Your voting intentions

Poll: Your voting intentions

Total Members Polled: 1251

Conservative : 22%
Labour: 28%
Reform: 14%
Lib-dem: 9%
Indy: 2%
Green: 3%
Not Voting for any of 'em. (Stay At Home).: 12%
Spoil Paper: 8%
SNP: 1%
Plaid Cymru: 0%


Original Poster:

7,397 posts

39 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Evanivitch said:
Voldemort said:
That's because they are insignificant.
Perhaps you should learn to count laugh Bigger then several of the options listed wink
Just added.



23,427 posts

178 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Just voted on the poll, thought I'd ticked Labour, but ticked Reform by mistake, I better up my box ticking game for the ballot box in July.


7,964 posts

250 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Ive been on ph for over 20 years.i dont think it has lurched to the left.

I do think that people have become poorer and more reliant on the state and low rates to supplement stagnated wages.

What people want, what it really boils down to is:

1. To be able to pay for an adequately sized and located home and put the heating on every now and then

2. To have the police turn up when their car is nicked or house broken into

3. Be able to get access to healthcare in a reasonable time frame

4. Send their kids to a school that isnt shocking

5. Be able to buy the food required for their needs

6. Be able to go on a holiday every now and then without feeling like they are living in misery and just existing

7. Have some hope for the future, whether it be retirement. Being able to afford to have kids, start a business, buy a house, whatever,.

Id suggest in one way or another, unless you are a millionaire living in a gated compound and you send your kids private and have private health insurance you will probably be feeling something from mild depression to despair over the state of the country.

I genuinely dont know anyone who thinks the country isnt on the skids and a firm downward trajectory at the moment, and my friends list covers people on minimum wage to those on 150k a year. Incidentally the bloke i know on 150k had his car nicked a few months back. It was found by a neighbour 10 mins away but theyd done something with the wireless entry and he couldnt get into it. The police never turned up, even after he waited several hours. In the end he let all the air out of the tyres and put a bike lock on one wheel and went home to try and sort it himself.

None will vote tory, if they have full use of their faculties because i and everyone else i know genuinely believe the country is on its knees. The conservatives are toast.


9,988 posts

160 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Tom8 said:
If I have an independent I will vote for them, otherwise spoil or not bother depending on the weather. Anyone thinking Labour is the answer is very deluded, especially the latest incarnation with Rayner and Starmer, supported by a copy and paste what other people say, chancellor.

The problem for me is no party will admit that all that "we want" and demand from the state is too much and massively unaffordable yet they still try to do it then moan we have deficit and run up massive debts.

The NHS needs breaking up completely and starting again under a new charter of health obligations Some things need ignoring completely as they are just fads.

In the modern age, the government should set out its policies and deliver them and stop pandering to the social media warriors.
This in spades....I am getting smashed by Tory tax policy and will do more so by labour and yet public services will fail still . If you thing in 5 years the NHS will be better of schools will have smaller classes your a fool red blue yellow they won't make the changes that are needed


5,596 posts

109 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Wills2 said:
Just voted on the poll, thought I'd ticked Labour, but ticked Reform by mistake, I better up my box ticking game for the ballot box in July.

Don’t worry man - need to get the Reform vote up to circa 13% to really put the cherry on top of the cake! Go for it.


5,584 posts

26 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Evanivitch said:
Voldemort said:
That's because they are insignificant.
Perhaps you should learn to count laugh Bigger then several of the options listed wink
If you look at total votes cast at the last general election they are the 8th largest party, they are certainly one of the smaller parties out there, far smaller than the Greens, SNP and probably Reform.


15,996 posts

207 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Bradgate said:

The Tories deserve to lose this election, and they deserve to lose it very badly. This government has failed, even on its own terms. They said they would make a success of Brexit yet, however we may have voted back in 2016, most reasonable people would now agree that Brexit has been a disaster for this country. They said they would manage the economy competently, yet Truss attempted to bankrupt the country in a few weeks & almost succeeded. They said they would control the country’s borders, yet uncontrolled mass immigration is worse than ever. They said they would ‘level up’, yet Britain is more unequal & more divided than ever.

Good riddance to the Tories, I hope they are obliterated.
I'd go further. I'd say they NEED to lose it very badly. if it's marginal they'll just look at themselves and say "this, but a little harder/campaign a little better". They need a wholesale bking and take a few years in opposition to stand in the corner and think about what they've done. Then regroup properly with a professional, credible idea of how to run the country.


6,318 posts

281 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Evanivitch said:
Voldemort said:
That's because they are insignificant.
Perhaps you should learn to count laugh Bigger then several of the options listed wink
I never said they were the only insignificant party...


26,417 posts

176 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Only 1 in 5 of PH would vote Tory right now.

If they're not stting themselves in CCHQ then they should start.


4,448 posts

227 months

Thursday 23rd May
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IMO it doesn't matter who gets in.

The options open to any incoming government are so few that things won't get any better without drastic changes.

As much as i hate to say it, and i said i would never, ever vote labour again after the state the country was left in after the 1997-2010 period, i think i'll be voting labour this time.

My dad was in hospital recently and the whole place was run down and obviously held together by hard working people making do with what they had available. Really eye-opening.

Everything seems to be struggling for money, yet the government keep spending millions (billions) in the wrong areas. HS2, Rwanda, etc. Not to mention the whole brexit farce that was entirely of their own making by pandering to UKIP. And throwing billions out of helicopters to keep people in jobs during the pandemic, which went way, way too far.

Inevitably labour will increase taxes for high earners. I would hazard a guess they'll adopt what they set out in 2017 and we'll see anything above £80k-£90k being taxed more heavily. Non-doms taxed. Pensions upper limit reintroduced except doctors, etc. ISAs limited to £100k, possibly more for UK investments.

All tinkering round the edges and affecting higher earners more than lower.

Will be deeply unpopular with some, but what choice is there??? More borrowing? Growth? from where?!?

Edited by LowTread on Thursday 23 May 10:34

Edited by LowTread on Thursday 23 May 10:35


10,651 posts

163 months

Thursday 23rd May
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ChocolateFrog said:
Only 1 in 5 of PH would vote Tory right now.

If they're not stting themselves in CCHQ then they should start.
You also have to question the sanity of the 1 in 5 who look at the bin fire of a government we have at the moment and go "yep, more of the same please".


7,069 posts

111 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Its all just bks isn't it.


11,213 posts

208 months

Thursday 23rd May
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ChocolateFrog said:
Only 1 in 5 of PH would vote Tory right now.

If they're not stting themselves in CCHQ then they should start.
Nah, they know that it's Labour's turn for a few years. They must overlap in policies around 95+%, so 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.

There will never be change if we don't get out from the 'pick one cheek of the same @rse' scenario.


4,448 posts

227 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Voting every 4-5 yrs is what gives us the false impression that we have democracy.

But then again, look at what happened in 2016. Maybe we don't deserve it. Or rather, maybe the way that choices are presented to us and fact checked makes it unsuitable.


1,512 posts

203 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Change is needed, but you can't ask turkeys to vote for Christmas...

The party system was needed in the days when information and communication was not at your fingertips, I would love my MP to represent me, my neighbours and his other constituents rather than being beholden to the party whip.

As long as the MPs are.more worried about re-election than hard change for the better of all, human nature will win out.

A royal comission or equivalent would be needed to update our constitution, I can't happening can you?


23,427 posts

178 months

Thursday 23rd May
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S600BSB said:
Wills2 said:
Just voted on the poll, thought I'd ticked Labour, but ticked Reform by mistake, I better up my box ticking game for the ballot box in July.

Don’t worry man - need to get the Reform vote up to circa 13% to really put the cherry on top of the cake! Go for it.
Indeed, but I don't trust Labour enough to be happy to let them have an enormous majority, look what happened when Boris got one, they really go to town then fall apart the loonies take over and we all suffer.

Reform will plunge the knife in and gut the Tory party (which is no bad thing) If Starmer would come out and say he's going to re engage with the EU I would be a lot happier (but he won't for this GE but hopefully for the next)

To get a second term he knows he needs to be new labour but without the foreign wars.

Roderick Spode

3,209 posts

52 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Sir Humphrey Appleby: Bernard, if the right people don’t have power, do you know what happens? The wrong people get it: politicians, councillors, ordinary voters!

Bernard Woolley: But aren’t they supposed to, in a democracy?

Sir Humphrey: This is a British democracy, Bernard!


5,439 posts

140 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Voting Conservative means more of the same deplorable policies. Rwanda for heaven's sake? And who could vote for a party where Jacob Rees-Mogg is an MP? And Sunak is a joke.

Voting Labour means everything will get screwed up and instead of "too little too late" coming out of Angela Rayner's mouth we'll have "lessons will be learned".

Voting Lib Dem is as pointless as voting for the Cookie Monster

Voting anything else is as useless as voting Lib Dem - except in Scotland where there may be a point.

Who will I vote for? I can't bring myself to vote for any of them.


9,225 posts

260 months

Thursday 23rd May
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LimaDelta said:
So have the Tories.


18,785 posts

261 months

Thursday 23rd May
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Jasandjules said:
This is really a question of whether we wish the country to be destroyed by Red or Blue is it not?

There is no "someone who will make things better" option out there.
This. An utterly pointless exercise that anyone over the age of 40 should have realized by now.

One lot get in, don't follow through on their promises and f**k things up, everyone gets fed up and for some reason thinks a change will improve things and votes the other lot in. Ad infinitum.

The current lot are a bunch of corrupt midwits that are entirely out of touch with the country, but anyone who thinks the likes of Starmer, Rayner, Reeves, Cooper and Lammy are going to do anything but continue the downward trend needs their head examining.

An absolute clown show offering nothing more than the appearance of democracy that I refuse to take part in.

LunarOne said:
Voting Conservative means more of the same deplorable policies. Rwanda for heaven's sake? And who could vote for a party where Jacob Rees-Mogg is an MP? And Sunak is a joke.

Voting Labour means everything will get screwed up and instead of "too little too late" coming out of Angela Rayner's mouth we'll have "lessons will be learned".

Voting Lib Dem is as pointless as voting for the Cookie Monster

Voting anything else is as useless as voting Lib Dem - except in Scotland where there may be a point.

Who will I vote for? I can't bring myself to vote for any of them.