Favourite actor, best scene, memorable performance

Favourite actor, best scene, memorable performance


Jim H

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192 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Following the recent sad loss of Donald Sutherland, it made me think, he really did steal the show amongst a very strong cast in JFK - and only for a few minutes on screen. The also tragically late John Candy was very memorable in the same.

I’m talking about actors who pop up in films and absolutely nail it for a few minutes - and leave a lasting impression.

Gary Oldman in True Romance is one.

Also Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken in the same movie. Rare.

Hopper again in Apocalypse Now.

Apocalypse now is currently on 4, and the film about the making of.

Oh! Robert Duval… Another.

Jim H

Original Poster:

992 posts

192 months

Monday 24th June
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Dead Man’s Shoes is another favourite of mine.

Paddy Considine is an extremely versatile performer in pretty much everything he’s done.

Jim H

Original Poster:

992 posts

192 months

Monday 24th June
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MBBlat said:
Rutger Hauers dying speech as Roy Battey in Blade Runner, a couple of minutes that totally changes the audiences view of both the protagonist and antagonist.
Yeah, great one. I was fairly certain I’d learned from somewhere that Hauer ad-libbed it.

Not quite, however more info here.


Jim H

Original Poster:

992 posts

192 months

Monday 24th June
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Evening Folks,

Here’s one that popped into my head.

Javier Bardem just about robs every scene in No County for Old Men.

However, Woody Harrelson runs him close in this one.


Jim H

Original Poster:

992 posts

192 months

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I remember watching this movie back in the early nineties, and at the end of it I was left with the feeling of WTAF?


From what I’ve read, Hopper absolutely pestered and bombarded Lynch for the role of Frank. Apparently he considered (himself): “Thats me”.

Although it’s against my original premise, as Hopper is in the movie throughout, it definitely left me - well I don’t know what? Every time I hear the Roy Orbison song ‘In Dreams’ I think of this scene..

By all accounts Orbison had to be seriously coerced to to allow his song for the scene.

Definitely NSFW…..


Jim H

Original Poster:

992 posts

192 months

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Mortarboard said:
For horror fans:
Dieter Laser as the mad doctor in human centipede. Completely dead-pan evil. "I don't like humans"

Passed away a few years ago.

Another left-field one is Colin Cunningham's portrayal of "Julian Slink" in the trashy series "blood drive"

More mainstream- Ecclestone's death scene in "Cracker". "This is the statement of a dying man....."

Hmmm absolutely.

I was having a look on YouTube the other night, Robert Carlisle was pretty memorable in his early career as Albie Kinsella (to be a somebody) Cracker.

Sadly there is not much stuff out there, Carlisle, it’s all VHS converted to YouTube and low quality.

Coltrane was fantastic in that series, and Ecclestone was on form.

Another good series from that era was Our Friends in the North - again Ecclestone.

And a very little know actor by the name of Daniel Craig.

I digress.

Jim H

Original Poster:

992 posts

192 months

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Paddy Cosidine. Most rave about him in Dead Man's Shoes. There is more.

Early on in his career, he actually was Rob Gretton in 24 hour party people.

Equally Andy Serkis as Martin Hannett

I’ve read a lot of books about that scene, Wilson, Hannet, Gretton, the Hacienda.

A few of my mates used to go there often ( The Hacienda) and could remember the square root of jack after.

They all died really young didn’t they? Gretton, Hannet, Wilson. And of course Ian Curtis.

Peter Hook survives, an excellent book by him: ‘The Haciena - How not to run a club’.


Jim H

Original Poster:

992 posts

192 months

Very early on his career, Robert Carlisle had another memorable role in an early nineties Antonia Bird BBC film / play called Safe.

He played the role of a frightening character called ‘Nostie’ - a taste of things to come later with Begbie. It’s a shame it never gets repeated, and there is very little of it on YouTube.

It also had strong performances from Kate Hardie and Aiden Gillan - also early in their careers.

The subject was homelessness and was obviously pretty hard going. Carlisle actually lived homeless for a few days prior to shooting to get into character.
