Last nights Deal or No Deal....



Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Young Lady last night on Deal or No deal. Took one of the biggest gambles I've ever seen.

She had dealt on £17,500 earlier in the game.

She went on to uncover all the boxes except 1p and £250,000.

The banker offerred he the deal - give up the £17,500 to open the box, with a swap offered for the box she'd said all along was the one she really wanted.

She took his offer.

For some unknown reason she refused the swap.

She opened the box.

Takes a lot of bottle to make that kind of deal.

She won the big prize (only second time ever I think)

she was cute too...

Edited by Tony*T3 on Friday 13th March 09:25


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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Blib said:
Shirley, if she dealt earlier in the game, then she didn't win the big prize?

They have a new feature. Occasionally (very occassionaly) the banker offers a reversal or a gamble.

He obviosuly thought she was all talk.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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randlemarcus said:
Wonder how she's getting on? This was from Jan/Feb 2007, so you would have thought she'd have had time to buy a few decent cars, and find her way here smile
No, she won it a few weeks ago. Someone from her home town (Monmouth) was the winner in 2007, so thats why that was mentioned.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 13th March 2009
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I think those that say theres no stratagey or skill to the show are looking at it a little shallow.

Yes its random and theres no way of knowing how much is in each box, but each round alters the percentage chances and value of each deal point. So there is to me some modicum of skill in extracting the best offer from the banker, who makes assesments of peoples charachter in determining what offer will get them to fold.

Play the odds, or play the banker. Either way, the results are sometimes predictable and sometimes out of the blue.

It has many of the traits of a good poker match at times. At others its just randomly stupid.