Russia Invades Ukraine. Volume 5

Russia Invades Ukraine. Volume 5



3,376 posts

193 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Chimune said:
Putin and Kim in same location. Just imagine how many lives would be saved....
Nothing says successful military operation like going cap in hand to one of the worlds biggest crackpot dictators. What an embarrassment.


27,543 posts

257 months

Wednesday 19th June
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RichFN2 said:
And this is what another analyst has "worked out" for yesterday's losses:
Tracked garden shed!?!?

Oliver Hardy

2,826 posts

77 months

Wednesday 19th June
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paulw123 said:
Chimune said:
Putin and Kim in same location. Just imagine how many lives would be saved....
Nothing says successful military operation like going cap in hand to one of the worlds biggest crackpot dictators. What an embarrassment.
Hasn't Russia got 5 year worth of hardware left if you listen to some sources?


12,494 posts

237 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Oliver Hardy said:
paulw123 said:
Chimune said:
Putin and Kim in same location. Just imagine how many lives would be saved....
Nothing says successful military operation like going cap in hand to one of the worlds biggest crackpot dictators. What an embarrassment.
Hasn't Russia got 5 year worth of hardware left if you listen to some sources?
Context is key here. Yes, technically (from what I have seen), Russia does have some deep reserves of equipment and are building new stuff constantly. So yes, it is possible that they could have approximately 5 years worth of hardware left.

However, its way more complex than that. Figures vary depending on the situation, but typically its assumed that a military unit is considered degraded if it has 30% casualties and at 40% its ineffective. If we apply this to equipment, suddenly it gets pretty damning for Russias position currently. Of course, it isnt as simple as that. Aircraft for example typically have an effective ratio of 3:1 or even 2:1 in some cases. For every 2 aircraft, only 1 might be serviceable and operational! But of course, you work around this and manage expectations accordingly. The F-22 is a good example where the effective readiness of the fleet is around 50% - does it make it a failure? Not at all, it just means that a number are held on the ground while the ones in the sky are still as deadly as before.

If we think about other equipment such as tanks, the situation is pretty dire. We have satellite images showing that they are running out of stocks of what they have and are desperately turning older and older stuff into running order to meet demand. If the current attrition rate continues, they will have nothing left! And thats the point, as Russia continues to degrade its military, it weakens its positions around the world and its own defence. Reports are saying that their only S-500 advanced air defence system has been relocated to Crimea. It used to defend Moscow! Suddenly that makes it a much more attractive target. With a number of very pissed off neighbors, countries around the world where Russia has been operating not happy with what they are doing and being a target for international terrorism, I dont rate their chances of keeping the wolves at bay.

Yes, technically it seems that Russia can keep the war running longer based on reactivation of old stocks and new built equipment. But every day they are degraded the are weaker and weaker. This cannot continue at the current rate and it will eventually lead to some sort of collapse. Either from Ukraine or someone else, but there will be a point at which the Russian military will cease to be effective and it doesnt matter how many tanks you have in a field at that point.


26,006 posts

196 months

Wednesday 19th June
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CT05 Nose Cone said:
Waitforme said:
There are some minor differences in tank loses being quoted, top post mentions circa 8k while the latest vid above mentions about 2.5k tank
Even 2.5k is a staggering amount, I wonder how many America and all the western powers have lost in combat since 1945?
~200 UN tanks lost to enemy action in Korea; ~300 US tanks in Vietnam, mostly to mines; ~900 israeli tanks since 1948.


8,726 posts

118 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Anyone able to find a reliable source that Russia are handing the Tumangan River over to China and the implications of that?

Plenty of chat about it but nothing I regard as totally trustworthy.


13,491 posts

224 months

Wednesday 19th June
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BikeBikeBIke said:
Anyone able to find a reliable source that Russia are handing the Tumangan River over to China and the implications of that?

Plenty of chat about it but nothing I regard as totally trustworthy.
I didn't read it as that. At present China needs Russian & North Korean permission to sail to/from the Sea of Japan. The proposals seem to be that in future Russian/North Korea would waive that need for permission. To some extent you can read that as Russia ceding some control although I'm sure the permissions at present are mere formalities.


6,861 posts

182 months

Wednesday 19th June
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GT03ROB said:
BikeBikeBIke said:
Anyone able to find a reliable source that Russia are handing the Tumangan River over to China and the implications of that?

Plenty of chat about it but nothing I regard as totally trustworthy.
I didn't read it as that. At present China needs Russian & North Korean permission to sail to/from the Sea of Japan. The proposals seem to be that in future Russian/North Korea would waive that need for permission. To some extent you can read that as Russia ceding some control although I'm sure the permissions at present are mere formalities.
This mentions it, it's a Ukraine source.


23,417 posts

178 months

Wednesday 19th June
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off_again said:
Oliver Hardy said:
paulw123 said:
Chimune said:
Putin and Kim in same location. Just imagine how many lives would be saved....
Nothing says successful military operation like going cap in hand to one of the worlds biggest crackpot dictators. What an embarrassment.
Hasn't Russia got 5 year worth of hardware left if you listen to some sources?
Context is key here. Yes, technically (from what I have seen), Russia does have some deep reserves of equipment and are building new stuff constantly. So yes, it is possible that they could have approximately 5 years worth of hardware left.

However, its way more complex than that. Figures vary depending on the situation, but typically its assumed that a military unit is considered degraded if it has 30% casualties and at 40% its ineffective. If we apply this to equipment, suddenly it gets pretty damning for Russias position currently. Of course, it isnt as simple as that. Aircraft for example typically have an effective ratio of 3:1 or even 2:1 in some cases. For every 2 aircraft, only 1 might be serviceable and operational! But of course, you work around this and manage expectations accordingly. The F-22 is a good example where the effective readiness of the fleet is around 50% - does it make it a failure? Not at all, it just means that a number are held on the ground while the ones in the sky are still as deadly as before.

If we think about other equipment such as tanks, the situation is pretty dire. We have satellite images showing that they are running out of stocks of what they have and are desperately turning older and older stuff into running order to meet demand. If the current attrition rate continues, they will have nothing left! And thats the point, as Russia continues to degrade its military, it weakens its positions around the world and its own defence. Reports are saying that their only S-500 advanced air defence system has been relocated to Crimea. It used to defend Moscow! Suddenly that makes it a much more attractive target. With a number of very pissed off neighbors, countries around the world where Russia has been operating not happy with what they are doing and being a target for international terrorism, I dont rate their chances of keeping the wolves at bay.

Yes, technically it seems that Russia can keep the war running longer based on reactivation of old stocks and new built equipment. But every day they are degraded the are weaker and weaker. This cannot continue at the current rate and it will eventually lead to some sort of collapse. Either from Ukraine or someone else, but there will be a point at which the Russian military will cease to be effective and it doesnt matter how many tanks you have in a field at that point.
Air Defences are the big one IMHO. If they are suficeiently degraded and it is game over for either side. Russia seems to be losing a lot more than Ukraine is, but it has a lot more to start with.


1,469 posts

150 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Some chilling analysis (written in the DT today):

“There is a growing chorus of influential voices in Russia who argue that tactical nuclear weapons use could force Ukraine and the West to capitulate. If Russia is making incremental gains at too high a cost, it could see a nuclear escalation as a lesser evil to a years-long war of attrition. The hawkish Council on Foreign and Defense policy chief Sergey Karaganov, who moderated the discussion with Putin at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, is the most prominent exponent of this chilling argument. Talk about a Hiroshima and Nagasaki style end to the Ukraine war is intensifying. “


2,246 posts

84 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Adam. said:
Tracked garden shed!?!?
This is Pistonheads, have you not got one?


51,136 posts

158 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Adam. said:
Tracked garden shed!?!?
Is that a garden shed with tracks, or a garden shed that has been taken to a track day?


4,237 posts

233 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Iamnotkloot said:
Some chilling analysis (written in the DT today):

“There is a growing chorus of influential voices in Russia who argue that tactical nuclear weapons use could force Ukraine and the West to capitulate. If Russia is making incremental gains at too high a cost, it could see a nuclear escalation as a lesser evil to a years-long war of attrition. The hawkish Council on Foreign and Defense policy chief Sergey Karaganov, who moderated the discussion with Putin at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, is the most prominent exponent of this chilling argument. Talk about a Hiroshima and Nagasaki style end to the Ukraine war is intensifying. “
Unlikely. Russia would lose China's support and it would spur the West into obliterating Russia's hardware on Ukrainian soil.

UK journos are obsessed with "nuclear" headlines - it's the ultimate clickbait.


40,732 posts

286 months

Wednesday 19th June
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GliderRider said:
Adam. said:
Tracked garden shed!?!?
This is Pistonheads, have you not got one?
With a bar in it.


5,978 posts

146 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Hereward said:
Iamnotkloot said:
Some chilling analysis (written in the DT today):

“There is a growing chorus of influential voices in Russia who argue that tactical nuclear weapons use could force Ukraine and the West to capitulate. If Russia is making incremental gains at too high a cost, it could see a nuclear escalation as a lesser evil to a years-long war of attrition. The hawkish Council on Foreign and Defense policy chief Sergey Karaganov, who moderated the discussion with Putin at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, is the most prominent exponent of this chilling argument. Talk about a Hiroshima and Nagasaki style end to the Ukraine war is intensifying. “
Unlikely. Russia would lose China's support and it would spur the West into obliterating Russia's hardware on Ukrainian soil.

UK journos are obsessed with "nuclear" headlines - it's the ultimate clickbait.
It's been about 70 weeks since Feb '22 - they've made vague nuke threats pretty much every week - wonder when one might take them seriously?


4,071 posts

98 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Iamnotkloot said:
Some chilling analysis (written in the DT today):

“There is a growing chorus of influential voices in Russia who argue that tactical nuclear weapons use could force Ukraine and the West to capitulate. If Russia is making incremental gains at too high a cost, it could see a nuclear escalation as a lesser evil to a years-long war of attrition. The hawkish Council on Foreign and Defense policy chief Sergey Karaganov, who moderated the discussion with Putin at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, is the most prominent exponent of this chilling argument. Talk about a Hiroshima and Nagasaki style end to the Ukraine war is intensifying. “
I don't think that is likely at all.
You think the US will sit back and allow conquest by nuclear weapons? I'd be very surprised if russia hasn't been told exactly what the immediate consequences of the use of nuclear weapons will be.

My guess is that the US response would be to annihilate all russian forces on Ukrainian land. russia could not be allowed to gain or win.
I'd also guess that sanctions would be stepped up to near airtight levels.

Even russia aren't that dumb.


1,526 posts

141 months

Wednesday 19th June
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spookly said:
I'd also guess that sanctions would be stepped up to near airtight levels.
And I think in such occurrence not only by us, but I am pretty sure China and India would not be supportive at all.


16,012 posts

207 months

Wednesday 19th June
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CT05 Nose Cone said:
glazbagun said:
How big is the global pool of combat mercs? Given the money the West has to throw around, it strikes me as notable that Wagner was getting all the press and we haven't heard of Blackwater since Iraq.
Blackwater rebranded in 2010 and have been defunct for a decade now


1,469 posts

150 months

Wednesday 19th June
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spookly said:
Iamnotkloot said:
Some chilling analysis (written in the DT today):

“There is a growing chorus of influential voices in Russia who argue that tactical nuclear weapons use could force Ukraine and the West to capitulate. If Russia is making incremental gains at too high a cost, it could see a nuclear escalation as a lesser evil to a years-long war of attrition. The hawkish Council on Foreign and Defense policy chief Sergey Karaganov, who moderated the discussion with Putin at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, is the most prominent exponent of this chilling argument. Talk about a Hiroshima and Nagasaki style end to the Ukraine war is intensifying. “
I don't think that is likely at all.
You think the US will sit back and allow conquest by nuclear weapons? I'd be very surprised if russia hasn't been told exactly what the immediate consequences of the use of nuclear weapons will be.

My guess is that the US response would be to annihilate all russian forces on Ukrainian land. russia could not be allowed to gain or win.
I'd also guess that sanctions would be stepped up to near airtight levels.

Even russia aren't that dumb.
You need to read the article, it mentions all the nuclear rhetoric, the possible NATO counterstrikes, the West’s dismissal of such nuclear sabre rattling etc.
What the analyst is talking about is the direction of travel within Russian conversations. He is arguing that it doesn’t matter what the outside world (with the possible exception of China) thinks about tac nuke use, it only matters what direction the internal politics is going. Hence why I called it chilling.


51,136 posts

158 months

Wednesday 19th June
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crofty1984 said:
Constellis Holdings