Mystery Science Theater 3000



Original Poster:

3,126 posts

201 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Anyone remember this - used to be on cable channels about 10 years ago. They'd take an old film and speak over the top of it... bit on the ship beforehand wasn't great but once the movie started it ways made me snigger.
"this is the fairground. where the fair is held. any questions so far?"

Classic quote at 15.38 - "throw some miracle grow in his eyes"!

PLEASE someone else recognise this program! paperbag


42,655 posts

264 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Its was great

Best one was when they did "this island earth"

Have quite a few of the DVD box sets.


3,283 posts

192 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Yeah I watched some of this with my brother a while back, it is very funny, the films were so bad.


10,731 posts

239 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Same idea as 'Badly Dubbed Porn', a programme that never fails to appeal to my peurile sense of humour....


7,080 posts

246 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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MST3K is has a bit of a cult following stateside. We used to get it on the scifi channel.


24,050 posts

238 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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I used to love that show.


23,551 posts

209 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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i preferred monsterpiece theatre with alistair cookiemonster!


24,050 posts

238 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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Just watched that clip. Turns out I'd remembered it too fondly.


1,927 posts

209 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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yep used to watch this all the time, alwasy made me laugh


7,822 posts

263 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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nervous said:
Just watched that clip. Turns out I'd remembered it too fondly.
Don't forget they were always on at some godawful hour when you had just rolled in from a club, utterly wkered and still consuming that doner kebab.

Recreate that scenario and I am sure they would be hilarious again.

HTH biggrin

Trace smile


2,584 posts

259 months

Wednesday 8th April 2009
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Funnily enough I always used to see MST3K as a programme that ruined good old science fiction films.

If I'd needed that I could have sat through them with my brother in law.