Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1251

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%


25,849 posts

196 months

Tuesday 18th June
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For all those mithering about how terrible it would be for a govt to make a decision, the last two major changes in voting rights in Scotland were not devolved to a referendum; the d'hondt system was decided on by the govt, as was using PR for council elections. The world didn't end and 2 decades have passed. While I have issues with corruption created by the list system it is more democratic.


104,877 posts

263 months

Tuesday 18th June
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gregs656 said:
turbobloke said:
Sure the theory sounds great, but in real-world UK, AV was unacceptable and as a result, PR will be acceptable? Wakey wakey. Politics is often said to be the art of the possible.'

Or, is some form of undemocratic totalitarianist imposition being championed? Because 'we' know best?
Orange juice was unacceptable 13 years a go so, as a result, apple juice will be acceptable today?

I would never have voted for AV but, like many people, would have voted for PR. Very few people who support electoral reform were asking for AV. The cynic might think we were given a vote on something that interested no one precisely so people could say 'Sorry but we did a vote on electoral reform'.
Sure, I accept there's no equivalence and didn't clam it existed. I wasn't caught by an apples and oranges line as my point is that there was no appetite to replace FPTP.


53,266 posts

258 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Gecko1978 said:
Plus many who post often are left leaning.
Labour normally polls single figures on PH.


25,849 posts

196 months

Tuesday 18th June
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turbobloke said:
Sure, I accept there's no equivalence and didn't clam it existed. I wasn't caught by an apples and oranges line as my point is that there was no appetite to replace FPTP.
Polling data consistently disagrees with you.


3,603 posts

179 months

Tuesday 18th June
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17,443 posts

282 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Bill said:
Gecko1978 said:
Plus many who post often are left leaning.
Labour normally polls single figures on PH.
Both statements can be true.


3,603 posts

179 months

Tuesday 18th June
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FPTP worldwide


53,266 posts

258 months

Tuesday 18th June
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swisstoni said:
Both statements can be true.
Only one is relevant to PH polls though.


104,877 posts

263 months

Tuesday 18th June
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the-photographer said:
FPTP worldwide

Interesting, but not an argument for or against FPTP.

LHD and RHD maps are even worse, iyswim, and also not an argument for either.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Tuesday 18th June
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turbobloke said:
It looks very much as though you're seekng excuses for impostition, essentially totalitarianism. I'm not ignoring paradoxes or timeloops or anything else. If neither of the two parties will put PR as a front-line aspect of their manifesto, or otherwise be willing to impose PR, it's not going to happen, so as I posted previously, it's not going to happen.

If a referendum was called, and I mentioned AV not because I thought it was PR but because there's been a referendum on it, the chances of PR winning out are also remote, given AV was roundly rejected.

These two points together are why I also posted previously that it's fine to look at such things in theory, but it's not going to happen. Like brexit, this means those who want something else will need to accept reality.

When PR supporters have enough backing from an electable third Party (e.g, LibDems in a previous life before they imploded on brexit) then it'll become a realistic possibility. Until then things will carry on as now.
Might I suggest you go and Google the meaning of Totalitarianism? rofl

By your definition of the word, the fall of the Berlin wall was a Totalitarian imposition because the government of the GDR never held a referendum on it!

MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Tuesday 18th June
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the-photographer said:
FPTP worldwide

Belarus were the only European country to adopt FPTP after the fall of the Iron Curtain.


The rest of the FPTP countries were heavily influenced by the UK system.

NZ switched from FPTP to a PR system and the world didn't end. Even Turbobloke didn't keel over permanently.


5,269 posts

33 months

Tuesday 18th June
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turbobloke said:
Sure, I accept there's no equivalence and didn't clam it existed. I wasn't caught by an apples and oranges line as my point is that there was no appetite to replace FPTP.
There was no appetite to replace FPTP with AV.


104,877 posts

263 months

Tuesday 18th June
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CivicDuties said:
turbobloke said:
Sure, I accept there's no equivalence and didn't clam it existed. I wasn't caught by an apples and oranges line as my point is that there was no appetite to replace FPTP.
There was no appetite to replace FPTP with AV.
Is replacing with AV not replacing?

MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Kermit power said:
turbobloke said:
It looks very much as though you're seekng excuses for impostition, essentially totalitarianism. I'm not ignoring paradoxes or timeloops or anything else. If neither of the two parties will put PR as a front-line aspect of their manifesto, or otherwise be willing to impose PR, it's not going to happen, so as I posted previously, it's not going to happen.

If a referendum was called, and I mentioned AV not because I thought it was PR but because there's been a referendum on it, the chances of PR winning out are also remote, given AV was roundly rejected.

These two points together are why I also posted previously that it's fine to look at such things in theory, but it's not going to happen. Like brexit, this means those who want something else will need to accept reality.

When PR supporters have enough backing from an electable third Party (e.g, LibDems in a previous life before they imploded on brexit) then it'll become a realistic possibility. Until then things will carry on as now.
Might I suggest you go and Google the meaning of Totalitarianism? rofl

By your definition of the word, the fall of the Berlin wall was a Totalitarian imposition because the government of the GDR never held a referendum on it!
Yes, completely bonkers. There are some crazy posts on PH aren't there?


3,987 posts

260 months

Tuesday 18th June
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The OP should start another poll now as this one will no longer be representative of the voting intentions on here I believe.

In this poll, 22% were either going to stay at home or spoil their paper. Many may have changed their mind. Furthermore, since then, Farage has come on board with Reform, Sunak has made some cockups and Starmer seems to be finally working out what a woman is. The fluid nature of the whole event is why the national pollsters update theirs regularly.

I'm not into starting one myself as I'm not one for political debates on here. But I am interested in seeing the latest intentions of the Pistonheads demographic.


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Ok, so a few people have suggested a new poll as we get closer so...

Timothy Bucktu

15,380 posts

203 months

Tuesday 18th June
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BoomerPride said:
The OP should start another poll now as this one will no longer be representative of the voting intentions on here I believe.

In this poll, 22% were either going to stay at home or spoil their paper. Many may have changed their mind. Furthermore, since then, Farage has come on board with Reform, Sunak has made some cockups and Starmer seems to be finally working out what a woman is. The fluid nature of the whole event is why the national pollsters update theirs regularly.

I'm not into starting one myself as I'm not one for political debates on here. But I am interested in seeing the latest intentions of the Pistonheads demographic.
Agreed. It'd be interesting to see the Farage effect.


7,594 posts

272 months

Tuesday 18th June
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President Merkin said:
biggbn said:
No not that. I loathe the whole they're all as bad as each other pov. It's lazy, demonstrably not true & an abrogation of curiosity in the world around you. A one word answer sums up the indolence of it perfectly. we can disagree respectfully but if you're going to come in here & try to tell me Jess Phillips or Robert Halfon are on a par with Scott Benton or Chris Pincher, then I'll argue with you all day long. And you'll never expel the dregs by washing your hands of your duty.
Absolutely that. It's not your call on how someone exercises their right (not duty) to vote.

So many people have been operating on the assumption that Britain is broken because the wrong people are in charge, and all will be well just as soon as the other lot take over.
Soon they will come to learn what the rest of us have known for quite some time, that the system is completely unresponsive, bureaucracy is killing businesses but is the stock-in trade of the civil service and that the complex problems we face are simply beyond the wit of our mediocre, focus group-led, short-termist politicians.

So you can't get different results by voting for the uniparty and anything else is a wasted vote.

It will be a hard lesson for many - and the realisation will only add to the political disaffection in 2029 when Labour too will potentially be looking at its own oblivion, just as the Tories are this time round.


20,750 posts

125 months

Tuesday 18th June
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the-photographer said:
FPTP worldwide

That's only 1.5Bn people, what do they know!


5,269 posts

33 months

Tuesday 18th June
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turbobloke said:
CivicDuties said:
turbobloke said:
Sure, I accept there's no equivalence and didn't clam it existed. I wasn't caught by an apples and oranges line as my point is that there was no appetite to replace FPTP.
There was no appetite to replace FPTP with AV.
Is replacing with AV not replacing?
Why do you need it spelling out? I'm saying there may well be an appetite to replace FPTP if a proper PR replacement were to be proposed. Isn't that obvious?