Films you've not watched in full

Films you've not watched in full



Original Poster:

32,033 posts

229 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Having just seen a quote from a film I should know, reminded me.

I've see the 'new' Planet of the Apes, I've seen bits of the old ones, but I've never seen any of them all they way through, or even in the right order.

There are lots of other films I've only ever seen bits of, that I feel I should watch in full - I'm must start making a list hehe

Paul said at the weekend he'd never seen the Sound of Music or Gone witht he Wind - both are films he thinks he SHOULD see, but really can't be arsed as they hold no interest for him hehe

So what would be on your list?


14,682 posts

219 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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ET - I've probably seen all of it at some point but never in one go from start to finish. There are probably others but this is the one I always think of.


6,243 posts

248 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Van Helsing (the one with Jackman).

I got to the bit with the monks testing all the experimental "holy weapons" (think Q's workshop but replace the whitecoats with monks habits)...

...and turned it off. I have never even attempted to watch the rest.

I think that's about the only movie I've ever done that too. Even the really bad ones I tend to see through to the end.


3,058 posts

290 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Sin City


2,215 posts

197 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Probably loads that I've only caught a bit of. But only two that I've set out to watch and not:

AI - Fell asleep

Battlefield Earth - Attempted Suicide


5,857 posts

212 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Pulp fiction - don't ask me how, even bought it on DVD and still haven't got around to watching all of it yet.

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

266 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Schindlers List, I just don't have a spare 3 hours to watch it all in one go.
Still not watched any of the Star Wars films all the way through either.


3,814 posts

229 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Lord of the Rings.

I was a bit hungover so wasn't paying attention and then got so monumentally bored I switched it off.

Might make the effort to watch in more detail one day.


858 posts

208 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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I started watching Gran Torino last night, but damn that film takes a while to get going (I'm still not sure it's going to) and nascar was starting so I wandered off, I might watch the rest of it at some point.

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

233 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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DeadMeat_UK said:
Sin City
Same - got to the bit where Elijah Wood is being dismembered and didn't feel any inclination to watch any more. I'm not squeamish as such, but something about that just put me off.


3,961 posts

235 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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East is East... Funniest thing ever apparently, turned off half way through.. garbage..


6,225 posts

215 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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patmahe said:
Pulp fiction - don't ask me how, even bought it on DVD and still haven't got around to watching all of it yet.
Same. I ordered it on DVD because everyone said it was so amazing- I got to the point after Uma Thurman OD's and just got bored. I said I was going to watch the rest, but I never got round ot it...


4,160 posts

208 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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The Deerhunter. Walked out of the cinema after about 20 minutes.

Shaw Tarse

31,679 posts

211 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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The Sound of Music.
The Great Escape, I've probably seen all of them but not in one go as I either drink & drunk or sleep


5,977 posts

200 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Taxi Driver. Started watching it 2 or 3 times on Sky movies. Fallen asleep every time.

I don't think it helped that it was always on really late!


7,312 posts

236 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Quite a few actually:-

Braveheart, went to cinema & my Missus was ill so missed the last 30 minutes, it's been on TV since & I realise I didn't miss a lot.
Erin Brockavitch & Billy Elliott my mates Mrs raved about them, I lasted 15 minutes.
Any of the Pirates of the Caribbean series, yuk!
Fast & the Furious, what a load of pony!

Lord Pikey

3,257 posts

223 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Pulp Fiction

The Hypno-Toad

12,700 posts

213 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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28 Days Later. Sorry to say that I just can't deal with that epileptic mongoose camerawork. Just keep the bloody thing still and show whats going on.

Same with Dead Set I'm afraid.


7,799 posts

228 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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I started The Boondock Saints last night.

I must be getting old but the swearing was just getting too irritating to watch.

Cpn Jack Spanner

2,632 posts

213 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Very few films I've started watching and never been able to watch to the end...
Here's 4, along with reviews!

"About Schmidt" - God awful boring, just couldn't take it, dull, and tedious, and dull and mind numbingly dull and drab and boring!"

"Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas" - God awful boring, just couldn't take it, dull, and tedious, and dull and mind numbingly dull and drab and boring!"

American Gangster - God awful boring, just couldn't take it, dull, and tedious, and dull and mind numbingly dull and drab and boring!"

The Lord of The Rings - "God awful boring, just couldn't take it, dull, and tedious, and dull and mind numbingly dull and drab and boring!"