Come Dine With Me!



Original Poster:

697 posts

218 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Just watching this now on Ch4, and I have to confess that I am becoming an addict to this show.

Have any PH'ers been on this?


Original Poster:

697 posts

218 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
quotequote all
robinhood21 said:
Love it! 'Tis worth watching just for the voice-over comments - the guys a star. thumbup
He is almost as good as Harry Hill on "You've been Framed!"

Re: F355 guy, I do vaguely remember this episode on More4 a few weeks back! I prefer the hour long episode than the 4/5 short episode format.

Has anybody seen the Celeb version with Biggins? That man is a legend.