Another Labour minister caught fiddling house expenses

Another Labour minister caught fiddling house expenses



Original Poster:

48,583 posts

251 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Sky News

Seems he was claiming for 6 years on a property in Harrow belonging to his parents, while living in Central London.

He is the MP for Harrow - just a few miles, and 20 mins on the train from Central London, where he lived with his wife after moving out of his parents' home (just proves how out of touch he is...).

Edited: cos it was Sky, not Times!

Edited by Puggit on Sunday 22 March 09:42

Adrian W

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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nothing will happen, they can do what they like, they are immune, labour the party to line your pockets with.


63,161 posts

208 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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fks sake. We need a revolution.


24,114 posts

232 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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I expect this will be ignored due to the other big 'news' story of the day.


32,414 posts

207 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Adrian W said:
nothing will happen, they can do what they like, they are immune, labour the party to line your pockets with.
Yeah and none of the torys ever do this kind of thing

Hence the protests from the opposition will deafening in their silence

Adrian W

14,216 posts

231 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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thinfourth2 said:
Adrian W said:
nothing will happen, they can do what they like, they are immune, labour the party to line your pockets with.
Yeah and none of the torys ever do this kind of thing

Hence the protests from the opposition will deafening in their silence
Didn't Labour get in on a card of being squeaky clean and the Tories the scheming greedy money grabbing liars.

On the news he has just put out a statement saying he has done nothing wrong and has acted within the rules.


45,899 posts

192 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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How can anyone who lives/has a constituency within the M25 possibly need a second home for parliamentary work? Surely there should be a massive FAIL stamped on this guy's forehead?


Original Poster:

48,583 posts

251 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Adrian W said:
On the news he has just put out a statement saying he has done nothing wrong and has acted within the rules.
This is the bit that really winds me up...

He may have well acted within the rules, but not within morality. This is a 'better than you' mentality.


32,414 posts

207 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Adrian W said:
thinfourth2 said:
Adrian W said:
nothing will happen, they can do what they like, they are immune, labour the party to line your pockets with.
Yeah and none of the torys ever do this kind of thing

Hence the protests from the opposition will deafening in their silence
Didn't Labour get in on a card of being squeaky clean and the Tories the scheming greedy money grabbing liars.

On the news he has just put out a statement saying he has done nothing wrong and has acted within the rules.
If you are thinking that i support the labour party then you are very wrong

Both major partys have their heads firmly jammed in the feeding trough

10 Pence Short

32,880 posts

220 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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If this behaviour is in the rules, then you need to look at who made the rules, not those who follow them.


70,127 posts

232 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Whiter than white? Not quite...................

Still, good old socialists, stealing as much from the trough as they can before they head to the election slaughterhouse.

The Hypno-Toad

12,488 posts

208 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Morningside said:
I expect this will be ignored due to the other big 'news' story of the day.
The way that this government works I wouldn't be surprised if one of her nurses was actually on MI5's payroll and slipped something into her drip to ensure this was the case.

If you think I'm being too tinfoil hat remember; a walk in the woods with not enough drugs to kill yourself can make you want to slit your wrists in way that doesn't make you bleed to death.....


2,047 posts

222 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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So this guy can't commute the 11 miles from Harrow to Parliament? FFS that has got to be wrong; do these people have NO principles? Even if it's 'within the (obviously shyte) rules' - where's the self-respect, the moral decency, the leading by example? No wonder the country is in the toilet, it's like living under some corrupt South American police state these days.

Unfortunately there are no real alternatives; they're all the fookin' same. Lib Dems = joke. Tories = as a child of the Thatcher years, it is difficult in principle to consider voting blue..


3,012 posts

281 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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bluetone said:
...FFS that has got to be wrong; do these people have NO principles? Even if it's 'within the (obviously shyte) rules' - where's the self-respect, the moral decency, the leading by example?.
Politicians, it's always been this way. See also, estate agents, journalist, etc, etc. Everyone is a selfish bd deep down. It's just they're at the top of the pile and better at it than most of us. Shame they have to rub our noses in it though.


3,527 posts

234 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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So he claims that with the recent interest rate drops, he can now afford his mortgage on his Parliamentary salary..

Is this part of the reason for the current shyte we are in?

If they can't get it right, what hope do us lower scum stand.

Sack the sly fecker, make him pay back what he has wrongfully claimed, and a fine or prison for fraud


70,127 posts

232 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Benefit Cheats? We're on to you.....


Original Poster:

48,583 posts

251 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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trumpet600 said:
So he claims that with the recent interest rate drops, he can now afford his mortgage on his Parliamentary salary..

Is this part of the reason for the current shyte we are in?

If they can't get it right, what hope do us lower scum stand.

Sack the sly fecker, make him pay back what he has wrongfully claimed, and a fine or prison for fraud
Was it the interest rate drops, or Jacqui Smith getting splashed all over the press which changed his mind scratchchin


7,353 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Anything which puts another nail in Labour's coffin for the election is welcome.

I think all the Cabinet should fiddle their expenses, and perhaps kick a few nuns in the face whilst they're at it.


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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12 years in office, of course you've got endemic corruption within the ruling "elite".

Roll on May 2010 - let’s get rid of these thieving scoundrels.


56 posts

207 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Noel Coward put it well in the Italian Job - "The whole world is bent"