Leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Established 1984

Original Poster:

1,237 posts

193 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Why would any film fan want to watch a rough-cut version with no special effects that shows actor in front of green screens and on wires.

Is it just to be able to claim to have seen it first? Even if that means enjoying it less?


16,482 posts

238 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Its the same as someone getting a pirate copy though. I've never understood it really - all for the sake of saving a few quid.

I for one an really excited about this movie. They've been talking about it since XM3 was released.


3,982 posts

201 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Established 1984 said:
Why would any film fan want to watch a rough-cut version with no special effects that shows actor in front of green screens and on wires.

Is it just to be able to claim to have seen it first? Even if that means enjoying it less?
Not sure, but I find it hard sometime to enjoy a film in the cinema as other people ruin it for me.

That is the reason I go to the cinema about once or twice a year. As for this film I'll wait until it is on DVD in 6 months anyway.


13,599 posts

211 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Beefmeister said:
Its the same as someone getting a pirate copy though. I've never understood it really - all for the sake of saving a few quid.
Not really. Despite what the ads say most pirate copies are of the the same quality as the legitimate DVDs.


7,256 posts

219 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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I laughed a little when I heard Jackman apparently described the fact that it was leaked as a "serious crime". Yea, like murder, rape, GBH, kiddy fiddling etc. This has got to be ranked up there!


13,599 posts

211 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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oobster said:
I laughed a little when I heard Jackman apparently described the fact that it was leaked as a "serious crime". Yea, like murder, rape, GBH, kiddy fiddling etc. This has got to be ranked up there!
Not as funny as them claiming that it had 'now been removed from the internet'!