A What's that Film Thread?



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273 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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Wondering if we could have a what's that film thread, where we can find out films by obscure recollections of them.

Some could be easily solved, other I imagine will be a lot more difficult to solve.

I have two that have been on my mind for many years but have never found out what they are:

Two blokes in a 911 Targa in Germany and one climbs form the passenger seat into the drivers seat whilst its flying along the autobahn.
Must have been pre-1980 and probably on late BBC2 - No not Girl on a Motorcycle either.

Secondly, a kind of 60s spy adventure and there are two female villains, ending with one of them at sea with a bomb in her wig. WTF? confused
Once again must have been pre 1980 and on late on BBC2

Somebody must know. smile

Or have any of your own film frustrations


Original Poster:

23,350 posts

273 months

Thursday 8th March 2018
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Cheers for the sticky, thought this thread had died a death hehe

Hopefully it may be helpful to people. smile


Original Poster:

23,350 posts

273 months

Friday 9th March 2018
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Its Just Adz said:
Good idea.

I’ve got a film in my head but can’t remember what it’s called.

Sounds wrong, but the scene I remember is a woman who’s kid is missing somehow traces it to an apartment where kid is in a room, but rooms are lined with sheets so they can be killed or whatever, also finds videos of others.

She calls police and then shoots the couple that are there.
Sorry, can't be helpful, but this is exactly what this thread is about and hopefully answers can be found.


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23,350 posts

273 months

Tuesday 13th March 2018
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Ark of the Sun God?

Gotta be harder than this. hehe


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273 months

Sunday 15th April 2018
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Not a lot to go on hehe but maybe worth scrolling through these:



Original Poster:

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273 months

Monday 23rd April 2018
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Cotty said:
I have one I can never remember. I think its an 80' American comedy about a group of young misfits I think some have powers. One is a big blue guy that can freeze things but he needs to keep cold so they drive around in a ice cream truck (american one with sliding doors like DHL) and he sleeps in the fridge. Not a lot to go on but there can't be many films with a 7/8 foot tall blue guy in them.
Sounds like it could be this:


I Googled superpowers tall guy ice cream van. hehe


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273 months

Wednesday 24th October 2018
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Original Poster:

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273 months

Friday 26th October 2018
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vixen1700 said:
Secondly, a kind of 60s spy adventure and there are two female villains, ending with one of them at sea with a bomb in her wig. WTF? confused
Once again must have been pre 1980 and on late on BBC2

Found it! cool

After all these years of wondering what it was, a few turns and clicks got me to:


Deadlier Than the Male from 1967. smile

Poor Sylva Koscina at the end, blowing up like that. frown

I knew the bomb was in her wig. laugh


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273 months

Monday 24th December 2018
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The Trogladytes in the original 1960 The Time Machine?


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273 months

Saturday 26th January 2019
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marshallbrown said:
For me, it's a little difficult thread because I am not very good at telling movie stories, But let me try

I don't remember what movie is this but I just remember the scene there was a guy who was making duplicate dollars at his secret place, his hair was long and the money making factory was away from the town.
To Live and Die in LA?


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273 months

Tuesday 17th December 2019
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Pixel Pusher said:
Can I also leave a request?

I'm trying to recall a film I saw on the horror channel. Didn't catch the start but the scene I first saw was a young couple and (what I think was) a farmer.

They were being tormented a bit and it got steadily worse. I think the couple were left for dead but the husband / boyfriend survived.

He then tracked down this farmer dude & his family some time later looking for revenge. Farmer had a dog that got killed too.

Possibly made in the last 5 - 10 years I would guess?

Could that be a French film called High Tension?



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23,350 posts

273 months

Tuesday 25th February 2020
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The Dirty Bubble said:
This one has been bothering me for months and no amount of googling will find me an answer, hopefully someone can put me out of my misery.

Pretty sure this film was from the late eighties, possibly a TV movie. It was about a young boy who was living with his mum (and brother?) in the US, family was poor and I think mum was a cleaner. The young boy's television breaks, once repaired it shows TV programs from 24hrs into the future. To help the family with money the boy watches horse races from the future, then knowing the result disguises himself as an adult Hasidic Jew so he can place bets in a betting shop.

I was convinced that the boy was played by Mathew Broderick, but can find nothing in his filmography.

Any ideas?
No idea, but now need to see it. hehe


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273 months


Original Poster:

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273 months

Tuesday 13th April 2021
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Westworld. smile


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273 months

Tuesday 13th April 2021
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273 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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CopperBolt said:
Heres two

2: A plane full of blind passengers crash lands killing pilot and all sighted crew. Blind people have to somehow find their way out of a desert(i think a desert)

Seven In Darkness?


Original Poster:

23,350 posts

273 months

Thursday 19th August 2021
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CopperBolt said:
Heres two

1: Two blokes in 2 separate lorries I think are transporting nitro-glycerine or something very explosive and volatile across really rough roads and bridges in a jungley type environment.

The Wages of Fear?


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23,350 posts

273 months

Sunday 6th March 2022
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Can't help but somebody else seems to remember it:


Edited to add: I should have scrolled down as somebody answered it with Duel At Diablo.

Edited by vixen1700 on Sunday 6th March 11:01


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23,350 posts

273 months

Wednesday 28th December 2022
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phazed said:
Film that starts off with a guy on a ledge several floors up on a building as he had to, “leave” when his lovers husband returns.
Film then starts at the beginning as the ledge scene was at the end of the film.

If I recall there was a French and an American version both of which were enjoyable.

The lead in the American version may have been Gene Wilder. Probably 1970’s.
The Woman In Red?

Pardon Mon Affaire being the French original?


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23,350 posts

273 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Driller said:
This is driving me mad, it’s on the tip of my tongue.

I think it’s a sci-fi film and at the end the main character says “But the lies, the awful lies”.
Got any more info to go on? scratchchin