The official PH Coronation Street thread (Vol 2)

The official PH Coronation Street thread (Vol 2)



3,737 posts

209 months

Friday 23rd August 2019
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Wacky Racer said:
To add to character turnarounds......
Craig as the next Head of the Met?
Leanne as a nun?

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Friday 23rd August 2019
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I think Max has been to the Wooden Will school of acting...


3,737 posts

209 months

Friday 23rd August 2019
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Wacky Racer said:
I think Max has been to the Wooden Will school of acting...
Agreed. Could be reading his lines off the back of his hand! To be fair it must be difficult going from normal kid to raving lunatic in a couple of episodes!


4,484 posts

138 months

Friday 23rd August 2019
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Geoff. Pointless. Please bin him along with yazmeen.


57 months

Saturday 24th August 2019
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iandc said:
Leanne as a nun?
I'm sure if the price was right, she'd dress up as anything you like laugh

200Plus Club

10,858 posts

281 months

Saturday 24th August 2019
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iandc said:
Wacky Racer said:
I think Max has been to the Wooden Will school of acting...
Agreed. Could be reading his lines off the back of his hand! To be fair it must be difficult going from normal kid to raving lunatic in a couple of episodes!
I said same, one of the new writers has decided to switch things up a bit by turning characters on their heads without warning. Geoff, yasmeen, max, and even Steve suddenly becoming a sensible caring father...


3,737 posts

209 months

Saturday 24th August 2019
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200Plus Club said:
I said same, one of the new writers has decided to switch things up a bit by turning characters on their heads without warning. Geoff, yasmeen, max, and even Steve suddenly becoming a sensible caring father...
Agreed. They seem to forget that part of the charm of Corrie is getting to know the characters. For example Tim was a waste of space when he first appeared but has matured into one of the best. Suddenly changing the character is both confusing and not credible. Get a grip writers!!


14,975 posts

217 months

Saturday 24th August 2019
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anonymous said:
She's after free "hair dos" smile


3,169 posts

177 months

Saturday 24th August 2019
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cuprabob said:
Enjoyed tonight's episodes. The dynamic between Steve, Tracy and Amy works really well, imo.
They’re always good value for money; three excellent actors.

LeAnne in the living room talking to Sarah & Shona: ‘the things I’d done to put food on the table.’ laugh


11,999 posts

148 months

Monday 26th August 2019
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Never heard of ‘night shifts’ at the taxi office before.


57 months

Monday 26th August 2019
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Was Tyler's dad wearing a Gas Monkey t-shirt ?

200Plus Club

10,858 posts

281 months

Monday 26th August 2019
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In what reality do police investigate a car break in by passing it onto more local coppers to take statements ? Daft lad copper then manages to get the case lol.
The Robert storyline is not just daft it's dragging somewhat and quite annoying. The baby will be at junior school before he gets caught out at this rate...

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Monday 26th August 2019
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Grahamdub said:
Was Tyler's dad wearing a Gas Monkey t-shirt ?


4,928 posts

167 months

Monday 26th August 2019
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200Plus Club said:
In what reality do police investigate a car break in by passing it onto more local coppers to take statements ? Daft lad copper then manages to get the case lol.
The Robert storyline is not just daft it's dragging somewhat and quite annoying. The baby will be at junior school before he gets caught out at this rate...
Agreed, hateful storyline, the writers are really going out of their way to show most of the Male characters in a very poor light.

I hope he gets found out shortly and that story line comes to a close.


3,737 posts

209 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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steveatesh said:
Agreed, hateful storyline, the writers are really going out of their way to show most of the Male characters in a very poor light.

I hope he gets found out shortly and that story line comes to a close.
+1. Really dragging on and on. Don't see the point of the story at all. Robert's lies are so farcical and both women's gullability is pathetic. Really can't get the thought processes going on in Robert's brain (if he has one). Maybe PC plod will work it all out and spill the beans.

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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I think Robert's a bit lacking in the mental capacity department.

He has no interest whatsoever in the Irish woman, just seems desperate to get his hands on her baby, any baby at all costs.

I can fully understand that if you were a woman, especially if for whatever reason you can't have children, but to me, a man's brain doesn't work like that. Maybe I'm wrong though.

One good thing though, is Michelle is going to eventually find out, the sh*t is going to hit the fan, she will leave the street for good....result.

Can't stand her....


643 posts

154 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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Grahamdub said:
Was Tyler's dad wearing a Gas Monkey t-shirt ?
Now available at Matalan if you want one...


57 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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kdri155 said:
Grahamdub said:
Was Tyler's dad wearing a Gas Monkey t-shirt ?
Now available at Matalan if you want one...
Really ? Oh dear laugh


9,872 posts

149 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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FWIW I've just totted up how many characters there are in the Street, who are actively involved. Ignoring peripheral figures, and the really young, there are at least 63. I've possibly missed some - I left out Jan because he's not really a fixture. Just remembered Moira, make that 64.

Bonkers. No wonder the writers are flitting here and there with plots, never remembering what they were planning 2 weeks ago.

There are 5 LGBT characters (not including Sophie's partner) which seems a tad high. I'm just waiting for a transgender storyline - it's flavour-of-the-month at the moment what with all this pandering to 5 year-olds who like to wear a dress. (Sorry if my approach offends anyone, but I fear that young people with REAL issues of this nature are being overlooked in all the clamour).

We've got 1 black family , plus Emma. One Indian, one Pakistani plus Imran as an associated member. Apart from Jan, no-one from the EU which seems disproportionate (even in Northern Ireland everyone working in a cafe is Eastern European).

(Just remembered Alex - make that 65.....)

The days when the street's residents passed the time of day talking about footie and food prices seem a lifetime away.

Harry H

3,463 posts

159 months

Tuesday 27th August 2019
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nicanary said:
I'm just waiting for a transgender storyline - it's flavour-of-the-month at the moment.
Corrie did that years ago with Haley, Roy's wife.