Liz Truss Ex-Prime Minister



10,049 posts

160 months

Friday 19th April
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vaud said:
blueg33 said:

What do you have to pay in the US for elderly care/social care for example. Do you need to save etc? Cost of dentistry?

The only real way to compare would be to look at net disposable income after everything you need to pay for to get what we have here, and vice-versa and then adjust for cost of living

At first glance the US looks cheaper but it is highly variable by state. What they do is put more choice of spend on the consumer, which is fine if you have money.
When I last looked into this calafornia has higher tax but crucially you can claim a lot back which you can't in the UK. So health care tax deductible, pensions (like the uk) commuting costs (should be in the UK). So actually you don't pay headline Figueroa....but your kids might get shot in school YMMV


12,442 posts

209 months

Friday 19th April
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Gecko1978 said:
vaud said:
blueg33 said:

What do you have to pay in the US for elderly care/social care for example. Do you need to save etc? Cost of dentistry?

The only real way to compare would be to look at net disposable income after everything you need to pay for to get what we have here, and vice-versa and then adjust for cost of living

At first glance the US looks cheaper but it is highly variable by state. What they do is put more choice of spend on the consumer, which is fine if you have money.
When I last looked into this calafornia has higher tax but crucially you can claim a lot back which you can't in the UK. So health care tax deductible, pensions (like the uk) commuting costs (should be in the UK). So actually you don't pay headline Figueroa....but your kids might get shot in school YMMV
We have a fair number of customers that come in from California and they pretty much universally moan about tax rates, housing and energy costs there to the point that a number of them have left and gone elsewhere in the US.


9,038 posts

119 months


17,239 posts

243 months

Friday 19th April
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Carl_VivaEspana said:
If I were to move on to the U.S it would probably be to Florida.

Pay is about 25% higher, so is crime.
Sales tax is 6%-7%
Corporate tax is 5.5% which enables me to stay in a well paid job
Average income tax rate is about 26%
Property tax in Florida is 2% of annually-assessed property value. Average house price is $400k, so $8k pa in “council tax” and no cap. If you’ve got a nice house - say £1m = $1.24m, your tax is $24.8k pa (not £5k or less as in the UK).

Pay being higher is irrelevant - we are talking about tax rates smile

Corporate tax is *NOT* 5.5%. That’s the *STATE* corporate tax rate. The Federal corporate tax rate is 21%, meaning corporate tax rate in Florida is 26.5%. Obviously there are various exemptions etc but those are the headline figures. UK corporate tax rate is 25% for profits over £250k (unless you’re an IP licensing business, in which case it is just 10%), and lower for lower profits.

Sales tax is not necessarily 5-6%. Most Florida counties charge an additional sales surtax, between 0.5% and 2.5%. Still lower than VAT of course.

Mr Penguin

2,184 posts

42 months

Friday 19th April
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silentbrown said:
I have to confess that I didn't realise this was anti-semitic or a fake quote until reading this.


12,574 posts

265 months

Friday 19th April
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when I was looking at options to move out of the UK I was quoted about $9k yearly in prop tax. in fort lauderdale on a nice place.

I think if you can afford to live in a $1M+ home the tax should reflect the home. It's not really my thing, I prefer the Japanese way. Small flats, small cars.

End of the day the amount you save scales with income level, what you buy is down to personal choice, if you can save $10k a month by moving it works assuming you are healthy and have a healthy lifestyle. $120k a year, $1.2m over 10.

And that's the conundrum facing the UK, the pull factors out of the country for the top 3% are too large to resist and the top 3% pay over 30% of income tax, the top 10% pays 60% of income tax receipts.


10,120 posts

169 months

Friday 19th April
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26,370 posts

196 months

Friday 19th April
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Mr Penguin said:
silentbrown said:
I have to confess that I didn't realise this was anti-semitic or a fake quote until reading this.
Liz Truss, not doing her homework? Say it ain't so. rofl


12,574 posts

265 months

Friday 19th April
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24,450 posts

223 months

Saturday 20th April
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silentbrown said:
Imagine if one of the other lot had erroneously quoted that about a Jewish banker? This site would have melted.... smile


52,850 posts

213 months

Saturday 20th April
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A cracking read on Truss by Jonathan Sumption.

Liz Truss’s attacks on the judiciary are a travesty


2,867 posts

213 months

Saturday 20th April
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She is a fking fruitloop.

In fact ‘that’ lettuce, I’d venture, still has more get up and go than her and it’s been in the bin, rotting ever since she left office.

She’s evidence that thick is a quality some aspire to.


13,054 posts

220 months

Saturday 20th April
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dukeboy749r said:
She is a fking fruitloop.

In fact ‘that’ lettuce, I’d venture, still has more get up and go than her and it’s been in the bin, rotting ever since she left office.

She’s evidence that thick is a quality some aspire to.
Bizarre journey from Lib Dem monarchy abolitionist and campaigner against the Criminal Justice Bill to right wing nutcase.

Classic case of 'you don't like these principles? I have others'

She has the feel of a completely blank canvas, casting around for popularity

Castrol for a knave

4,946 posts

94 months

Saturday 20th April
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biggbn said:
silentbrown said:
Imagine if one of the other lot had erroneously quoted that about a Jewish banker? This site would have melted.... smile
Even a much derided Media Studies first year knows to check and check again when citing a source.


12,872 posts

183 months

Saturday 20th April
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bhstewie said:
A cracking read on Truss by Jonathan Sumption.

Liz Truss’s attacks on the judiciary are a travesty
It is a bit like her argument about civil servants and government depts. She says that there are too many of them and Ministers cannot get stuff done because of all of the blockages. What she is saying is she basically wants ministers to have all the powers. That works in some sense. But we have all these specialist depts for a reason.

Mr Penguin

2,184 posts

42 months

Saturday 20th April
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biggbn said:
Imagine if one of the other lot had erroneously quoted that about a Jewish banker? This site would have melted.... smile
Not an erroneous quote, but Rachel Reeves did copy and paste several paragraphs from Wikipedia.


16,883 posts

208 months

Saturday 20th April
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smn159 said:
Classic case of 'you don't like these principles? I have others'

She has the feel of a completely blank canvas, casting around for popularity
She learnt that from Boris who, as Michael Heseltine noted, would wait to see which way the crowd was running and then dash in front.

Mr Penguin

2,184 posts

42 months

Saturday 20th April
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I think Truss is a lot worse than Boris for this. Boris does have some basic beliefs and I think his many positions are loosely tied to those. Truss just says anything that comes to mind and takes positions that can't work together.

A principled monkey stays in the same tree. Boris will stay in his tree and the ones next to it. Truss will go to any forest in the world.


10,761 posts

163 months

Saturday 20th April
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Mojooo said:
It is a bit like her argument about civil servants and government depts. She says that there are too many of them and Ministers cannot get stuff done because of all of the blockages. What she is saying is she basically wants ministers to have all the powers. That works in some sense. But we have all these specialist depts for a reason.
Maybe it’d work if they weren’t constantly shuffling the deckchairs.

How can a minister get on top of his/her brief when they could be moved in literally months? How many housing ministers have we had since 2010? Something like 16 different people in charge in that time and that’s not the only department where that’s happened. Absolutely nothing would get done if ministers had all the powers.


24,450 posts

223 months

Saturday 20th April
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Mr Penguin said:
biggbn said:
Imagine if one of the other lot had erroneously quoted that about a Jewish banker? This site would have melted.... smile
Not an erroneous quote, but Rachel Reeves did copy and paste several paragraphs from Wikipedia. make my point perfectly, thanks