Grand Designs - 4th March


sleep envy

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62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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A farmer's dwelling - looks interesting.

Wonder how many people will become farmers to get around PP hehe

sleep envy

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62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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AJLintern said:
Could look a little bit like the local DIY superstore scratchchin
Will be interesting to see how it turns out.
not seen many glulam framed B&Q sheds wink

sleep envy

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62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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and using local trades too

shame more clients aren't like this

sleep envy

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62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 4th March 2009
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Swilly said:
I like the fact that Farmer Giles is not only working the farm, but also managing the farm and the house-build...

...whilst wifey draws pictures with a crayon fixed to a stick and talks about space a lot.

She is just askng for a clip round the ear
TBH would you let her PM the build?

sleep envy

Original Poster:

62,260 posts

252 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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HRG said:
speedychrissie said:
It is interesting how much this one has split opinions. I personally thought it was one of the nicest outcomes of the recent episodes. I understand that it isnt very traditional but I thought it was very well thought out and came together very nicely indeed.

And am I the only person here who actually liked the staircase? In my opinion it was marvelous! Maybe I am seeing it more from a woodworkers perspective scratchchin
yes I loved all the different curves biggrin
the stair was awesome - the detailing of the handrail finished it off and its location is perfect

the kitchen worked really well - it looked durable and no doubt will get worked hard

great house, detailing was really good but I wasn't sure about the sanitaryware or the storage - it also looked like they only just moved in as there wasn't many personal effects about which made it look a bit austere

sleep envy

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62,260 posts

252 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Snoggledog said:
Trommel said:
dugt said:
but paying £40,000 for a stair case is really top end prices, id have wanted it finnished much better for that money
What did you think was was wrong with the finish?
I know boat builders who'd laugh at the quality of that work. Hideous. Truly hideous. If the job had been done properly it wouldn't have needed to be painted to hide the snoggledogs
would you have rather have seen unpainted epoxy resin?

sleep envy

Original Poster:

62,260 posts

252 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Snoggledog said:
If it had been built properly the wood would only have needed some epifanes or two pot clear coat epoxy.
how would you build it properly?

it seemed to be that he had to join the split timber so you would have seen the butting

sleep envy

Original Poster:

62,260 posts

252 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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cardigankid said:
I would only apply the term craftsman to a freemason or someone who genuinely knew what they were about.
entered apprentice, fellow craft or master?