brokeback mountain



Original Poster:

3,564 posts

248 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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Is it just me? I watched the film but found I had to have the sound right up… and still couldn’t hear what was being said….

The Moose

23,124 posts

217 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
quotequote all
buzzer said:
Is it just me? I watched the film but found I had to have the sound right up… and still couldn’t hear what was being said….
Is there much said??

I thought it was mostly gay st??


17,452 posts

203 months

Saturday 28th March 2009
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I had it on mute furiously wking... is that not the point?


5,890 posts

192 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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mute furiously wking

What channel is that on? Can I see it on Iplayer?


10,524 posts

195 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
quotequote all
buzzer said:
Is it just me? I watched the film but found I had to have the sound right up… and still couldn’t hear what was being said….