Who can recommend lesser known good films

Who can recommend lesser known good films



Original Poster:

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235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Sorry to emulate AlexKp's thread but it got me thinking.
What great films have you seen that I may not have heard of (likely because they are low budget/non mainstream for example).
To give you an idea of what I mean I was recently recommended "Touching the void" which i thought was brilliant.


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235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Cyberhuss said:
May not be lesser known but "Heat" & "Leon" are two of my favorite ever films!

I suggest you rent them out if you have not seen them!

Two of my favorites also- and two massive blockbusters which everyone on this forum will have seen.
Good taste though


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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I saw a superb german film on film four extreme once about two psycho kids who hold a family captive in their holiday home by a lake- anyone know what its called?


Original Poster:

25,257 posts

235 months

Thursday 23rd June 2005
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Well done- didnt think anyone would know that.