Where's Suzi Perry gone?



Original Poster:

827 posts

211 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Think this is the 3rd week running on the Gadget Show with the infuriating Gail Porter instead, what's happened to Suzi Perry?


5,816 posts

228 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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lost a child in utero recently I think. Perhaps taking a break.

Arctic Blast

5 posts

189 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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FM said:
lost a child in utero recently I think. Perhaps taking a break.
yes Ectopic pregnancy.


6,402 posts

210 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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I was a bit confused too http://www.suziperry.com/ explains it.


1,906 posts

218 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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She suffered internal bleeding from a life-threatening ruptured ectopic pregrancy and was rushed to hospital.

More info here ... http://www.suziperry.com/


Original Poster:

827 posts

211 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Cheers all, guess we'll have Porter for a few more weeks then. Get well soon Suzi!
Which leads nicely to my next question. Why does channel 5 attract so many annoying presenters, especially Mondays at 8?


16,482 posts

238 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Terrible thing to happen, really is.

I mean seriously - Gail Porter AND that Otis tw@?

I feel for Suzi Perry though, thats awful. Hope she gets better and returns soon, if only to get the slaphead and gurning fool off the tv.

And by that i mean Porter and Otis, not Jason and John...

El Guapo

2,787 posts

198 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Beefmeister said:
And by that i mean Porter and Otis, not Jason and John...
I switched it on last night but the 2 slap´eads (Shirley not the same Gail Porter who was quite cute back in the day eek) gave me a piercing pain behind the eyes so I switched off sharpish.


89,674 posts

292 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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El Guapo said:
(Shirley not the same Gail Porter who was quite cute back in the day eek)
She suffered alopecia areata caused by stress and post natal depression which made her to lose all her hair.


Original Poster:

827 posts

211 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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FourWheelDrift said:
El Guapo said:
(Shirley not the same Gail Porter who was quite cute back in the day eek)
She suffered alopecia areata caused by stress and post natal depression which made her to lose all her hair.
and pile on the pounds....


29,531 posts

197 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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I also don't like that Gail Porter, she just annoys me.

And that Otis, hopefully he won't be around for long.. I didn't mind Dallas they had.


7,256 posts

219 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Jonny671 said:
I also don't like that Gail Porter, she just annoys me.

And that Otis, hopefully he won't be around for long.. I didn't mind Dallas they had.
I don't mind Gail, I don't mind Otis either. That Dallas guy was REALLY annoying though.

Sorry to hear about Suzi's health issues, hopefully she'll be back on TV soon (and be pregnant again, carrying to full term this time).


29,531 posts

197 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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I don't realllyy get why we need another presenter, but i'd rather have someone other than Otis or Dallas really.


5,344 posts

249 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Jonny671 said:
I don't realllyy get why we need another presenter, but i'd rather have someone other than Otis or Dallas really.
I agree! Jason, Suzi and John work really well together, another presenter adds nothing.


18,488 posts

208 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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That's Gail Porter?!?!


Original Poster:

827 posts

211 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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The bald one, with the glasses and tie on.


18,488 posts

208 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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She IS the one that did Robot Wars, right?


89,674 posts

292 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Waugh-terfall said:
She IS the one that did Robot Wars, right?
No that was Phillipa Forrester or do you mean Craig Charles hehe


16,482 posts

238 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Nope, you're thinking of Lisa Rogers aren't you?

Gail Porter was the one FHM projected onto the side of the Houses of Parliament...




18,488 posts

208 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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FourWheelDrift said:
Waugh-terfall said:
She IS the one that did Robot Wars, right?
No that was Phillipa Forrester or do you mean Craig Charles hehe
PHILLIPA FORRESTER! That's the one, no wonder I was getting confused my the images Google was throwing back at me!