Climate change - the POLITICAL debate (Vol 7)

Climate change - the POLITICAL debate (Vol 7)



104,880 posts

263 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Politicians and media hacks as well as agw supporters have been too easily convinced by outcomes from the methodology used in attributing weather events to mankind...though most or indeed all of the membership of these three groups will have swallowed the claims without looking into anything except their approval-seeking ratings. It's been under the radar for a while, but now there's no excuse.

Here's the technical peer-reviewed paper in Climate Dynamics 2021

Followed by a blog article from the author, which is less constrained by the inevitable requirements of an academic publication and therefore somewhat easier to digest; no doubt somebody will try and fail to shoot the messenger host (Judith Curry) rather than address the analysis in the primary source.

Critics are welcome to submit their rebuttal paper for peer review, though some cobras will appear in due course; it's inevitable as this could 'do damage' and may be kept out of IPCC reports 'even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is', where we = The Team pushing The Cause (agw) as per Climategate emails.

Summary for peacemakers: the methodology used in numerous studies to attribute weather events to human-induced climate change, which has been uncritically reproduced by others and which lies behind dozens of alarmist newspaper headlines about mankind’s supposed influence, is statistically erroneous, aka wrong.


104,880 posts

263 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Good snip from the blog version "when (the author) implemented some standard remedies, the greenhouse gas signal was no longer detectable".

Where's a shocked face when needed. COP26 is bound to be discussing this.


13,162 posts

238 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Yeah, well… that’s only one scientist saying that a lot of attribution science is wrong. 99.9% of scientists think it’s fine.

So, who am I going to believe?


104,880 posts

263 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Kawasicki said:
Yeah, well… that’s only one scientist saying that a lot of attribution science is wrong. 99.9% of scientists think it’s fine.

So, who am I going to believe?
No parrot please, the perch is full. Anyway...
Not the 99.9% who haven't actually looked into it. Unless you want to be like them wink


8,489 posts

286 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Kawasicki said:
Yeah, well… that’s only one scientist saying that a lot of attribution science is wrong. 99.9% of scientists think it’s fine.

So, who am I going to believe?
The guys who said the world was flat?


104,880 posts

263 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Apart from the Putin bit, Russia has been quiet it seems/seemed. Apparently not.

Russia demands sanctions relief for climate deal at COP26
Bloomberg, 22 October 2021

The thing is, their demand isn't the only one, by far.


13,162 posts

238 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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turbobloke said:
Kawasicki said:
Yeah, well… that’s only one scientist saying that a lot of attribution science is wrong. 99.9% of scientists think it’s fine.

So, who am I going to believe?
No parrot please, the perch is full. Anyway...
Not the 99.9% who haven't actually looked into it. Unless you want to be like them wink
Sorry. Thanks for the link, must admit the stats are beyond me.


1,110 posts

241 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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Every little helps

Shamelessly forwarded on - not fact checked but plausible perhaps ?


8,489 posts

286 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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I guess they'll be mothballed to various people in the know then quietly forgotten about


7,577 posts

195 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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BryanC said:
Every little helps

Shamelessly forwarded on - not fact checked but plausible perhaps ?
Teslas are able to use other charging points beyond their own supercharger network (and of course granny chargers - 3 pins). So that smells of BS I would suggest given that Gleneagles is approx 50 miles from Glasgow. Model 3 Long Range would do probably 5 journeys before needing a charge given time of year etc.


13,162 posts

238 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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Environmental alarmism


359 posts

97 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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13,162 posts

238 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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fishseller said:
But it’s not THEIR fault that they live in unprecedented luxury. It’s the system that’s to blame.


359 posts

97 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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Not fact checked but if true !!


1,502 posts

173 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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Ah,.. but you're not seeing the great plan.

We're going to use all their coal and when it's run out sell them ours at great cost.

That's why Maggie closed all our pits.


359 posts

97 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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garagewidow said:
Ah,.. but you're not seeing the great plan.

We're going to use all their coal and when it's run out sell them ours at great cost.

That's why Maggie closed all our pits.
Ah great plan!!
so our politicians are not incompetent, devoid of any common sense, delusional fools then!


24,790 posts

261 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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fishseller said:
There's an update on that............


13,254 posts

206 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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Can we knock off the 'I've not fact checked this' propaganda images? It's not Facebook.


359 posts

97 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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hairykrishna said:
Can we knock off the 'I've not fact checked this' propaganda images? It's not Facebook.
Oooo touchy just to appease the naysayers


104,880 posts

263 months

Saturday 23rd October 2021
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Not facebook but a secondary source beloved of agw supporters follows.

The IPCC, a political body with many political appointee scientists, is in the title of a new paper from...GWPF. That said, the primary source is statistician WIlliam Briggs, not the GWPF

The link goes to a pdf version.
How The IPCC Sees What Isn't There

This follows on from the peer-reviewed (fact-checked) paper linked to yesterday regarding the major statistical error behind attribution claims from 1999 to the present day, in the literature and in newspaper headlines, linking weather events to mankind's emissions. Here's the paper for completeness and ease of looking up.

A somewhat less technical account from the paper's author is available, hosted by Judith Curry
The IPCC's Attribution Methodology Is Fundamentally Flawed

This round-up snip from the author on the Curry site won't be seen by politicians and activists at COP26:
"And when I implemented some standard remedies, the greenhouse gas signal was no longer detectable."