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3,972 posts

285 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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As a timber merchant I normally love that sort of place but that looked completely soul-less.

The Doug Fir was lovely but it looked like they had invested in somebody elses (the architects) vision.

Might as well live in a Habitat catalogue, & thats a shame because it could have been amazing.



30,806 posts

235 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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I'm gobsmacked that they came in close to budget. Mind, 'tis not quite finished yet, but close.


568 posts

227 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Soul-less and budget is irrelevant, it ended up just a bit too 'mod-eeern', but that's just me.


293 posts

190 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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"Narrative of the building" mad

Red Firecracker

5,294 posts

230 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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I think there's much much much more to that story than was presented.

The apartments in the mill behind them are very similar interior design wise, also the windows are exactly the same.

Can't say I liked the finished product. The standard of work looked very good, especially the wood frames on the lean to, but overall it did very little for me.


8,554 posts

214 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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I loved it.


2,673 posts

227 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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How much was the original budget? i thought it was £400,000? or was it £600,000?

What ever it was 5 - 10% over my arse!


67,280 posts

273 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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It was certainly finished to a budget.

That trap door thing and the action of the sliding door all seem to be used by the chap on a 'Please work!' basis.

Wacky Racer

38,480 posts

250 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Sorry, I thought it was "souless"......An "arty farty" house you would soon get bored living in.....

Although I am not a fan of "contemporary" houses in general.

Still, each to their own........smile


2,621 posts

222 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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ncs said:
As a timber merchant I normally love that sort of place but that looked completely soul-less.

The Doug Fir was lovely but it looked like they had invested in somebody elses (the architects) vision.

Might as well live in a Habitat catalogue, & thats a shame because it could have been amazing.

It is possible to create 'modern' with warmth, and I think they've failed there.
I liked the visitor centre comment!
Oh if I only had the money they have....BAH!


464 posts

219 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Red Firecracker said:
I think there's much much much more to that story than was presented.

The apartments in the mill behind them are very similar interior design wise, also the windows are exactly the same.

Can't say I liked the finished product. The standard of work looked very good, especially the wood frames on the lean to, but overall it did very little for me.
I think the story was that blokes father bought the whole site, the paper mill, the apprentices store and the engine house (which is still a shell). The father then died about 2 years ago and the whole project came to halt untill the son agreed to take to whole lot on. The same builders and architects were used for both properties.


7,916 posts

258 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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The birds eye view on LIVE really shows how tiny the house is compared to the apartment block!! Unsurprisingly the apartments weren't really shown on the TV...

Red Firecracker

5,294 posts

230 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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The_Sheriff said:
I think the story was that blokes father bought the whole site, the paper mill, the apprentices store and the engine house (which is still a shell). The father then died about 2 years ago and the whole project came to halt untill the son agreed to take to whole lot on. The same builders and architects were used for both properties.
Would certainly explain McCloud's unusual reluctance to grab onto a negative.


1,657 posts

210 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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sleep envy said:
Hedders said:
for a number of reasons but mainly because if I get a bucket of bolts dropped on me I'm insured
but it was there land and no building work had started

how the hell could they afford it? they work in london and there iving miles away.

why did the council not want let them have double glazing in the old part, but huge modern windows and a laser cut metal walk way was fine in the new part, that makes no sence.

why do all the people on grand designs not plan for children, i mean like glass walls, glass banisters and bare metal staircase isnt exactly child friendly

KANEIT said:
See that shower enclosure - it's a Tatami and Bamboo enclosure from Flaminia. I sell them!
Will give you a good discount.
mind saying how much? im not in the position for buying, but just interested

the end house didnt look too bad from the ouotside, but the inside was literally lifted from a catalogue and the build seemed more what the architects wanted and the people were just paying



19,748 posts

231 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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Red Firecracker said:
I think I require a laser cutter.......

No real use for it at the moment, but looks rather fun.
You could pretend to be Bond villian for a while


836 posts

259 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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This link might be of interest if anyone's curious:



18,650 posts

212 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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I always end up with the impression that the owners really hadn't got a clue what they are getting in to, are out of their tiny little minds, are totally unprepared or all three.

Is it me or is it the way the program is edited?

Snake the Sniper

2,544 posts

204 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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What a complete waste of money all that was. Given that the surprisingly small house has cost them best part of £1 million, I'd be pissed! For the amount of time and money they've invested in the architects view (it certainly didn't look like theirs), it does look an awful lot like a National Trust visitor's centre. And whilst it is a house, it's nothing like a home, although that tends to be true for most, if not all, of the buildings they show on Grand Design. Give me a million round my way, and I'm certain you could get a bigger house, with more land. But then I'm sure that some will find it their perfect house.


4,812 posts

214 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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I liked it, in the way you like something pleasing to the eye.

I'd not want to live in it though. All that stone and glass must echo and be a bit clinical.


18,650 posts

212 months

Wednesday 28th January 2009
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and WTF was with the trap door at the top of the stairs?
and the window for peeping toms into one of the bedrooms?