NSFW : Brüno



Original Poster:

6,857 posts

214 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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The trailer for Sacha Baron Cohens latest movie:

Warning: NSFW




35,829 posts

279 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all

I'd have nailed that blonde woman. Yes sir.


7,255 posts

219 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
Soovy said:
I'd have nailed that blonde woman. Yes sir.
Proof please.


19,761 posts

243 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
oobster said:
Soovy said:
I'd have nailed that blonde woman. Yes sir.
Proof please.
WTF are you a poo bandit?


9,975 posts

292 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
Looks rubbish.


1,998 posts

213 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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Is that Ron Paul at 2:19 hehe


6,225 posts

215 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
Looks entertaining smile


15,887 posts

271 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
oobster said:
Soovy said:
I'd have nailed that blonde woman. Yes sir.
Proof please.
Proof that he would have nailed her? What do you want, a video of him pulling himself around his bedroom watching the Youtube clip?


35,829 posts

279 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
moleamol said:
oobster said:
Soovy said:
I'd have nailed that blonde woman. Yes sir.
Proof please.
Proof that he would have nailed her? What do you want, a video of him pulling himself around his bedroom watching the Youtube clip?


7,255 posts

219 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
moleamol said:
oobster said:
Soovy said:
I'd have nailed that blonde woman. Yes sir.
Proof please.
Proof that he would have nailed her? What do you want, a video of him pulling himself around his bedroom watching the Youtube clip?


18,595 posts

280 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
quotequote all
oobster said:
Soovy said:
I'd have nailed that blonde woman. Yes sir.
Proof please.
rofl what an odd comment laugh


7,255 posts

219 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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Yes, I should really learn to read properly.

I read "I'd have" as "I have".

Edited by oobster on Saturday 4th April 17:52


9,114 posts

191 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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I strongly suspect the trailer contains all the "best" bits, a little like those compilation CDs that are advertised on TV, they are never as good as you think they are going to be because the 6 good songs are surrounded by cheese.


2,047 posts

227 months

Saturday 4th April 2009
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1,963 posts

209 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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I love Bruno - but will reserve judgement until I see the film.

There's some cracking youtube clips of Bruno. Ali-G got boring fast, and I've seen too much of Borat to enjoy him anymore (still genius, though).