Why is this kid being branded innocent?

Why is this kid being branded innocent?


King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
King Herald said:
stuthemong said:
You don’t have to mourn his death, but don’t revel in it ffs. He was a child.
Legally and romantically he may have been 'a child' but by his very nature and attitude he was a grown man and a criminal. He was not going to get any better, not going to improve his lot.

This 'child' would, likely as no, happily have beaten on the home owner, if he'd had the chance, then undoubtedly bragged about it on Face book.

The 'Bulwell solja' was going to go to jail one day, probably several times, without a doubt, so now the tax payer won't have to fund his life, and his ill-spawned chav offspring, for the next 50 years.
Yeah, lets lock up all chav babies at birth too, before they become burglars.
You're a man after my own heart. yes

Chavs should need a license to breed! innit.

Invisible man

39,731 posts

287 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Oakey said:
Invisible man said:
I wonder how this will affect the other 'little soljas' will they all go in tooled up now? has this exacerbated the situation?
Heh, you think these sort of people aren't already tooled up?


20,911 posts

250 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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I bet more than half the 'chav hateing PH massive' are in self denial that their kids are little more than the things they depise most.... chavs... !! wink

MK4 Slowride

10,028 posts

211 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
...fair comment...
Yes however, this is the sort of chav scum that'd return again & again. Vandalism, threats all sorts. Not nice.

The criminal youth of today knows no punishment & will blight their victims lives endlessly without remorse.


27,631 posts

219 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Tony*T3 said:
I bet more than half the 'chav hateing PH massive' are in self denial that their kids are little more than the things they depise most.... chavs... !! wink
Whilst you on the other hand have come to embrace your chav offspring? wink


20,120 posts

216 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
King Herald said:
stuthemong said:
You don’t have to mourn his death, but don’t revel in it ffs. He was a child.
Legally and romantically he may have been 'a child' but by his very nature and attitude he was a grown man and a criminal. He was not going to get any better, not going to improve his lot.

This 'child' would, likely as no, happily have beaten on the home owner, if he'd had the chance, then undoubtedly bragged about it on Face book.

The 'Bulwell solja' was going to go to jail one day, probably several times, without a doubt, so now the tax payer won't have to fund his life, and his ill-spawned chav offspring, for the next 50 years.
Yeah, lets lock up all chav babies at birth too, before they become burglars.

Edited by stuthemong on Monday 16th March 15:15
Let's remove the welfare system that encourages their existance. It's to late to reform the current underclass but at least we can prevent future generations having to put up with them.

Bing o

15,184 posts

222 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
Yeah, lets lock up all chav babies at birth too, before they become burglars.
At last, sense!

Dr Imran T said:
Is it a working class thing? or just something that Chav families do as a 'automatic' response?
They ain't working class, they are middle class - after all, they don't work do they?

Shamelessly stolen from the Prescott Class documentary...


2,309 posts

220 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Oakey said:
Just to add, the lad in my example also burgled my ex girlfriends home a few months prior to this event. What would have happened had she returned home? Maybe she'd have been beaten, maybe even raped? But let's not worry about that, let's get all concerned about some skiprat scumbag who doesn't know right from wrong cos 'he's just a child'.
/Daily mail.

Did he rob her, or rape her? Quite different things. What if? what if? what if?....

All I saw in that report is that it is alleged that he was in a house where he shouldn't have been.
-no mention of weapon.
-no mention of his attacking resident
-no mention of previous
-no mention of his school/work position

Seems to me that most on here have built up a total image of this guy + the event from a couple of lines on a news peice?

If you talk to some 'road safety' speed kills morons they are of the opinion that you 'deserve' to die if you like driving quickly and crash. I really have had conversations like this with people. "My brother was killed by a speeding motorist, you are as bad as the guy who hit him", etc...etc.. just because I drive a sports car.


27,631 posts

219 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
Oakey said:
Just to add, the lad in my example also burgled my ex girlfriends home a few months prior to this event. What would have happened had she returned home? Maybe she'd have been beaten, maybe even raped? But let's not worry about that, let's get all concerned about some skiprat scumbag who doesn't know right from wrong cos 'he's just a child'.
/Daily mail.

Did he rob her, or rape her? Quite different things. What if? what if? what if?....

All I saw in that report is that it is alleged that he was in a house where he shouldn't have been.
-no mention of weapon.
-no mention of his attacking resident
-no mention of previous
-no mention of his school/work position

Seems to me that most on here have built up a total image of this guy + the event from a couple of lines on a news peice?

If you talk to some 'road safety' speed kills morons they are of the opinion that you 'deserve' to die if you like driving quickly and crash. I really have had conversations like this with people. "My brother was killed by a speeding motorist, you are as bad as the guy who hit him", etc...etc.. just because I drive a sports car.
Yes he robbed her house, did you also miss my earlier post where I explained how, whilst robbing a 72 year old man's house, he smashed him in the face with a shovel? Not the once either. An 18 year old, well built lad who could quite easily have just avoided any confrontation nor needed to use a weapon instead took a shovel to beat the st out of a frail old man.

I somehow doubt if my ex had returned he'd have just said "oops, I appear to be in the wrong house. Please excuse my mistake, I shall be leaving now. Good day to you madam".

The lad is now 24 and currently inside for intent to supply cocaine and possession of a weapon, exactly what would it take for you to change your opinion?

Do these characters have to fulfil a set of requirements before you deem them dangerous criminals rather than children who don't know better? do they need to be over 30, carried out at least 25 burglaries, 16 assaults, a history of drug abuse and killed at least 2 people?


20,887 posts

277 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
Oakey said:
Just to add, the lad in my example also burgled my ex girlfriends home a few months prior to this event. What would have happened had she returned home? Maybe she'd have been beaten, maybe even raped? But let's not worry about that, let's get all concerned about some skiprat scumbag who doesn't know right from wrong cos 'he's just a child'.
/Daily mail.

Did he rob her, or rape her? Quite different things. What if? what if? what if?....

All I saw in that report is that it is alleged that he was in a house where he shouldn't have been.
-no mention of weapon.
-no mention of his attacking resident
-no mention of previous
-no mention of his school/work position

Seems to me that most on here have built up a total image of this guy + the event from a couple of lines on a news peice?

If you talk to some 'road safety' speed kills morons they are of the opinion that you 'deserve' to die if you like driving quickly and crash. I really have had conversations like this with people. "My brother was killed by a speeding motorist, you are as bad as the guy who hit him", etc...etc.. just because I drive a sports car.
from the sun:
Sun said:
Last night the family of a teen stabbed to death during a suspected burglary protested his innocence. Tyler Juett, 17, died after neighbours of Jacqueline Johnson said an intruder had been caught “red-handed” in her semi in Old Basford, Nottingham.

But his aunt Leah Juett said the family had seen no proof he was trying to commit a crime when he died.

She declared: “We do not want to say too much but all we will say, for now, is that people make things up.”

A 22-year-old man, believed to be a close relative of the householder, was being quizzed by detectives.
Sky said:
The precise circumstances of what happened are not known - but it is understood that Tyler died after being confronted by a man at the property.
A 22-year-old man, believed to be a close relative of the householder, has now been freed on bail after being quizzed by detectives.
Tyler's aunt Leah Juett said the family has seen no proof he was trying to commit a crime when he died.
She said: "We do not want to say too much, but all we will say for now is that people make things up."
His mother Michelle has posted pictures of the teenager on the Facebook social networking website.
She wrote: "Why, why, why, why, why? I want my baby back."
She also thanked people who had contributed to the site, writing: "Thank you to everyone who has posted messages for our beautiful son Tyler.
"It's nice to know he was loved by all of you."

Four male youths who were also arrested in connection with the incident have been released on bail.
A post-mortem examination carried out on Saturday showed Tyler died from a stab wound.
so, yes more info required, but it would appear to be 5 male youths attempting to break into said house, one of which died from a stab wound delivered by a 22 year old man believed to be a close relative of the householder (ie. son of).


2,215 posts

192 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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4 people arrested, thought it was the two sons of the homeowner and the scum's 2 scummy mates?

ETA: Apostrophe to Scum's, there is no need for bad grammar!

Edited by randomman on Monday 16th March 15:49


2,309 posts

220 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Oakey said:
Yes he robbed her house, did you also miss my earlier post where I explained how, whilst robbing a 72 year old man's house, he smashed him in the face with a shovel? Not the once either. An 18 year old, well built lad who could quite easily have just avoided any confrontation nor needed to use a weapon instead took a shovel to beat the st out of a frail old man.

I somehow doubt if my ex had returned he'd have just said "oops, I appear to be in the wrong house. Please excuse my mistake, I shall be leaving now. Good day to you madam".

The lad is now 24 and currently inside for intent to supply cocaine and possession of a weapon, exactly what would it take for you to change your opinion?

Do these characters have to fulfil a set of requirements before you deem them dangerous criminals rather than children who don't know better? do they need to be over 30, carried out at least 25 burglaries, 16 assaults, a history of drug abuse and killed at least 2 people?
I tend to try and look at the individual circumstances of a crime/person, not just chuck on a load of other offences that someone else I heard about in the past committed. Your chap, yup, wouldn't miss him. Sounds like a right peice of work. This guy, I have no idea... but I wouldnt be posting 'congratulations' cards to his mum *just* yet.

Adam B

27,524 posts

257 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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MacGee said:
However, if everyone who committed a crime was to be stabbed we would all be dead....drop an apple, speeding, swearing at the footie....
if everyone who committed a burglary was to be stabbed they would be no more burglary, we would all be safer in our homes, home insurance costs would fall, police would be able to focus and reduce other crimes etc

and I would not shed a single tear for any of them


27,631 posts

219 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
Oakey said:
Yes he robbed her house, did you also miss my earlier post where I explained how, whilst robbing a 72 year old man's house, he smashed him in the face with a shovel? Not the once either. An 18 year old, well built lad who could quite easily have just avoided any confrontation nor needed to use a weapon instead took a shovel to beat the st out of a frail old man.

I somehow doubt if my ex had returned he'd have just said "oops, I appear to be in the wrong house. Please excuse my mistake, I shall be leaving now. Good day to you madam".

The lad is now 24 and currently inside for intent to supply cocaine and possession of a weapon, exactly what would it take for you to change your opinion?

Do these characters have to fulfil a set of requirements before you deem them dangerous criminals rather than children who don't know better? do they need to be over 30, carried out at least 25 burglaries, 16 assaults, a history of drug abuse and killed at least 2 people?
I tend to try and look at the individual circumstances of a crime/person, not just chuck on a load of other offences that someone else I heard about in the past committed. Your chap, yup, wouldn't miss him. Sounds like a right peice of work. This guy, I have no idea... but I wouldnt be posting 'congratulations' cards to his mum *just* yet.
Well, if he's anything like his friends on facebook he's a complete and utter scumbag. There's a few of them on there that appear to be posing with weapons (an air rifle, a nasty looking machete, one balaclava'd up, what looks like a samuari sword, etc)

King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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stuthemong said:
...Seems to me that most on here have built up a total image of this guy + the event from a couple of lines on a news peice?...
Well, if we are not meant to speculate, exaggerate, formulate, pontificate, whatever, on an internet forum, without having ALL possible facts and evidence laid before us equally and without prejudice, then what IS the point of a forum??

Maybe we should shut down P&P and instead have a question and answer system, wherein only lawyers are allowed to give non-answers to questions we mere mortals ask?

Get over yourself Stu. We're here for a larf, not to influence the courts of the land, or decide the fate of the modern world.


10,146 posts

251 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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King Herald said:
stuthemong said:
...Seems to me that most on here have built up a total image of this guy + the event from a couple of lines on a news peice?...
Well, if we are not meant to speculate, exaggerate, formulate, pontificate, whatever, on an internet forum, without having ALL possible facts and evidence laid before us equally and without prejudice, then what IS the point of a forum??

Maybe we should shut down P&P and instead have a question and answer system, wherein only lawyers are allowed to give non-answers to questions we mere mortals ask?

Get over yourself Stu. We're here for a larf, not to influence the courts of the land, or decide the fate of the modern world.
I thought we were here to decide these things. Never mind, I'll go back to my cocoa.


10,168 posts

278 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
G'kar said:
SteveW8975 said:
“Killa was just a silly nickname. He was a very quiet person studying art.”


People's characters are often synonomous with their knicknames, even the affectionate term my workmates have for me, "huge penis"......

at least i think that's what is meant. smile
Indeed, I used to work with a guy who was 6'7" tall and know to all as tiny wink I guess your mates have the same sense of irony hehe

But on a serious note I agree with Cara Van 100% on his earlier points, the kid may (or may not) have been a low life scum bag but there is a greaving mother out there and leaving insulting and baiting comments on a website is really not on under any circumstances even. Have you opinions but in a time like this keep them to yourself and allow a family their moment of grief, most certainly linking any comments to PH is a really really bad move.


7,659 posts

206 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Mon Ami Mate said:
I have said it before and I will say it again. If I ever catch an uninvited guest in my house one of us will, at the very least, be leaving in an ambulance. I hope that common sense prevails and that the two arrested don't become the new Tony Martins...
Can't agree more.

One less sthead in my world, good riddance you little bd.


2,309 posts

220 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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King Herald said:
stuthemong said:
...Seems to me that most on here have built up a total image of this guy + the event from a couple of lines on a news peice?...
Get over yourself Stu. We're here for a larf, not to influence the courts of the land, or decide the fate of the modern world.
Firstly, I have a rather self-depreciating username. I do not demand to be addressed as a monarch. Pot->Kettle.

Secondly, bar banter is one thing.....presenting those thoughts on other forums to 'make a point' to the family of those concerned is fking disgraceful, IMO. It's not so much that so many people were concerned that 'those comments could get back to PH', but that it was merely the fact the comments would get back here that was the problem, not that the comments in themselves are a problem.

We really need a 'Chavs are people too' week on PH. It's been said before, and serves a purpose to say it again. We really treat Chavs on PH as the bogeymen. They are the vessel by which we vent all our angst. Now we have just about cottoned onto the fact that we can't bash gays or black people, we use 'them' as a scapegoat. As recession cuts deeper, this could get pretty ugly.


FWIW If my life were tragically taken early, I'd hope the media would portray me as a guy who liked to drink too much, was pretty sub-average at rugby (although enjoyed it), drove too quickly and did as little work as he thought he could get away with. All of these gushing 'hard working, showed great promise' statements are unbeleivable.

Balmoral Green

41,192 posts

251 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Parrot of Doom said:
Playing Devil's Advocate here, nobody has yet pointed out that this may have been an argument between 'friends' that has now been disguised as burglary.
That's where my money is going. 7 pages of the usual PH rants about the legitimacy of killing burglars Tony Martin style? This is purely a scum on scum disagreement IMO and nowt to do with a burglary. I reckon there's a lot of mileage in the comments made by the dead scrotes Aunt.

Edited by Balmoral Green on Monday 16th March 18:01