DEXTER series 3


Spartan luke

Original Poster:

423 posts

200 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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if any 1 has seen this then they know how good it is. The only problem is i carnt find series 3 on box set. I got series 1 and 2 of my mate and watched the religiously from start to finish but i want more. Any got any info on the next series, where i can get my mits on the next set

Steve Evil

10,689 posts

237 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Doesn't seem to be any indication on any of the regular online stores yet.

I can tell you that it is very good though, roll on Season 4.


12,933 posts

224 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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tis on fx from april 23rd i think.

if its anything like the first 2 it should be terrific.

Lurking Lawyer

4,535 posts

233 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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If you arm yourself with a suitable bit torrent client program, they're out there readily available in internetland. Google is your friend wink

I downloaded the first couple but never got around to watching them. I'll wait for them to show up on FX now.


3,724 posts

211 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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We only got in to it during the ones that have just been shown on ITV. Anyone know which season this was? Think we need a fill in!

$nake eye$

411 posts

210 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Just finished watching the 3rd season.

Its just as awesome!

Dont think its out on DVD until August.. Id rec buying the first 2 on bluray and enjoy watching all that blood spatter in high def!


1,204 posts

246 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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xllifts said:
We only got in to it during the ones that have just been shown on ITV. Anyone know which season this was? Think we need a fill in!
The current one has been season 2

Lurking Lawyer

4,535 posts

233 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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xllifts said:
We only got in to it during the ones that have just been shown on ITV. Anyone know which season this was? Think we need a fill in!
I think ITV has recently been showing season 2.

If it involved the Ice Truck Killer, it was season 1.

If it had the FBI investigating Dexter's unit and the Bay Harbour Butcher, it was season 2.

Coq au Vin

3,239 posts

218 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Series 3 is every bit as good as the first two. I think Dexter is the only series I've seen recently that has stayed consistently good - it doesn't feel like the idea is getting stale like it so easily could have done.

Roll on series 4!