The real italian job



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888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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DjSki said:
That guy James seems to be a tit.

Where does a C list tv chef get £650k for a car?

Edited by DjSki on Sunday 28th December 21:26
dont like him. wish i had the dosh and the model girlfriend. he just goes and buys that car that costs more than his house. seems crazy.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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ffs. how would he be a million pounds poorer if he smashed it? surely the car is insured.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! brilliant. now he has to buy lunch.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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skylinecrazy said:
PumaPower said:
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! brilliant. now he has to buy lunch.
ooo strong words.

he bought the car to make a profit.... now it's goosed. oh well.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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skylinecrazy said:
PumaPower said:
skylinecrazy said:
PumaPower said:
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! brilliant. now he has to buy lunch.
ooo strong words.

he bought the car to make a profit.... now it's goosed. oh well.
You, sir are as thick as st.

He bought it to live out a child hood dream, as is made apparent in the program.

He's on about selling it on because he can't afford to keep the car.
mwahhh x x x


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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andy-xr said:
skylinecrazy said:
PumaPower said:
skylinecrazy said:
PumaPower said:
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! brilliant. now he has to buy lunch.
ooo strong words.

he bought the car to make a profit.... now it's goosed. oh well.
You, sir are as thick as st.

Think you need to calm down a bit chap. Thats three times you've insulted a poster who's opinion differed to that of yours.
No worries. It's only the internet. Bet it makes him feel like a big hard man.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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mitzy said:
It's a forum Skyline, if we all agreed it would be a dull old world.

But do calm down mate.
Its ok. He is the sort of guy that gets upset so just throws around insults. People are different, it's what makes the world go round. hehe


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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paul26982 said:
PumaPower said:
mitzy said:
It's a forum Skyline, if we all agreed it would be a dull old world.

But do calm down mate.
Its ok. He is the sort of guy that gets upset so just throws around insults. People are different, it's what makes the world go round. hehe
for fk sake now can you just drop it please, like a kid, have to have the last word.
Easy on the profanity. You appear to be getting yourself a bit worked up there.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Ordinary Bloke said:
I'm lost, is this the pub-fight thread?
Would appear so, wouldn't it.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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paul26982 said:
PumaPower said:
Ordinary Bloke said:
I'm lost, is this the pub-fight thread?
Would appear so, wouldn't it.
you clearly are just a fking prick, maybe you on the wrong forum, try this link, maybe you will be more at home
Moderators Alerted

Thank you for your assistance

Seriously. Grow up kiddo.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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skylinecrazy said:
PumaPower said:
paul26982 said:
PumaPower said:
Ordinary Bloke said:
I'm lost, is this the pub-fight thread?
Would appear so, wouldn't it.
you clearly are just a fking prick, maybe you on the wrong forum, try this link, maybe you will be more at home
Moderators Alerted

Thank you for your assistance

Seriously. Grow up kiddo.
Why alert the mods when its you that's being a dick?
Because I am not the one throwing around profanity and randomly abusing people.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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paul26982 said:
reading back through this thread, you will see who needs to grow up, this is a great automotive site with a great community, you always get one, you ruin the op topic, just stop, stop now curse
OP topic....hmmm who was that?! hehe


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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jackal said:
this programme made me feel violently ill

the enormity of his self-pity and total loss of perspective on the world was so embarrasing, cringeworthy and so completely and disgustingly self-absorbed and distasteful

get a grip !

some people in this world would give limbs just to have the clean air and water that you enjoy every waking day of your life... never mind completing teh friggin mungo miglia or whatever the fk it is
wtf. go back to sleep. what a stupid post. you have completely missed the point.


Original Poster:

888 posts

193 months

Sunday 28th December 2008
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Top gear, car program, HIGNFY(clarkson), NMTB(clarkson)....