Elon Musk $41B offer for Twitter

Elon Musk $41B offer for Twitter



12,487 posts

237 months

Thursday 6th June
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EddieSteadyGo said:
Cathy Wood will say anything to hype the value of Tesla. Just like Gordon Johnson will say anything to drag them down. Everyone knows that, so you just have to take what they say with a large dose of salt.
And thats the problem. We keep giving these people air. To be honest, would we expect anything different from these people and more? Probably not, they are selling something at the end of the day. But we seem to be missing the critical thinking element. We seem to have bypassed it all and going full on - someone said something with authority and a few technical words, so it must be accurate.

I expect more from our journalists and media, but I guess I am expecting too much.


12,389 posts

206 months

Thursday 6th June
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off_again said:
And thats the problem. We keep giving these people air. To be honest, would we expect anything different from these people and more? Probably not, they are selling something at the end of the day. But we seem to be missing the critical thinking element. We seem to have bypassed it all and going full on - someone said something with authority and a few technical words, so it must be accurate.

I expect more from our journalists and media, but I guess I am expecting too much.
Unfortunately you are expecting far too much. In terms of what appears in the papers or on TV, I think it is probably more accurate (and safer) to assume everyone has an agenda, usually related to money. That's ultra-cynical I know, and maybe even sounds paranoid, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest it's a better way to view what we see and read.

I think the 'critical thinking' component has transferred to the reader, to try and balance one source against another. But does even reading a variety of equally biased, competing stories allow anyone to find the truth? Probably only to a limited extent. (At this point, Dobbo is probably drafting a post, called me a "enlightened centrist", which I think is a jibe from Reddit suggesting I hide my true views behind a veneer of a trying to be 'balanced'. To an extent there may even be some truth to that, as we all have our own internal bias on how we see the world, but I am also still very interested in understanding what is actually true, rather than what I would like to be true).


14,593 posts

251 months

Thursday 6th June
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Oh Eddie it's sweet that you think of me.

If it helps, I agree with a lot of what you say across all topics, and I enjoy our interactions. beer

But also you are a closet fascist right winger and I hate you! Which I assume is what you were waiting for me to say hehe


12,389 posts

206 months

Thursday 6th June
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dobbo_ said:
Oh Eddie it's sweet that you think of me.

If it helps, I agree with a lot of what you say across all topics, and I enjoy our interactions. beer

But also you are a closet fascist right winger and I hate you! Which I assume is what you were waiting for me to say hehe


3,116 posts

93 months

Thursday 6th June
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dobbo_ said:
If it helps, I agree with a lot of what you say across all topics
Red flag.


14,593 posts

251 months

Thursday 6th June
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dimots said:
dobbo_ said:
If it helps, I agree with a lot of what you say across all topics
Red flag.
My third favourite Dido song


27,138 posts

164 months

Thursday 6th June
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Starship is flying again today.

The Super Heavy booster successfully launched, did a boost back, re-entered and did a landing burn to soft land in the sea. Starship is still in flight but will attempt a re-entry in about half an hour.

Cue comments about how he didn't invent rockets/tail landing/heavy boosters etc smile

Edited to add....

Starship re-entered, did its flip, and excuted a landing burn.

During re-entry there was a near continuous live 4k feed from Starlink, one of the flaps was disintegrating and burning up live as is was screaming in at 20000km/h!

Epic stuff.

Edited by 98elise on Thursday 6th June 15:02


14,593 posts

251 months

Thursday 6th June
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Yeah I am not a Musk fan but the rocket stuff is really, really cool.


12,487 posts

237 months

Thursday 6th June
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EddieSteadyGo said:
off_again said:
And thats the problem. We keep giving these people air. To be honest, would we expect anything different from these people and more? Probably not, they are selling something at the end of the day. But we seem to be missing the critical thinking element. We seem to have bypassed it all and going full on - someone said something with authority and a few technical words, so it must be accurate.

I expect more from our journalists and media, but I guess I am expecting too much.
Unfortunately you are expecting far too much. In terms of what appears in the papers or on TV, I think it is probably more accurate (and safer) to assume everyone has an agenda, usually related to money. That's ultra-cynical I know, and maybe even sounds paranoid, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest it's a better way to view what we see and read.
I am becoming such a bloody cynic these days that its worrying. I watched a Munroe live video about a breakdown of the Grizzl-e chargers. I happen to have one and I am interested to understand more. And the constant comparisons to the Tesla chargers was disturbing. A constant undercurrent of "it doesnt do this" or "it cant do that" or "its just heavy".... weird. The Grizzl-e chargers are designed for harsh conditions (its a Canadian company) with a very robust case but simpler features. Oh and its got a massive and very strong cable too. Oh, and since when does anyone who is shopping for a charger compare the Tesla one to any other manufacturer, and vice versa. Totally strange. If I wasnt so bloody cynical I would have missed all of this - but my concern is that I am constantly looking for the angle, sales pitch or bias in everything.... seriously, does it really matter about a breakdown of a bloody charger? Why am I getting so worked up about something that really doesnt matter?

I need a holiday.


12,389 posts

206 months

Thursday 6th June
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off_again said:
I am becoming such a bloody cynic these days that its worrying. I watched a Munroe live video about a breakdown of the Grizzl-e chargers. I happen to have one and I am interested to understand more. And the constant comparisons to the Tesla chargers was disturbing. A constant undercurrent of "it doesnt do this" or "it cant do that" or "its just heavy".... weird. The Grizzl-e chargers are designed for harsh conditions (its a Canadian company) with a very robust case but simpler features. Oh and its got a massive and very strong cable too. Oh, and since when does anyone who is shopping for a charger compare the Tesla one to any other manufacturer, and vice versa. Totally strange. If I wasnt so bloody cynical I would have missed all of this - but my concern is that I am constantly looking for the angle, sales pitch or bias in everything.... seriously, does it really matter about a breakdown of a bloody charger? Why am I getting so worked up about something that really doesnt matter?

I need a holiday.
I can tell you why....because they weren't being fair to the product, and if it happens to be something you know something about, that's irritating.

In general terms, my view on Munroe live.... being polite, let's just say Sandy is a great marketer.... for himself....

As you know, I'm a Tesla 'enthusiast', but even me, with my Elon blinkers, can sniff out Sandy's BS.

He realised a long time ago, he would make a tonne more money by selling an "emergency".... the emergency is something like this.... "Tesla are a decade ahead, they are going to eat your lunch, they know what they are doing, you guys are stuck in the past, they are proper engineers, their technology is amazing etc etc.... now... do you want to catch up quickly? You need to buy my reports!".

This message goes out to all the legacy car makers and their associated OEMs, and they will be selling a stack of reports off the back of it.

If they just gave an independent appraisal of what each car does well when they dissect it, that doesn't create much urgency. Whereas, if they say, "Wow... incredible.... Tesla are so far ahead... genius.... wow... never seen this before... " etc it creates a reason to buy their latest report on Tesla. Unfortunately, in this context, the charger review you mentioned is cannon fodder. Almost everything they say has to be 1000% pro-Tesla, because then they sell more reports. Sad, but true.


8,716 posts

220 months

Thursday 6th June
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dobbo_ said:
Yeah I am not a Musk fan but the rocket stuff is really, really cool.


25,951 posts

196 months

Thursday 6th June
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EddieSteadyGo said:
He realised a long time ago, he would make a tonne more money by selling an "emergency".... the emergency is something like this.... "Tesla are a decade ahead, they are going to eat your lunch, they know what they are doing, you guys are stuck in the past, they are proper engineers, their technology is amazing etc etc.... now... do you want to catch up quickly? You need to buy my reports!".

This message goes out to all the legacy car makers and their associated OEMs, and they will be selling a stack of reports off the back of it.

If they just gave an independent appraisal of what each car does well when they dissect it, that doesn't create much urgency. Whereas, if they say, "Wow... incredible.... Tesla are so far ahead... genius.... wow... never seen this before... " etc it creates a reason to buy their latest report on Tesla. Unfortunately, in this context, the charger review you mentioned is cannon fodder. Almost everything they say has to be 1000% pro-Tesla, because then they sell more reports. Sad, but true.
Don't they buy the opposition's cars and test them anymore? That's basic research, buying snake oil from some blabbermouth on yootube not so much.


14,593 posts

251 months

Thursday 6th June
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Pincher said:
dobbo_ said:
Yeah I am not a Musk fan but the rocket stuff is really, really cool.
Can't remember if I posted this before - Musk names his floating landing platforms after ships from Iain M Banks novels.

If Iain Banks was alive, I'm fairly sure he would absolutely detest Musk.

Funny old world.


12,389 posts

206 months

Thursday 6th June
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14,593 posts

251 months

Thursday 6th June
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EddieSteadyGo said:
See now, that is absolutely fking epic. Proper nerdgasm stuff.

He needs to stop pissing around with politics and properly get back to his spaceships and cars


5,813 posts

235 months

Thursday 6th June
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Pincher said:
dobbo_ said:
Yeah I am not a Musk fan but the rocket stuff is really, really cool.
He is a marmite bloke, but concur with the above - I was a kid again watching the Falcon 9 landing on that floating platform years back - amazing stuff.



3,898 posts

109 months

Thursday 6th June
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Musk said 20 years for those things to be flying people to Mars on a regular basis.

Now, I'm not necessarily believing that figure... but given SpaceX's track record, I wouldn't bet against them achieving it within 30.


14,593 posts

251 months

Thursday 6th June
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Rivenink said:
Musk said 20 years for those things to be flying people to Mars on a regular basis.

Now, I'm not necessarily believing that figure... but given SpaceX's track record, I wouldn't bet against them achieving it within 30.
About the same time the Roadster is delivered then!

Seriously though, he won't get anyone to Mars, because there is no money in it.

It's all chat, to hype his brand.


3,898 posts

109 months

Friday 7th June
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dobbo_ said:
Rivenink said:
Musk said 20 years for those things to be flying people to Mars on a regular basis.

Now, I'm not necessarily believing that figure... but given SpaceX's track record, I wouldn't bet against them achieving it within 30.
About the same time the Roadster is delivered then!

Seriously though, he won't get anyone to Mars, because there is no money in it.

It's all chat, to hype his brand.
I think that might be short sighted.

Mars itself would offer a very exotic holiday destination. If SpaceX can crack reusability and reduce the costs down enough, space tourism will be a massive industry.

Not to mention that Mars itself probably has pristine reserves of rare earth metals that are highly valuable even in very small quantities.

Then consider the next step of asteroid mining once you have a fuel depot in orbit of Mars, supplied by fuel manufacturing on Mars.


5,813 posts

235 months

Friday 7th June
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Rivenink said:
dobbo_ said:
Rivenink said:
Musk said 20 years for those things to be flying people to Mars on a regular basis.

Now, I'm not necessarily believing that figure... but given SpaceX's track record, I wouldn't bet against them achieving it within 30.
About the same time the Roadster is delivered then!

Seriously though, he won't get anyone to Mars, because there is no money in it.

It's all chat, to hype his brand.
I think that might be short sighted.

Mars itself would offer a very exotic holiday destination. If SpaceX can crack reusability and reduce the costs down enough, space tourism will be a massive industry.
Assume that's tongue-in-cheek - hard to tell sometimes.