Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan

Dr Who… Awesome News If You're A Fan



7,423 posts

260 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2013
quotequote all
Beefmeister said:
I've just had a nerdgasm.
It gets better! The monsters for the 50th special have been revealed:

ZYGONS! Last seen in the Tom Baker story "Terror of the Zygons"


15,464 posts

231 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2013
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clonmult said:
Tonto said:
Jenna is easy on the eye.

Mmmmmmmmmm. She always looks perfect.

Shame they couldn't have got a truly decent bloke back for playing the Doctor. Tennant was okay, but he wasn't a patch on Ecclestone.
Ecclestone?! I'd rather see Richard Madeley play the part!


32,414 posts

207 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2013
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Mutley said:
Hate to be realistice, but surely "Blue amends" refers to a blue page in the script is a change?
Most likely, but now we're all looking for a twist, that surely the best way would be to write a story without one?
No i was thinking that Tennant might be in it but who sayes he is playing the doctor?


17,148 posts

193 months

Wednesday 3rd April 2013
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Teppic said:
It gets better! The monsters for the 50th special have been revealed:

ZYGONS! Last seen in the Tom Baker story "Terror of the Zygons"

That looks like some horrible giant STI infected penis.


10,529 posts

212 months

Wednesday 3rd April 2013
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stephen300o said:
clonmult said:
Tonto said:
Jenna is easy on the eye.

Mmmmmmmmmm. She always looks perfect.

Shame they couldn't have got a truly decent bloke back for playing the Doctor. Tennant was okay, but he wasn't a patch on Ecclestone.
Ecclestone?! I'd rather see Richard Madeley play the part!
Where are the gallows? String 'im up. Scandalous!!!! The Dr had a bit of attitude with Ecclestone. Was definitely the best of all the doctors.


11,041 posts

179 months

Wednesday 3rd April 2013
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MiniMan64 said:
Teppic said:
It gets better! The monsters for the 50th special have been revealed:

ZYGONS! Last seen in the Tom Baker story "Terror of the Zygons"

That looks like some horrible giant STI infected penis.
I hope you're getting that looked at! smile


Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Really, really, crap episode tonight IMHO.

Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Granddaughter scratchchin


17,148 posts

193 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Yes not fantastic although some interesting lines and comments.

It's that traditional "first adventure for the new companion" episode that you always get. Explains all the rules of the Tardis, the Doctor, saving people etc and defines what the relationship/link is between Doctor & companion.


32,003 posts

224 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Justin Cyder said:
Granddaughter scratchchin
yes She was in the 'original'


Original Poster:

34,302 posts

220 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Dire effects. That 'moped' zipping backwards and forwards was a throwback to how effects were done 20 years ago. Truly crap.

Obvious question...how coud Clara could fly it between asteroids without ever having had a lesson? Getting a tad pissed off with the overuse of the Sonic Screwdriver as well. Its capability to open impossible doors was just lazy scripting. Indeed, it was then used to hold open the door and fight the aliens....

Come on Moffat, up your game.


8,743 posts

203 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Just me that liked tonights episode then? Then again I'm one of the few that really likes Matt Smith as well, Eccleston was shockingly bad in my eyes, Tennant was the best for me but I've only watched the modern stuff.

Adrian W

14,158 posts

231 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Dr Jekyll said:
Really, really, crap episode tonight IMHO.
Yep complete tosh, something interesting caught my attention, I didn't even notice it had finished, so don't know what happened in the end


1,622 posts

146 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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He dropped her off


11,041 posts

179 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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I thought I'd stumbled on Songs of Praise...



17,148 posts

193 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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daveydave7 said:
He dropped her off
But looks likes she'll be back next week unless he's about to bump into another version of her on a submarine?

Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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MiniMan64 said:
Yes not fantastic although some interesting lines and comments.

It's that traditional "first adventure for the new companion" episode that you always get. Explains all the rules of the Tardis, the Doctor, saving people etc and defines what the relationship/link is between Doctor & companion.
We don't need it though do we? If push comes to shove, give the glamorous assistant a Tardis safety card & let her mug up in the library. As for the singing, a tenner says that's already in the forthcoming Dr. Who prom at the Albert Hall.


7,807 posts

181 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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I think I'll leave it to the Simpsons to sum up tonight's Doctor Who.

Comic Book Guy:

Worst ... episode ... ever.


Mmmmmmmmm ... Clara.


16,482 posts

233 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Justin Cyder said:
We don't need it though do we? If push comes to shove, give the glamorous assistant a Tardis safety card & let her mug up in the library. As for the singing, a tenner says that's already in the forthcoming Dr. Who prom at the Albert Hall.
WE don't need it, no. But the Beeb has to acknowledge that this may be a lot of people's first DW series, so they need to go through the motions.


24,114 posts

232 months

Saturday 6th April 2013
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Adrian W said:
Dr Jekyll said:
Really, really, crap episode tonight IMHO.
Yep complete tosh, something interesting caught my attention, I didn't even notice it had finished, so don't know what happened in the end
Pre 2005: Good stories and crap effects.
This one: Good effects and a really, really crap boring story.