97 months

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PositronicRay said:
Register1 said:
I predict a seismic shift to Reform
Double maybe treble their seats perchance?
Dont know, as its not PR.
If it was, then for sure, many new seats.