New world's steepest coaster opens in UK

New world's steepest coaster opens in UK



1,204 posts

196 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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loafer123 said:
I quite like coasters, but hate the bit when it goes under another part of the ride or some reinforcing bar 'cause I'm tall and always wonder if they designed it right.

Completely irrational, I know, but there you go.
Haha, don't go on the runaway train ride at Beijing amusement park then. I have a video somewhere of us coming round a corner and all screaming at each other to duck. It wasn't made for anyone over 6' so it was pretty close. In general that is the scariest theme park I've ever been to.


6,482 posts

221 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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chr15b said:
Marcia said:
Love coasters,let me at it bounce,my faves are
1.Oblivion (alton towers)
2.Rita queen of speed(alton towers)
3.Grand National(Blackpool)
4.Pepsi max(Blackpool)

Nemesis at alton towers did'nt do anything for me,found it a bit boring,havent been on any outside this country,but would love to go on a few in the states.
Oblivion is nothing after Sheikra at Busch gardens
Even the second drop on sheikra is higher than oblivion.
I must have rode sheikra about 5 times on the trot last time i went, i just love the drop, but after a few times it just doesnt feel high anymore frown

Sheikra is sooooo smooth too, no vibration or headache which the hulk gives me everytime and ruins it for me too, just too much vibration.

Mind you has anyone been on gwazi at busch gardens? Now that is vibration to the max hehe i thought my brain was going to come out of one of my ears hehe


27,635 posts

219 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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lord summerisle said:
aclivity said:
Landstriker said:
mdotd said:
Pah!! If you're really looking to have a go on something that'll scare the scensoredt out of you, try riding a rollercoater that someone built themselves in their back garden! biggrin
That looks suicidal.eek

Still wouldn't stop me from having a gobiglaugh
I've only ever been scared on one ride - This one

Designed and built by Pleasureland Southport, it was a deathtrap, felt rickety and unsafe, but not in a good way. The only ride I have ever said "never again" after riding.
Not quite. wink

King Soloman's Mines ride at Pleasureland was origonally at Frontierland in Morcombe (it opened in 1960) but was moved to Southport when the Morcombe closed.

Still it was built and designed by Blackpool Pleasure Beach, just as they had with the Wild Mouse.
Its a different era of ride design - 'if its too scary they dont have to ride it.' compared to todays 'if its too scary, we'll reprofile it to make it less scary' ie the Big Ones reprofiled first drop

Edited by lord summerisle on Monday 16th March 09:06
There is / was a Gold Mine ride at the Pleasure Beach (still there I think, part runs through the River Caves and the cafe). First time I ever went on it as a kid it scared the crap out of me, it was on par with the Wild Mouse. I used to enjoy sitting in the cafe and watching it whizz past. Nowadays it just trundles by at about 1mph.


88,903 posts

287 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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"It is based on the Saw horror films and includes adrenaline-pumping challenges and surprises."

No it isn't because no one dies a horrible self inflicted death. Not unless they include someone dying of thirst, malnutrition or a burst bladder whilst waiting 6hrs in the queue to get on it.


21,627 posts

195 months


3,467 posts

193 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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m3jappa said:
chr15b said:
Marcia said:
Love coasters,let me at it bounce,my faves are
1.Oblivion (alton towers)
2.Rita queen of speed(alton towers)
3.Grand National(Blackpool)
4.Pepsi max(Blackpool)

Nemesis at alton towers did'nt do anything for me,found it a bit boring,havent been on any outside this country,but would love to go on a few in the states.
Oblivion is nothing after Sheikra at Busch gardens
Even the second drop on sheikra is higher than oblivion.
I must have rode sheikra about 5 times on the trot last time i went, i just love the drop, but after a few times it just doesnt feel high anymore frown

Sheikra is sooooo smooth too, no vibration or headache which the hulk gives me everytime and ruins it for me too, just too much vibration.

Mind you has anyone been on gwazi at busch gardens? Now that is vibration to the max hehe i thought my brain was going to come out of one of my ears hehe
hulk was horrible, the only good bit was being shot out that tube, after that i just wanted it end


2,362 posts

222 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Kraken in Florida was pretty hairy at times, I'm sure I read you are weightless at one point, that and Expedition Everest, that was a hoot as well.


5,099 posts

193 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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chr15b said:
Marcia said:
Love coasters,let me at it bounce,my faves are
1.Oblivion (alton towers)
2.Rita queen of speed(alton towers)
3.Grand National(Blackpool)
4.Pepsi max(Blackpool)

Nemesis at alton towers did'nt do anything for me,found it a bit boring,havent been on any outside this country,but would love to go on a few in the states.
Oblivion is nothing after Sheikra at Busch gardens
Not been to any theme parks in america,would love to though yes


6,185 posts

194 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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m3jappa said:
chr15b said:
Marcia said:
Love coasters,let me at it bounce,my faves are
1.Oblivion (alton towers)
2.Rita queen of speed(alton towers)
3.Grand National(Blackpool)
4.Pepsi max(Blackpool)

Nemesis at alton towers did'nt do anything for me,found it a bit boring,havent been on any outside this country,but would love to go on a few in the states.
Oblivion is nothing after Sheikra at Busch gardens
Even the second drop on sheikra is higher than oblivion.
I must have rode sheikra about 5 times on the trot last time i went, i just love the drop, but after a few times it just doesnt feel high anymore frown

Sheikra is sooooo smooth too, no vibration or headache which the hulk gives me everytime and ruins it for me too, just too much vibration.

Mind you has anyone been on gwazi at busch gardens? Now that is vibration to the max hehe i thought my brain was going to come out of one of my ears hehe
Is gwazi the wooden one where you race each other with a lion and a tiger I believe? If so yes lol I had never heard my mum swear before I went on that ride it was bloody fantastic I swear at some times the middle of the coaster came of the track. But for a wooden ride it was amazing as you say it was rather bumpy but I personally like wooden ones to be like that adds to the experience smile Bush Gardens for me was the best theme park in Orlando by far for rides in my opinion they is a lot of good rollercoaster’s there and its nice to go and see all the animals it was definitely worth the drive although we choose to go from when we were at Clearwater beech instead as we went for 3 weeks. However went on a jet ski whilst at Clearwater beech and to be honest it made all the rollercoaster seems like a piece of crap lol. It was a top of a range Yamaha 2 seater we had man who rented was very relaxed even though it was brand new but my god it was fast I had 65mph on the speedo before I lost my nerve. But he claimed over 80mph was possible if you had the balls if you like your thrills I would certainly recommend having a go on one. Also I believe Florida is one of the only places you could drive one aged 15 lol did have to take a safety test before I could go on it though which was harder than I thought but came it great help when greeted in a massive boat when heading back towards the jetty.


6,482 posts

221 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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I went on a jetski when i was in cleawater, i've never been on one before and i never will again, i was fking terrified hehe and i,m not ashamed to admit it. I drove it at about 5mph while every so often giving it full throttle because even though i was st scared i didnt want to waste my moneyh hehe

Never again though EVER laugh

Gwazi is terrible on the brain but very impressive nonetheless. i found it best to slightly perch out of the seat, that way you get all the thrills with about 90% less vibration laugh


6,185 posts

194 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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m3jappa said:
I went on a jetski when i was in cleawater, i've never been on one before and i never will again, i was fking terrified hehe and i,m not ashamed to admit it. I drove it at about 5mph while every so often giving it full throttle because even though i was st scared i didnt want to waste my moneyh hehe

Never again though EVER laugh

Gwazi is terrible on the brain but very impressive nonetheless. i found it best to slightly perch out of the seat, that way you get all the thrills with about 90% less vibration laugh
Lol I did not think about that it was a good job I had no fillings because they would have soon been rattled out was the only real time I felt slightly ill on a ride but it was great fun. With regards to the jet ski I can see what you mean I would imagine acceleration was similar to that of a super bike you really had to hold on tight under full throttle but I personally thought it was brilliant. My sister on the back however did not I ended up having to take her back so I could open up the throttle and have some fun. I must say when I got to 60mph I hit a fairly big wave and shot in the air was the closest yet I have come to stting myself at life I really don’t know how I didn’t fall off I must have gone 2 foot in the air lol. And with regards to this thread I thought of another great rollercoaster in my view the Grand National at Blackpool it may be very old now but for me it is still one of the best smile Also I thought Spiderman was a fabulous ride but I am not really sure if it counts as a rollercoaster as such? The special effects however were amazing was probably my favourite ride in Orlando went on it 5 times lol.

SXi Lad

2,964 posts

192 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Anyone know if Blackpool still has that Val Hala, someting like that were you go on a boat. That was amazing for me. Must have gone on it a few times


21,627 posts

195 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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on a similar note, what was the one that you rode a horse at blackpool.... that was effing scary

SXi Lad

2,964 posts

192 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Dupont666 said:
on a similar note, what was the one that you rode a horse at blackpool.... that was effing scary
That was amazing, I remeber the Eddie Stobart truck rides

Fetchez la vache

5,595 posts

217 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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OK, so this is what the fuss is all about for the new coaster..


6,898 posts

209 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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F i F said:
Norbury90 said:
wavey Hey FiF, long time no speak! Hope you are well.
Hey up young Norbs. wavey back.

I'm OK in RL even if extremely busy, though wondering about the IK server... frown

Might be a final excuse to give up. More trouble than worth at times.
Yeah its a bit messy, a real shame the way things have turned out IMO. I guess it should shake the server up a fair bit though...


1,885 posts

192 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Norbury90 said:
The Incredible Hulk coaster at Florida is about my limit for coasters. Anything more extreme than that is a no-go for me.
that is an immense ride, I've been on that, and dueling dragons, not sure which is better as dueling dragons is split into two but the hulk is a lot longer.

mmmmm, thinking about it I think i think its down to the hulk and the krakon in sea world.


6,898 posts

209 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Urban_Ninja said:
Norbury90 said:
The Incredible Hulk coaster at Florida is about my limit for coasters. Anything more extreme than that is a no-go for me.
that is an immense ride, I've been on that, and dueling dragons, not sure which is better as dueling dragons is split into two but the hulk is a lot longer.

mmmmm, thinking about it I think i think its down to the hulk and the krakon in sea world.
After riding the Hulk first thing in the morning, I refused to go on anything else that looked frightening in any way for the rest of the day, so I missed out on Dueling Dragons. I was only about 8 at the time though.

F i F

44,556 posts

254 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Norbury90 said:
Urban_Ninja said:
Norbury90 said:
The Incredible Hulk coaster at Florida is about my limit for coasters. Anything more extreme than that is a no-go for me.
that is an immense ride, I've been on that, and dueling dragons, not sure which is better as dueling dragons is split into two but the hulk is a lot longer.

mmmmm, thinking about it I think i think its down to the hulk and the krakon in sea world.
After riding the Hulk first thing in the morning, I refused to go on anything else that looked frightening in any way for the rest of the day, so I missed out on Dueling Dragons. I was only about 8 at the time though.
You need to go back and try Duelling Dragons. Imagine Nemesis built alongside a second Nemesis, the tracks then intertwined and the cars racing each other. Plus as mentioned above there is a hidden cut through to go round and have another go.

Funnily enough the most fun we had in IofA was on a really hot day on the River Raft ride, Popeye and Bluto something or other. Basically a white water rapid raft ride similar to those the world over.

Except on this one you don't get wet, you get bloody soaked through. Second time we went we had a complete change of clothes stashed in the lockers for afterwards. Miss Fif and I went on, the Mrs didn't want to get soaked again, so she just stood on a bridge firing water cannons at us as we wnt round. The staff let us stay on for three goes as there was no queue, but after a water cannon shot full in the face from the missus got the hint it was time for lunch. hehe


4,072 posts

191 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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SXi Lad said:
Anyone know if Blackpool still has that Val Hala, someting like that were you go on a boat. That was amazing for me. Must have gone on it a few times
The same ride (with different theming) is also at Drayton Manor Park in the midlands. Valhalla is better IMHO, as the dark aspects of the ride make it more exciting. Drayton Manor does have one of the 2 standing up coasters in the world, so it's worth a visit - the queues are usually shorter than Alton Towers.