Jonny Smith's Late Brake Show...



Original Poster:

1,245 posts

101 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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I've just watched the interviews with Jason Plato and Matt Neal. I thought it was genuinely entertaining. It's looks like Johnny has a good formula. I wish him well and look forward to some more Idol Chat. The interview with Harris was quite good, too.


109 posts

68 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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I really liked the interviews you mentioned, hoping for many more!


2,363 posts

106 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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I've enjoyed watching Jonnys YT vids. His Plato and Neal interviews have been great, as well as his reviews of the Honda E and the weird Citroen thing.


15,996 posts

207 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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He's really good, his demeanour is just right IMO - Knowledgeable, genuinely enthusiastic, and when doing an interview, gives his guests plenty of room to speak. I'm looking forward to hearing more about his project cars. And the unearthing old cars on his mate's farm for Car and Classic was great too. Never paid him much attention until this year when he started his own channel to be honest.

Some YT channels can be a bit "Wahaey! I'm the presenter! Welcome to MY entertainment show!"


41,894 posts

203 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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He does podcasts with Richard Porter called Smith and Sniff, very entertaining and amusing been walking the dog for miles with heaphones on laughing like a goon on occasion.


44,558 posts

200 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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J4CKO said:
He does podcasts with Richard Porter called Smith and Sniff, very entertaining and amusing been walking the dog for miles with heaphones on laughing like a goon on occasion.
I do EXACTLY the same thing. hehe


26,417 posts

176 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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I like his stuff.

He was the only reason I watched Fully Charged, he's a big loss to Robert Llewellyn and gang.

It was funny reading the comments on FC when they realised Jonny liked other cars. Apparently he still had an addiction to ICE, only they meant it in an entirely bad way.

Was quite funny that he had to reign in the Car Pervert title to appease the sponsors.


6,465 posts

201 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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Yes, I really enjoy his channel. Obviously working very hard and struggling to make it pay off at the moment though, from his comments on social media - though he does have additional patreon income.


44,558 posts

200 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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Hub said:
Yes, I really enjoy his channel. Obviously working very hard and struggling to make it pay off at the moment though, from his comments on social media - though he does have additional patreon income.
He's selling a couple of his cars at the moment.

Smith & Sniff is going down the Patreon route in the new year.


Original Poster:

1,245 posts

101 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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One of the things I particularly like about this Youtube medium is that as the people interviewed do not have to appease the TV producers etc, they are more inclined to speak their mind rather than reigning it in to avoid the upsetting anyone.

It is increasingly becoming the case that in our household. Youtube is becoming the primary source of entertainment when we switch the TV on. A lot of the stuff on their is at least, if not better produced than some of the stuff you see on regular television.

Some of the documentary channels I watch, like The History Guy and Mark Felton Productions is easily a match for anything you would see on the History channel of National Geographic.

Although I must stop watching Aquaholic. It is giving me an unnatural and massive urge to sell everything I can, including a kidney and , I cant beleive I am saying this, My motorcycle, in order to buy a Princess V50!


4,279 posts

226 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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Thanks to one of his stories on Smith and Sniff podcast, I am now a proud wearer of too much Brut (The Essence of Man).


553 posts

184 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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I am now unable to watch terrestrial TV or even Sky (to which I still subscribe).

I only watch Youtube, everything else does not hold my interest I am afraid.

I haven't watched a "normal" TV Channel for about 4 years I would say.

Johhny Smith is very good. I was very pleased he ditched the Car Pervert name.

He would never earn any money from the essential sponsors! Well done Johnny. Very good Channel.

I think it incredible how all these enormous TV production studios, with literally thousands of admin staff can be replaced with a man with a GoPro and a Youtube account. Some of the talent out there, unscripted, is incredible.

My favorite Youtube Channels are Ratarossa (just bagged a 512 Boxer that has been parked outside for 12 years and covered on Moss!), Late Brake Show, Joe Rogan (a real petrolhead), Hoovies Garage, Vice Grip Garage, Watch JRGo, Car Wizard, VinWiki, Tyrrels Classic Gargae, Harrys Garage. Mark Felton, Dark Docs (he does gabble a bit), Restore Channel, Tavarish, I enjoyed the Goonsquad Brothers very much until they got into property development recently. Their rebuilds are superb. Fantastic skills and Brave too (tig weld a Ferrari Chassis anyone?).

Even established heroes like Richard Rawlins have now started broadcasting their adventures without the shackles of the censor. Dennis Collins is superb. A walking encyclopedia. Very impressive on Jags, Jeeps and 911s and more.

And its all free! Thousands of hours of it.

As a sheet metal worker (enthusiast) I really get good tips from Fitzees Fabrications and Trevs blog. Trev has to be one of the best panel forming guys on the planet.

I think it would be an excellent idea for Lord March to create a Youtube Village at the Festival. I could meet my heroes and their cars for real. That would really be worth something.


1,128 posts

100 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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Late Brake Show is my favourite YT channel and the podcast with Sniff is brilliant and very funny too. It's clear Jonny is putting a lot of effort into making it work and it seems to be paying off with some fantastic content. He's a genuine car nerd and I love the bit on the Plato/ Neale vid where he offers them brochures and model cars as gifts and they turn their noses up at them whereas he thinks they are great items.
Met him once at Santa Pod when he was off duty and he's a great bloak with real enthusiasm.

V1nce Fox

5,508 posts

71 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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The Harris interview is genuinely good, you can tell Harris has a lot of time and respect fo him and that's a pretty good endorsement in an overcrowded genre.

Now if you're reading this, get that bloody Allegro done!


3,611 posts

192 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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Jonny's and other YouTube channels are going to obliterate broadcast TV motoring shows. There is no way that things like the Idol Chats or (currently) niche interest stuff like the Citroen Ami or street sleeper Allegros would be covered in any depth, if at all. It isn't even as if you have to accept lower quality - the filming and editing are top notch too.

It is happening across all interest areas - take sailing for example. Little or no interest from conventional media but channels like Seawolves, Planet Sail etc. are covering things like the Vendee Globe and America's Cup and bringing them to life in ways I haven't seen before. Space - Everyday Astronaut, Scott Manley, Marcus House all providing amazingly detailed and educational coverage.

As Hubnut would say, all the good times!


4,567 posts

231 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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Blib said:
I do EXACTLY the same thing. hehe
Me toooo


7,364 posts

170 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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You never know what you’re going to get with Jonny’s channel (a build, a review, an interview etc) which is great. I hope he can make it pay off.


3,579 posts

218 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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I don't often reply on here, but this thread drew a response. The plato and Neil interview is excellent. Johnny is a great to watch anyway, but this particular interview was inspired. I used to despise neal when watching btcc years ago, but he's really likeable in 'real life'. All three made that interview fantastic. The only way it could have been improved would have been to have stitched in some b-roll footage of the moments that they were talking about. As it turned out, I had to keep opening another browser to see the clip of what they were recounting.


4,183 posts

237 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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His recent interviews have been very entertaining and I've enjoyed them greatly. But he is slightly cheating because they're people he knows well. The big test is whether he can keep it going beyond his circle of buddies. Hope he does.


3,583 posts

46 months

Thursday 24th December 2020
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His interview style is really good I’ve really enjoyed them looking forward to more.