Zak and Miri Make A Porno



Original Poster:

9,335 posts

215 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Why the need for so much swearing - it really was intolerable. Every second word was f*** and it was totally unrelated to the porn bit. No reason for it and it just ruined the film IMO.


7,238 posts

226 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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I haven't seen it yet but it normally comes with the territory when Kevin Smith is involved hehe


14,332 posts

224 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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thehawk said:
Why the need for so much swearing - it really was intolerable. Every second word was f*** and it was totally unrelated to the porn bit. No reason for it and it just ruined the film IMO.
You know, you're fking right. I saw that motherfker and it was stting me off that they fking swore so much. s.

fking funny film though.


70,532 posts

237 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Because to some people it's only funny if people are swearing?

Nobody You Know

8,422 posts

201 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Because in real life those people would be swearing all the time. I would have thought it was stupid if they didn't swear like that.

Standard Kev' Smith realistic dialogue dialogue.


5,977 posts

200 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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I didn't really notice the swearing that much when I saw it!

Still, funny film!!


4,316 posts

218 months

Thursday 9th April 2009
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Without trying to be rude....You watched a comedy about porn and did not expect it to be at all crass?


Original Poster:

9,335 posts

215 months

Thursday 9th April 2009
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I have no problem with contextual swearing, but though that this movie just used too much swearing just to try and be funny/cool.


4,316 posts

218 months

Thursday 9th April 2009
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I think its something that boofy haired Roagn bloke brings to movies. Everything he is in has a ton of swearing.