Star Wars: The Acolyte



6,135 posts

67 months

Thursday 13th June
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C5_Steve said:
The films have always made it VERY clear who the good guys are and that yes, it's a few tantrums away from the dark side but this forced narrative that the Jedi were imposing their religion on the galaxy like some sort of cult is terrible. The Jedi are the heroes of the story, always have been and so much so that we've seen them time and time again sacrifice themselves for others as if it's part of the job. Never flinching. Yes they may have been short-sighted in some instances but never a problem.

Can't get on board with this view they're forcing. The showrunner has been very outspoken about not following anything Star Wars has set out before,
When you bear in mind that showrunner Leslye Headland spent six years working as Harvey Weinstein's personal assistant, the whole "subversion-of-good-and-bad" theme of The Acolyte and the narrative the actors were pushing in the publicity pieces in advance of this screening that "it all depends on your point of view" who the evil ones really are takes on an altogether more questionable (and IMO a bit sick) tone.

Even the title takes on a different meaning in this context.

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Thursday 13th June
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rider73 said:
I didn't understand the hatred of the jedi. They don't steal children against their will... They ask if they want to join them. Felt like they suddenly are the bad guys of star wars.
George Lucas will be spinning in his grave....I mean his 3bn pile of cash..
The Jedi had a very miopic view of the force and how to behave which ultimatly lead to them being wiped out (the starting point for Lucas). There was often colleteral damage / deaths from their actions, there roll in the clone wars as generals etc. was often seen as a negative by the populus (by design by the emporer and hence his easy take over and few disbeliving his traitor story), plus anyone up to no good, part of a crime cartel, or dark force user would also have no love for them. So there was a lot of dislike for them, especially by dark force using witches.

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Thursday 13th June
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southendpier said:
and I thought R2-D2 with jet pack feet was bad...
hes had side leg rockets for a very long time


7,320 posts

121 months

Thursday 13th June
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Absolutely fking abysmal. It's one thing to put out poorly written mush with recycled characters (Obi Wan, Boba Fett).. But to try to retcon the whole foundation of the story and universe to suit your own agenda is a piss take.

There's clearly a motive behind the direction this show is taking, especially as it goes beyond a self-contained story into having implications to the whole canon.

It may have been in one of Critical Drinker's reviews, where there's a snippet from an interview with the actress that plays the head witch criticizing the the Star Wars universe as always being 'patriarchal'

SlimJim16v said:
E3 - a stupid, senseless, self indulgent lesbian fantasy written by someone who hates Star Wars.
^ Basically this. If it was just fan fiction it wouldn't matter, but these clowns have been given free reign to st on the entire franchise for the sake of some bizarre personal crusade it seems..

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Thursday 13th June
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just as meh as e1+2

Most of the story thou is nothing new, there are already dark force using witches, if darth plagueis the wise could bring back the dead and anakln was force concieved a dark force witch pregnating someone is not so far from the canon

were they romantically involved, i dont recall any emotional behave between them, she came across as a vessel to me

the explosion from a single point of fire wiping out everyone but the key characters was more feeble than Obi Wan not being able to use the force when in canon he was training like crazy to become a blue ghost in his isolation

it was just all poorly done


5,295 posts

232 months

Thursday 13th June
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Dave Hedgehog said:
southendpier said:
and I thought R2-D2 with jet pack feet was bad...
hes had side leg rockets for a very long time
Damaged in the Clone Wars IIRC and for some unfathomable reason (not including continuity) weren't fixed.


5,474 posts

58 months

Thursday 13th June
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Dave Hedgehog said:

just as meh as e1+2

Most of the story thou is nothing new, there are already dark force using witches, if darth plagueis the wise could bring back the dead and anakln was force concieved a dark force witch pregnating someone is not so far from the canon

were they romantically involved, i dont recall any emotional behave between them, she came across as a vessel to me

the explosion from a single point of fire wiping out everyone but the key characters was more feeble than Obi Wan not being able to use the force when in canon he was training like crazy to become a blue ghost in his isolation

it was just all poorly done
I took from the episode that the coven were killed by someone rather than the fire. My guess is spikey head mum... and she's also red lightsabre person with the voice changer.

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Thursday 13th June
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smithyithy said:
It may have been in one of Critical Drinker's reviews, where there's a snippet from an interview with the actress that plays the head witch criticizing the the Star Wars universe as always being 'patriarchal'
and thats the problem when you have idiots making comments and not knowing any of the canon...

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Thursday 13th June
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TGCOTF-dewey said:
I took from the episode that the coven were killed by someone rather than the fire. My guess is spikey head mum... and she's also red lightsabre person with the voice changer.
i did wonder if she was from dathomir, if i recall all the men had head horns like maul and savage but a few of the woman did as well

that would make sense



8,935 posts

199 months

Thursday 13th June
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Watched episode 3 last night. It’s taken until now to gather my thoughts.
I think they probably made this show as some sort of elaborate practical joke.

Just waiting for the punchline.


1,666 posts

96 months

Thursday 13th June
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So the general consensus is, don't bother?

In terms of Disney Star Wars I've watched The Mandalorian Series 1+2, Boba Fett, and Andor. I felt Andor was excellent (same ppl as Rogue One, which was also excellent). But I haven't bothered with anything else.

With the upcoming trilogy focused around Rey I feel like I'm done with Star Wars now. And I don't think Disney are gaining many younger audience members with their efforts either. My son is 10, I've never heard him or his mates mention Star Wars, once, at all, ever.


4,181 posts

161 months

Thursday 13th June
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skinnyman said:
With the upcoming trilogy focused around Rey I feel like I'm done with Star Wars now. And I don't think Disney are gaining many younger audience members with their efforts either. My son is 10, I've never heard him or his mates mention Star Wars, once, at all, ever.
This chart has been doing the rounds the last couple of days. It's interesting (assuming it's not made up) but it does rather suggest that Star Wars, relative to Marvel movies as a compartive, is much more heavily male watched and also a little older in it's viewership too. It's probably not hugely surprising.

Tv shows also seem to pull in an older audience than the movies, so again not surprising there. If Star Wars wants to capture younger fans, good solid movies need to come out, and if the last 3 didn't manage to do it (which it seems they didn't) then continuing with the same leads and theme is also an odd one.

Does rather sound like another case of interesting ideas such as 'who is good being a matter of perspective', 'exploitation', 'self appointed moral arbiters' etc, all of which are very valid modern issues to tell stories about, being undermined by poor execution and a lack of appreciation of the core audience and how far they can be stretched.


6,135 posts

67 months

Thursday 13th June
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smithyithy said:
There's clearly a motive behind the direction this show is taking, especially as it goes beyond a self-contained story into having implications to the whole canon.
The same motive behind Rey.

The same motive behind the Helena Shaw character in last year's Indiana Jones movie (who was supposed to literally replace the titular character in the entire canon as a result of time travel but that storyline proved massively unpopular in test-screenings leading to a re-edit/re-shoot of the third act of the movie).

Kathleen Kennedy is going all-out to retcon the entire Lucasfilm IP back-catalogue in her image using self-inserts.


3,152 posts

80 months

Thursday 13th June
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the thing is , i dont even think (and certainly from the above graph) they are bringing in the audience they want with what they are doing - they are just losing existing fan base.
i can see the "people at the top" seeing how there must be millions of female viewers or viewers of a sexual orientation not watching star wars, but making star wars just for them wont necessarily bring them into watch. they have to like scifi, want to watch it episodically each week, and of course subscribe, and , perhaps a biggie, think its good for them to watch - perhaps like the all of use, we just want a decent script and plot, acted well.

its just astounding how production values can be so high and cost so much, yet its utter sh(( , yet when it was the opposite, it was bloody great!


5,816 posts

146 months

Thursday 13th June
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Dave Hedgehog said:
Most of the story thou is nothing new, there are already dark force using witches, if darth plagueis the wise could bring back the dead and anakln was force concieved a dark force witch pregnating someone is not so far from the canon
You can't believe anything the emperor said, especially when grooming Anakin. You're being too forgiving of this crap.

Lucas Ayde

3,611 posts

171 months

Thursday 13th June
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I haven't wached any of this rubbish due to the reviews telling me all that I need to know (ie. It's crap) but with regard to this 'reworking of what The Force is' argument it's entirely possible that non Jedi/Sith Force users visualise the same thing in a different way and channel it possibly in different ways too. So it doesn't necessarily break established canon.

The real issues are the poor quality writing and the pushing of the woke agenda which now seems to be more in your face than ever. Seems like it's going to be another big money-loser for Disney ... how much more garbage 'made for a modern audience' are they going to churn out before they can't afford to keep taking the losses?

They've got intellectural properties, Marvel, Indiana Jones and Star Wars, that they paid a lot of money to acquire and not only are they wrecking them, they are losing vast amounts of money doing so when they should be raking in the $$$$s. They're also wrecking their own in-house legacy IPs with crappy, woke, live-action remakes and coming out with new agenda-driven properties that are flopping out of the gate.

Is Disney a business or a cult? Seems to be more like the latter.

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Thursday 13th June
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Lucas Ayde said:
I haven't wached any of this rubbish due to the reviews telling me all that I need to know (ie. It's crap) but with regard to this 'reworking of what The Force is' argument it's entirely possible that non Jedi/Sith Force users visualise the same thing in a different way and channel it possibly in different ways too. So it doesn't necessarily break established canon.
There are multiple "force" users who are not sith or Jedi, hell even Mace Windu didnt comply to strict Jedi principles since he used the light and the dark side of the force, as did Bendu who had nothing to do with the Jedi

Dave Hedgehog

14,655 posts

207 months

Thursday 13th June
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SlimJim16v said:
You can't believe anything the emperor said, especially when grooming Anakin. You're being too forgiving of this crap.
I actually believe the emporer on this one as he was obssessed with keeping himslef alive hence the massive effort on cloning, and dont forget the mortis daughter brought ashoka back from the dead albeit at the cost of her own life


20,772 posts

194 months

Thursday 13th June
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Antony Moxey

8,260 posts

222 months

Thursday 13th June
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This thread is hilarious, there’s almost NP&E levels of hysteria.