Jonny Smith's Late Brake Show...



Original Poster:

1,245 posts

101 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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I've just watched the interviews with Jason Plato and Matt Neal. I thought it was genuinely entertaining. It's looks like Johnny has a good formula. I wish him well and look forward to some more Idol Chat. The interview with Harris was quite good, too.


Original Poster:

1,245 posts

101 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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One of the things I particularly like about this Youtube medium is that as the people interviewed do not have to appease the TV producers etc, they are more inclined to speak their mind rather than reigning it in to avoid the upsetting anyone.

It is increasingly becoming the case that in our household. Youtube is becoming the primary source of entertainment when we switch the TV on. A lot of the stuff on their is at least, if not better produced than some of the stuff you see on regular television.

Some of the documentary channels I watch, like The History Guy and Mark Felton Productions is easily a match for anything you would see on the History channel of National Geographic.

Although I must stop watching Aquaholic. It is giving me an unnatural and massive urge to sell everything I can, including a kidney and , I cant beleive I am saying this, My motorcycle, in order to buy a Princess V50!