Dirty sanchez, entertainment or plain sick??

Dirty sanchez, entertainment or plain sick??



Original Poster:

6,930 posts

193 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Just seen 5 minutes of the above for the first time.
Started showing them being hit with large bits of wood, moved on to show them clay pigeon shooting then heading clays as they landed (mainly cutting their heads to bits).It then showed one of them being shot with a non lethal 12 bore round.
Turned off now as I can't see any entertainment value at all, would go as far to say it's borderline sick.

What are folk views?


Original Poster:

6,930 posts

193 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
quotequote all
Having started this thread I stuck it on for a couple more minutes, to see a bloke trying to smash a bottle over his own head and another one hitting himself in the balls.
The only thing causing slight amusement is the fact they will surely remove themselves from breeding stock fairly soon.

It's utter ste