Films you're not allowed not to like.

Films you're not allowed not to like.



Original Poster:

367 posts

191 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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I've been pondering this and it seems to me there are some films you're simply not allowed not to like. The ones people rave about and quote endlessly in a vain attempt to look cool, or look at you aghast like your life is empty and blighted because you didn't appreciate them.

I'll kick off with Blade Runner and Pulp Fiction, which may actually be great films but did feck all for me.


8,502 posts

213 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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The Original Star Wars films - Great as a child, but watching them now at 23 years old they seem a little ... unfulfilling? Boring?

Edited by Ikemi on Tuesday 17th March 16:00


191 posts

196 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Anything like Lord of the Ring trilogy or Star Wars. Everyone thinks they are great but I have not been able to sit through them....Just to weird imho.


10,731 posts

239 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Ikemi said:
The Original Star Wars films - Great as a child, but watching them now at 23 years old they seem a little ... unfulfilling? Boring?
yikes Blasphemer!!


719 posts

194 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Prometheus said:
I'll kick off with Blade Runner and Pulp Fiction, which may actually be great films but did feck all for me.
yesclapbounce and all this time I thought it was just me! beer
I would also like to add MASH


1,449 posts

214 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Slumdog Millionaire.

I didn't hate it. It was just... ok. Entertaining enough if you've got nothing better to do.

I just can't get why everyone thinks so highly of it...


3,600 posts

223 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Blues Brothers. Not funny.


6,225 posts

215 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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k_jessop said:
Anything like Lord of the Ring trilogy or Star Wars. Everyone thinks they are great but I have not been able to sit through them....Just to weird imho.
Agreed smile Can't stand either of the series'!

And Pulp Fiction didn't really do anything for me either...


1,775 posts

203 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Zoolander banghead

Stupid tt bloke gets on my nerves in every film he is in, and this one tops the list- despite most of my friends loving it


8,883 posts

256 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Another vote for LoTR.
Boring books even more boring films.
And I had to sit through the damn directors "even more boring" cut.

I like fantasy books and films too.
Just because it was one of, if not the, first fantasy trilogy. Doesn't make it a good one.


10,731 posts

239 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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If you over the age of 12: Any film that combines the words 'Harry' and 'Potter' in the title. Any book too, for that matter.


8,502 posts

213 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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andy400 said:
Ikemi said:
The Original Star Wars films - Great as a child, but watching them now at 23 years old they seem a little ... unfulfilling? Boring?
yikes Blasphemer!!
I know! Lots of my friends would agree with you, but I watched them over a year back (The ex hadn't seen 'em!) and found myself falling asleep near the end of each one ...


3,558 posts

225 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Withnail & I.

Not funny, no matter how many times you quote it in my face.


67,280 posts

278 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Ikemi said:
The Original Star Wars films - Great as a child, but watching them now at 23 years old they seem a little ... unfulfilling? Boring?

Edited by Ikemi on Tuesday 17th March 16:00
Out, now.

Don't be bringing criticism of the holy trilogy to this parish.

No sir, not here, we dont be needing your blasphemous talk.


10,731 posts

239 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Ikemi said:
andy400 said:
Ikemi said:
The Original Star Wars films - Great as a child, but watching them now at 23 years old they seem a little ... unfulfilling? Boring?
yikes Blasphemer!!
I know! Lots of my friends would agree with you, but I watched them over a year back (The ex hadn't seen 'em!) and found myself falling asleep near the end of each one ...
To be fair, I don't rate Return of the Jedi, but the other two are pretty good and stand the test of time IMO. As for the other, more recent three CGI-fest children's fantasy films - utter ste.


8,883 posts

256 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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I have to agree with Star Wars too.
The first one was OK.
Went downhill from there. Ewoks? Come on people....

Good turn but on too long.

Steve Evil

10,689 posts

237 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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thebluebus said:
Withnail & I.

Not funny, no matter how many times you quote it in my face.
I have to agree here, only got round to watching it a couple of weeks ago and I have no idea what all the fuss is about.


4,639 posts

218 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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I'm not allowed to like any film with Jennifer Connelly in it.


67,280 posts

278 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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Steve Evil said:
thebluebus said:
Withnail & I.

Not funny, no matter how many times you quote it in my face.
I have to agree here, only got round to watching it a couple of weeks ago and I have no idea what all the fuss is about.

chris watton

22,478 posts

268 months

Tuesday 17th March 2009
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andy400 said:
Ikemi said:
andy400 said:
Ikemi said:
The Original Star Wars films - Great as a child, but watching them now at 23 years old they seem a little ... unfulfilling? Boring?
yikes Blasphemer!!
I know! Lots of my friends would agree with you, but I watched them over a year back (The ex hadn't seen 'em!) and found myself falling asleep near the end of each one ...
To be fair, I don't rate Return of the Jedi, but the other two are pretty good and stand the test of time IMO. As for the other, more recent three CGI-fest children's fantasy films - utter ste.
I agree - I can't watch ROTJ any more, it's akin to Muppets in Space!

Also, I watched Blade runner again a few months back, not too impressed..