Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)

Can Sir Keir Starmer revive the Labour Party? (Vol. 2)



4,480 posts

144 months

Monday 4th March
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Biker 1 said:
Looks like they'll take a massive hammering - lib Dems don't look like they're getting very far either.
Absolute scenes, as the younger lot would say.


52,630 posts

213 months

Monday 4th March
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Well that simply won't happen.

But it will be bloody interesting to see what does happen.


5,461 posts

165 months

Monday 4th March
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bhstewie said:
Well that simply won't happen.

But it will be bloody interesting to see what does happen.
I think we'll see the results skewed by protest votes - similar to what happened with Brexit in 2019, but it'll be on a few fronts

- Votes for Reform for those disillusioned with the tories stance on immigration
- Votes for other parties by those not happy with the parties stance on geo political events
- Votes for parties that are dealing better with hate (i.e. anti semitism)

Labour will get in with a huge landslide


5,681 posts

109 months

Monday 4th March
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bhstewie said:
Well that simply won't happen.

But it will be bloody interesting to see what does happen.
Certainly wouldn’t be good for democracy. But then nor is the current government.


52,630 posts

213 months

Monday 4th March
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Heard on the radio on the way back that the Conservatives are polling in single digits among the under-35 demographic.


6,449 posts

24 months

Monday 4th March
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Starmer said:
These missions... will be measurable, so we can track progress and be held to account'
bbc said:
While the Labour leader repeatedly said that each of the five missions would have measurable targets, we have not yet been given any of those targets.
Even the missions that sound like they are easily measurable are more complicated than they look.
For example, the first mission is to have "the highest sustained growth in the G7".
We know how to measure which economy has the highest growth, but Labour has declined to tell us yet how they will assess which economy has the highest sustained growth.
And measuring whether a Labour government manages to "break down the barriers to opportunity at every stage" will also be tricky.
But Labour has said it will announce the metrics in the future, so we will have to wait and see.
It’s new, and improved…what is…we don’t know but you’ll get it as soon as we do!

If the unthinkable happens HAGNFY is going to legendary next series.


5,681 posts

109 months

Monday 4th March
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bhstewie said:
Heard on the radio on the way back that the Conservatives are polling in single digits among the under-35 demographic.
Not at all surprised.


17,969 posts

163 months

Monday 4th March
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bhstewie said:
Heard on the radio on the way back that the Conservatives are polling in single digits among the under-35 demographic.
They're about to poll in single figures with the over 65s when the Budget announces a reduction in NI rather than in Income Tax....for the second time.

What an absolute shambles of a Government.


13,752 posts

129 months

Monday 4th March
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Jockman said:
bhstewie said:
Heard on the radio on the way back that the Conservatives are polling in single digits among the under-35 demographic.
They're about to poll in single figures with the over 65s when the Budget announces a reduction in NI rather than in Income Tax....for the second time.

What an absolute shambles of a Government.
It does seem a very odd way to keep pensioners on side

Give tax breaks to high earners and nothing to those living on lower incomes who no longer pay NI

And it’s not just state pensioners it’s everyone retired


6,840 posts

62 months

Monday 4th March
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At this stage I a convinced Labour could increase taxes massively, triple the cost of living, spend the entire gold reserves on helping Gaza, ban petrol, redefine by law what a woman is, harbour terrorists and reopen unlimited immigration and the country would still vote them in......unless, unless, anyone else get this feeling, that the approach to the polls are just so wildly biassed to the left.

Seasonal Hero

7,954 posts

55 months

Monday 4th March
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julian987R said:
At this stage I a convinced Labour could increase taxes massively, triple the cost of living, spend the entire gold reserves on helping Gaza, ban petrol, redefine by law what a woman is, harbour terrorists and reopen unlimited immigration and the country would still vote them in......unless, unless, anyone else get this feeling, that the approach to the polls are just so wildly biassed to the left.
You’re seeing a country utterly exhausted with the Tories and who can now do nothing to avoid defeat. It’s that simple.

fking funny that you blame dodgy polling rather than the reality in front of your eyes though.


12,427 posts

209 months

Monday 4th March
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julian987R said:
At this stage I a convinced Labour could increase taxes massively, triple the cost of living, spend the entire gold reserves on helping Gaza, ban petrol, redefine by law what a woman is, harbour terrorists and reopen unlimited immigration and the country would still vote them in......unless, unless, anyone else get this feeling, that the approach to the polls are just so wildly biassed to the left.
The media has its own agenda, the polls are always wrong. We'll only know the morning after.


4,651 posts

31 months

Monday 4th March
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julian987R said:
At this stage I a convinced Labour could increase taxes massively, triple the cost of living, spend the entire gold reserves on helping Gaza, ban petrol, redefine by law what a woman is, harbour terrorists and reopen unlimited immigration and the country would still vote them in......unless, unless, anyone else get this feeling, that the approach to the polls are just so wildly biassed to the left.
Dream on.
Polls aren’t biased. It’s regulated.

Rejoin the EU, Labour would still win by a landslide.

Where did it all go wrong for the Tories. Was Johnson a Labour plant ?


6,840 posts

62 months

Monday 4th March
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Seasonal Hero said:
julian987R said:
At this stage I a convinced Labour could increase taxes massively, triple the cost of living, spend the entire gold reserves on helping Gaza, ban petrol, redefine by law what a woman is, harbour terrorists and reopen unlimited immigration and the country would still vote them in......unless, unless, anyone else get this feeling, that the approach to the polls are just so wildly biassed to the left.
You’re seeing a country utterly exhausted with the Tories and who can now do nothing to avoid defeat. It’s that simple.

fking funny that you blame dodgy polling rather than the reality in front of your eyes though.
You seem so blinkered that you can't comprehend the possibility that the polling has, to a degree, an element of bias to it. I think there is.
Like I say, picture this, Labour could say they hate the entire nation and will double taxes, yet the polls would still go up. Something aint right.


4,620 posts

24 months

Monday 4th March
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bhstewie said:
Heard on the radio on the way back that the Conservatives are polling in single digits among the under-35 demographic.
not a surprise, is it? they haven't been able, in 15 years government, to provide a route to property ownership and wealth for people of this demographic.


6,840 posts

62 months

Monday 4th March
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James6112 said:
julian987R said:
At this stage I a convinced Labour could increase taxes massively, triple the cost of living, spend the entire gold reserves on helping Gaza, ban petrol, redefine by law what a woman is, harbour terrorists and reopen unlimited immigration and the country would still vote them in......unless, unless, anyone else get this feeling, that the approach to the polls are just so wildly biassed to the left.
Dream on.
Polls aren’t biased. It’s regulated.

Rejoin the EU, Labour would still win by a landslide.

Where did it all go wrong for the Tories. Was Johnson a Labour plant ?
From IPOS website small print

While it is true that there can be problems with sample frames and non-response bias for in-home or telephone surveys, the scale of exclusions and biases are still much larger for online studies. Not only do online surveys omit the non-internet using c40% of the population, but they also usually depend on respondents' willingness to commit themselves to being part of an online panel. Given that there are no reliable or comprehensive sample frames of email addresses, this is the only real option available — and it is certainly preferable to uncontrolled, open invitation surveys sometimes run on websites.

Seasonal Hero

7,954 posts

55 months

Monday 4th March
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julian987R said:
You seem so blinkered that you can't comprehend the possibility that the polling has, to a degree, an element of bias to it. I think there is.
Like I say, picture this, Labour could say they hate the entire nation and will double taxes, yet the polls would still go up. Something aint right.

Wildly biased or an element of bias. Which is it?


6,840 posts

62 months

Monday 4th March
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Seasonal Hero said:
julian987R said:
You seem so blinkered that you can't comprehend the possibility that the polling has, to a degree, an element of bias to it. I think there is.
Like I say, picture this, Labour could say they hate the entire nation and will double taxes, yet the polls would still go up. Something aint right.

Wildly biased or an element of bias. Which is it?
Both, why not.


6,449 posts

24 months

Monday 4th March
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Labour have already started. Hiking taxes for private schools and undermining apprenticeships to fund their new plans. It's standard Labour TBH, this is why most of their councils are fked already....


5,259 posts

180 months

Monday 4th March
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The simple fact is the Conservatives will be swept out of power at the GE, I cannot believe anybody can really think otherwise. However, what will replace them will, in all probability, be no better and quite possibly worse. It really is that simple.

Those rooting for the ‘Tories’ to be eviscerated and replaced by something better are as deluded as those hoping against hope that the Conservatives have a chance of being re-elected.

Now, has Starmer revived the the Labour Party, absolutely not - he’s done fk all which is why we are all going to be horribly pissed off.