Elon Musk $41B offer for Twitter

Elon Musk $41B offer for Twitter



1,909 posts

123 months

Saturday 6th July
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off_again said:
Byker28i said:
Ah Musk again

What an absolute ststain of a person. We are still doing this then? Christ on a bike, this is just stupid.

We have covered this at length before, but there is no issue with illegals voting. Never was and it’s not going to be again. Laws already exist and Johnson’s bill is just a laughable attempt to gain attention. And on the other spin, that the Dems are importing millions of illegals to vote in the next few cycles. Again, utter lies and just not true.


Yet we still keep giving this man attention and praise. Why? No matter what ‘good’ this man has achieved is completely wiped out by stupidity like this. Now, does he believe it? Probably not. This will be an utterly cynical move to gain attention (and keep his narcissistic personality stroked) and to appeal to the far right. There is no way you can spin this that looks good for Musk. Just a ststain.
If its all fake and a nothing-burger then why are people making so much noise about why this act is bad etc? If it does nothing then let it pass, confident that it'll do nothing but make Rep's look silly.


14,616 posts

251 months

Saturday 6th July
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It's not about this particular piece of legislation, it's about musk and his dog whistle posts.


12,544 posts

237 months

Sunday 7th July
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dobbo_ said:
It's not about this particular piece of legislation, it's about musk and his dog whistle posts.
And the fact that he is amplifying this type of messages to 188 million Twitter followers. Now, we know that a percentage of these are purchased, but the fact that there are still tens of millions of people are seeing these dog whistles.

You would hope that someone in this position would be more cautious, considerate and sensible in these types of situation. But no, he’s a cynical billionaire who is willfully contributing to the continuing mountains of misinformation.


2,116 posts

166 months

Sunday 7th July
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dobbo_ said:

This guy. Absolute state of him, just a full on, no filter, racist POS.

But rockets, I guess.
Not stating hes not one......but where's the racism in this post?


14,616 posts

251 months

Sunday 7th July
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The whole thing is racist as fk. Why single out black on white crime? Why ignore things like population growth? Why only point out "blacks" killing "whites"

Context didn't require that reply, Musk didn't need to amplify it.

Benefit of the doubt only goes so far.

Musk has none left, your question is at best, borderline.


2,116 posts

166 months

Sunday 7th July
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off_again said:
And the fact that he is amplifying this type of messages to 188 million Twitter followers. Now, we know that a percentage of these are purchased, but the fact that there are still tens of millions of people are seeing these dog whistles.

You would hope that someone in this position would be more cautious, considerate and sensible in these types of situation. But no, he’s a cynical billionaire who is willfully contributing to the continuing mountains of misinformation.
What's wrong with the message that only citizens should vote and that elections should be secure and trustworthy?

It would help if you lot would explain what the problem is when you're moaning about things he's done. Not all of us are full time members of the anti Elon club, so it can be quite hard to tell!!


14,616 posts

251 months

Sunday 7th July
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This isn't school. if you need it explained to you why someone grotesquely misusing their position of power to promote hateful and divisive rhetoric is wrong, and worse, why it is hateful and divisive - that's your problem and not other people's responsibility.


2,116 posts

166 months

Sunday 7th July
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dobbo_ said:
The whole thing is racist as fk. Why single out black on white crime? Why ignore things like population growth? Why only point out "blacks" killing "whites"

Context didn't require that reply, Musk didn't need to amplify it.

Benefit of the doubt only goes so far.

Musk has none left, your question is at best, borderline.
Explain how it's racist please?

Does every comment or statement ever made, have to have a qualifying counter-statement that covers the things not originally mentioned? That would be a strange world indeed.

...or do you just see statistic that makes black people look bad and so it must be racist?

Help me understand!?

And then if Elon is shocked by a statistic he saw online, what's racist about expressing that surprise?


2,116 posts

166 months

Sunday 7th July
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dobbo_ said:
This isn't school. if you need it explained to you why someone grotesquely misusing their position of power to promote hateful and divisive rhetoric is wrong, and worse, why it is hateful and divisive - that's your problem and not other people's responsibility.
What's hateful about wanting fair and secure elections that represent the people of the nation?


14,616 posts

251 months

Sunday 7th July
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You either know the answers, or you are woefully ill informed.

Either way I'm not engaging. You can go arf arf your sealioning at someone else.


2,116 posts

166 months

Sunday 7th July
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dobbo_ said:
You either know the answers, or you are woefully ill informed.

Either way I'm not engaging. You can go arf arf your sealioning at someone else.
Sealioning? Is that like seagullling?

I like to understand how people think. I was just curious about the principles behind your conclusions.



12,544 posts

237 months

Monday 8th July
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Dagnir said:
dobbo_ said:

This guy. Absolute state of him, just a full on, no filter, racist POS.

But rockets, I guess.
Not stating hes not one......but where's the racism in this post?
Educate yourself.


It’s a term that has been used for decades and has recently resurfaced through the use of incorrect statistics and interpretations of the official stats. It’s actually incorrect and is now used as a phrase to justify police enforcement, segregation of communities on race lines and supports the narrative that the ‘others’ are the root of the problems of society.

Did Musk directly support this? No, but what he did do is to amplify this from a potentially limited exchange between a few people to one that gets pushed to 188 million followers of Musk. Why would you do this? Why would you even engage with this? Why would you retweet it?


12,544 posts

237 months

Monday 8th July
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Dagnir said:
off_again said:
And the fact that he is amplifying this type of messages to 188 million Twitter followers. Now, we know that a percentage of these are purchased, but the fact that there are still tens of millions of people are seeing these dog whistles.

You would hope that someone in this position would be more cautious, considerate and sensible in these types of situation. But no, he’s a cynical billionaire who is willfully contributing to the continuing mountains of misinformation.
What's wrong with the message that only citizens should vote and that elections should be secure and trustworthy?

It would help if you lot would explain what the problem is when you're moaning about things he's done. Not all of us are full time members of the anti Elon club, so it can be quite hard to tell!!
Ok, I’ll fall for this.


What Johnson is promoting is a lie. Millions of illegals voting (yes, he said this), is a lie. Just registering for a drivers license (in some states) allows you to vote, is a lie. That there is no protection to stop illegals from voting is a lie. To say that there is nothing to stop illegals from voting (such as a law), is a lie.

The strange thing is that this came just days after Johnson survived a vote in the house. Was this linked to it in any way? Was he forced to propose this by the hardliners in his own party? Mmm, makes you think. But the bottom line is that this is just political theater and nothing more. It aligns with what Trump is saying and it’s an excuse to justify when the Republicans lose. Any loss that they have will be justified as ‘well, you didnt pass my SAVE act, so it’s all a stolen election’.

It’s BS. Johnson knows it, all of the other politicians know it and it’s not going to get passed. You cant pass a law when an existing one is present (which it is). To suggest that there isnt anything in place already is just stupid. There is and its well documented, enforced and controlled. There is no evidence of extensive illegal voting and in fact the numbers are dramatically low.

But Musk knows this. He is a citizen, but he has passed through the naturalization process. He had to fill out the forms to get his visa, knowing that he was prevented from voting and that it was illegal (and clearly documented). He knows the process to become naturalized, and what this entails (such as voting) and he passed the relevant tests. He knows this, but yet he still promotes this BS.

Hey, even check the questions for US naturalization -


Question 50 - you are directly asked this on your civics test. And no, Musk didnt get someone else to complete this - doing so would instantly render him illegible. As a visa holder, it is made very clear that you cannot vote.

To counter your question though - why would passing ANOTHER law to stop something that doesnt happen make any difference?


2,520 posts

215 months

Monday 8th July
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off_again said:
Dagnir said:
off_again said:
And the fact that he is amplifying this type of messages to 188 million Twitter followers. Now, we know that a percentage of these are purchased, but the fact that there are still tens of millions of people are seeing these dog whistles.

You would hope that someone in this position would be more cautious, considerate and sensible in these types of situation. But no, he’s a cynical billionaire who is willfully contributing to the continuing mountains of misinformation.
What's wrong with the message that only citizens should vote and that elections should be secure and trustworthy?

It would help if you lot would explain what the problem is when you're moaning about things he's done. Not all of us are full time members of the anti Elon club, so it can be quite hard to tell!!
Ok, I’ll fall for this.


What Johnson is promoting is a lie. Millions of illegals voting (yes, he said this), is a lie. Just registering for a drivers license (in some states) allows you to vote, is a lie. That there is no protection to stop illegals from voting is a lie. To say that there is nothing to stop illegals from voting (such as a law), is a lie.
30sec of googling before you post would keep you from looking like an idiot. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (aka the Motor Voter Law) allows you to register to vote while getting a driver's license. There are 24 States plus the District of Collumbia that automatically register you to vote when you get a driver's licence. You have to opt out of registering to vote. Yes, it is illegal for illegal aliens to vote in federal elections, but there is not a whole lot preventing them from doing so.


2,116 posts

166 months

Monday 8th July
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off_again said:
Dagnir said:
dobbo_ said:

This guy. Absolute state of him, just a full on, no filter, racist POS.

But rockets, I guess.
Not stating hes not one......but where's the racism in this post?
Educate yourself.


It’s a term that has been used for decades and has recently resurfaced through the use of incorrect statistics and interpretations of the official stats. It’s actually incorrect and is now used as a phrase to justify police enforcement, segregation of communities on race lines and supports the narrative that the ‘others’ are the root of the problems of society.

Did Musk directly support this? No, but what he did do is to amplify this from a potentially limited exchange between a few people to one that gets pushed to 188 million followers of Musk. Why would you do this? Why would you even engage with this? Why would you retweet it?
What term? Black on black? Is that mentioned in the twitter post?

And what's incorrect? The statistic in the tweet?

I think I'm missing your point.

Some people have used statistics to deceive in the past, so that means we can simply discount uncomfortable statistics from now on?

Maybe Elon was surprised and reacted as such? Isn't he allowed to do that to perfectly legal and factual tweets?

Tbh all I'm seeing are emotional reasons why you don't like what is being said and that more people will see it, rather than an explanation as to why what he posted ("!"), was racist.


4,203 posts

161 months

Monday 8th July
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Dagnir said:
What term? Black on black? Is that mentioned in the twitter post?

And what's incorrect? The statistic in the tweet?

I think I'm missing your point.

Some people have used statistics to deceive in the past, so that means we can simply discount uncomfortable statistics from now on?

Maybe Elon was surprised and reacted as such? Isn't he allowed to do that to perfectly legal and factual tweets?

Tbh all I'm seeing are emotional reasons why you don't like what is being said and that more people will see it, rather than an explanation as to why what he posted ("!"), was racist.
in a country of 333m + or minus 2100 has hardly any significance. If you have someone of mixed heritage where do you put them in the "black" or "white" camp, what about if they are 25% and 75% white or vice versa. Do you count police shootings in with that statistic? (what if all the black on white shootings are law enforcement?). and so on and so on.

The point of the quote is to stoke up the idea that blacks are a danger to the white community. Nothing else. it's a meaningless statistic.


10,450 posts

225 months

Monday 8th July
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Dagnir said:
What term? Black on black? Is that mentioned in the twitter post?

And what's incorrect? The statistic in the tweet?

I think I'm missing your point.

Some people have used statistics to deceive in the past, so that means we can simply discount uncomfortable statistics from now on?

Maybe Elon was surprised and reacted as such? Isn't he allowed to do that to perfectly legal and factual tweets?

Tbh all I'm seeing are emotional reasons why you don't like what is being said and that more people will see it, rather than an explanation as to why what he posted ("!"), was racist.
He's promoting the notion that the colour of somebody's skin is a meaningful indicator of whether they're going to murder somebody.


62,898 posts

220 months

Monday 8th July
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mko9 said:
30sec of googling before you post would keep you from looking like an idiot. The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (aka the Motor Voter Law) allows you to register to vote while getting a driver's license. There are 24 States plus the District of Collumbia that automatically register you to vote when you get a driver's licence. You have to opt out of registering to vote. Yes, it is illegal for illegal aliens to vote in federal elections, but there is not a whole lot preventing them from doing so.
Except that states have mechanisms to catch that and there's evidence that the few that have have been caught and the issue addressed, such as in 2022, Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, conducted an audit of his state’s voter rolls specifically looking for noncitizens. His office found that 1,634 had attempted to register to vote over a period of 25 years, but election officials had caught all the applications and none had been able to register.

It's been something pushed by trump and the GOP without evidence that Democrats were encouraging illegal migration to the U.S. so they could register the newcomers to vote.


2,116 posts

166 months

Monday 8th July
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sugerbear said:
in a country of 333m + or minus 2100 has hardly any significance. If you have someone of mixed heritage where do you put them in the "black" or "white" camp, what about if they are 25% and 75% white or vice versa. Do you count police shootings in with that statistic? (what if all the black on white shootings are law enforcement?). and so on and so on.

The point of the quote is to stoke up the idea that blacks are a danger to the white community. Nothing else. it's a meaningless statistic.
Well proportionally and compared to the reverse...are they not?

There are many, many such statistics that strongly support this as well. Are they all misleading?


2,116 posts

166 months

Monday 8th July
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durbster said:
He's promoting the notion that the colour of somebody's skin is a meaningful indicator of whether they're going to murder somebody.

Sure he is!