Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Poll: Your Voting Intentions Part 2.0 (End Is Nigh)

Total Members Polled: 740

Conservative: 16%
Labour: 27%
Reform: 29%
Lib Dem: 10%
Indy: 2%
Green: 2%
SNP: 1%
Not Voting for any of 'em (Stay At Home): 7%
Spoil Paper: 5%
Plaid Cymru: 1%


11,214 posts

208 months

Thursday 20th June
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Klippie said:
Well you better hope they don't end up like the Scottish Greens who turned into a super controlling perverted eco-marxist party with intent to destroy all business and peoples livelihoods...oh they are a lovely bunch, look them up if you dare.
Great description of those child mutilation obsessed utter deviants.

Anyone voting Green needs their heads looked at and their hard drives checked..

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Thursday 20th June
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EmBe said:
MC Bodge said:
swisstoni said:
Don’t like old people much do you?
Old people are fine.

The reactionary, populist, right wing views clung onto by *some* old people (moreso than younger people) and often expressed on here are not.
So you just hate anyone who disagrees with your views.

Must be stressful. For those around you.
"Hate" is a very strong word, and yet is used a lot nowadays, although not by me.

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Thursday 20th June
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Killboy said:
MC Bodge said:
Killboy said:
MC Bodge said:
No, reform. #takebackcontrolthistime


What exactly are you expecting to take back control of?

Edited by MC Bodge on Wednesday 19th June 21:00
Our boarders, waiting lists and excessive tax. Duh
Very good hehe

Hugo Stiglitz

37,470 posts

214 months

Thursday 20th June
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Interesting how reform are in the lead in this poll.


1,146 posts

61 months

Thursday 20th June
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Very. I wonder how much of it is genuine! A few certain posters on here must be seething that others do actually hold different values to them! How fun.


10,685 posts

194 months

Thursday 20th June
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Honest question for the Reform voters.

Are you voting for them because you want a government lead by Nigel Farage, because the Tories are a complete mess, or something else?


1,449 posts

18 months

Thursday 20th June
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P-Jay said:
Honest question for the Reform voters.

Are you voting for them because you want a government lead by Nigel Farage, because the Tories are a complete mess, or something else?
Can't speak for others but I'm hoping eventually it will lead to a complete Reform of the entire political system of 2 party politics but not holding my breath.


2,726 posts

267 months

Thursday 20th June
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Do those intending on voting for Reform know it's a company and not a political party? Farage is the majority shareholder and chair. It's not in the slightest bit democratic.


1,449 posts

18 months

Thursday 20th June
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fatbutt said:
Do those intending on voting for Reform know it's a company and not a political party? Farage is the majority shareholder and chair. It's not in the slightest bit democratic.


2,726 posts

267 months

Thursday 20th June
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LimmerickLad said:
fatbutt said:
Do those intending on voting for Reform know it's a company and not a political party? Farage is the majority shareholder and chair. It's not in the slightest bit democratic.
Seriously? You don't have a problem with that?

Companies operated for profit. They also are democratically constructed so that the leader is elected and policies are agreed. If any of their representatives get to be MPs their sole role in parliament will be to do what Farage tells them to do i.e. progress his business interests. It's about as undemocratic as you can think.


1,449 posts

18 months

Thursday 20th June
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fatbutt said:
LimmerickLad said:
fatbutt said:
Do those intending on voting for Reform know it's a company and not a political party? Farage is the majority shareholder and chair. It's not in the slightest bit democratic.
Seriously? You don't have a problem with that?

Companies operated for profit. They also are democratically constructed so that the leader is elected and policies are agreed. If any of their representatives get to be MPs their sole role in parliament will be to do what Farage tells them to do i.e. progress his business interests. It's about as undemocratic as you can think.
If it is registered with the Electoral Commission as a Political Party it is one....I don't remember voting for Rishi and I doubt AR would be where she is without the Unions that I am not a member of..are MP's not "whipped" by their leaders in the party?

MC Bodge

22,156 posts

178 months

Thursday 20th June
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fatbutt said:
Do those intending on voting for Reform know it's a company and not a political party? Farage is the majority shareholder and chair. It's not in the slightest bit democratic.
I would not imagine that somebody who approves of Reform l will be in the slightest bit concerned about anything like that.

Many people like the idea of dictatorship on their own terms (or what they imagine to be their own terms)


1,449 posts

18 months

Thursday 20th June
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MC Bodge said:
I would not imagine that somebody who approves of Reform l will be in the slightest bit concerned about anything like that.

Many people like the idea of dictatorship on their own terms (or what they imagine to be their own terms)
Fill your boots:


3,174 posts

133 months

Thursday 20th June
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I live in what has always traditionally been a safe Tory constituency, but it looks far less certain this time round.

I'll probably vote Lib Dem as it seems like the best chance to get the Tories out, but I want Labour to get in.


11,214 posts

208 months

Thursday 20th June
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LimmerickLad said:
P-Jay said:
Honest question for the Reform voters.

Are you voting for them because you want a government lead by Nigel Farage, because the Tories are a complete mess, or something else?
Can't speak for others but I'm hoping eventually it will lead to a complete Reform of the entire political system of 2 party politics but not holding my breath.
That's where I am getting to. The Uniparty is a virtual dictatorship - 2 choices, both 97% the same. I know there'll be arguments to that.

I'm prepared for the terrible pain of pulling the whole edifice down and restarting with new rules; proper salary for MP's, no 2nd jobs, no paid lobbying, term limits. Yes, I know it'll never happen, but with the existing system it'll NEVER happen.

They are Robber Barrons.


16,625 posts

239 months

Thursday 20th June
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jshell said:
I'm prepared for the terrible pain of pulling the whole edifice down and restarting
I'd be okay with a change of how votes are counted.

Tearing the whole thing down and starting again is another matter. That's how rich countries turn into tin-pot dictatorships.


11,214 posts

208 months

Thursday 20th June
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CraigyMc said:
jshell said:
I'm prepared for the terrible pain of pulling the whole edifice down and restarting
I'd be okay with a change of how votes are counted.

Tearing the whole thing down and starting again is another matter. That's how rich countries turn into tin-pot dictatorships.
It's the only way to carve out the rot. I do not care. Western liberal democracy is utterly broken.


16,625 posts

239 months

Thursday 20th June
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jshell said:
CraigyMc said:
jshell said:
I'm prepared for the terrible pain of pulling the whole edifice down and restarting
I'd be okay with a change of how votes are counted.

Tearing the whole thing down and starting again is another matter. That's how rich countries turn into tin-pot dictatorships.
It's the only way to carve out the rot. I do not care. Western liberal democracy is utterly broken.
For clarity, you desire a revolution, out with the royals and the whole governmental system of the UK?

Follow-up question: why do you think what would come after would be better than what exists now?


6,143 posts

67 months

Thursday 20th June
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jshell said:
Klippie said:
Well you better hope they don't end up like the Scottish Greens who turned into a super controlling perverted eco-marxist party with intent to destroy all business and peoples livelihoods...oh they are a lovely bunch, look them up if you dare.
Great description of those child mutilation obsessed utter deviants.

Anyone voting Green needs their heads looked at and their hard drives checked..
Think I might have mentioned this before but it bears repeating. The UK and International Association of Green political parties has disavowed the Scottish "Greens" because of their extreme views (and connections to convicted paedophiles and other individuals with criminal records for sexually aggravated assault). The Association began an expulsion process, but the Scottish contingent decided to jump before they were pushed, attempting to take a moral high-ground position over 'transphobia'.

It should have garnered a lot more publicity than it did, because the Scottish Extremists are still making capital out of the goodwill that exists around the Green movement that they are officially no longer a part of.

Scottish Greens vote to sever ties

Edited by Evercross on Thursday 20th June 12:32


42,961 posts

238 months

Thursday 20th June
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CraigyMc said:
For clarity, you desire a revolution, out with the royals and the whole governmental system of the UK?

Follow-up question: why do you think what would come after would be better than what exists now?
That is a good point.

Many countries have had revolutions and their political systems still remain broken to this day. Including Russia, China and Iran.

It can both be the case that liberal democracy is failing in the west and that there is nothing better to replace it.