Apple TV+ - what gems have you found?

Apple TV+ - what gems have you found?



41,117 posts

193 months

Wednesday 21st February
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Late to the party my we're really enjoying Slow Horses


3,186 posts

211 months

Thursday 22nd February
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Just finished first season of Invasion.

Enjoyed it.

Alien attack on earth told by

American soldier... Japanese girl working for JASA... group of english schoolboys and american family.

Worth checking out

Hijack with Idris Elba was also decent. Got lively after first episode.


11,705 posts

276 months

Thursday 22nd February
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number2 said:
A good selection on at the moment.

We've been watching Tehran. Up to episode 7, and enjoying it. It could all go tits up but so far so good smile.

Iran/Israel secret agent/freedom fighter/terrorist plot.
I watched this with the OH a while ago and we really enjoyed it.


904 posts

198 months

Thursday 22nd February
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Prolex-UK said:
Just finished first season of Invasion.

Enjoyed it.

Alien attack on earth told by

American soldier... Japanese girl working for JASA... group of english schoolboys and american family.

Worth checking out
I usually love this sort of thing but was hugely disappointed with Invasion, not one likeable character and so many plot holes you could drive an alien spaceship through it.


3,164 posts

80 months

Thursday 22nd February
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Greedydog said:
Prolex-UK said:
Just finished first season of Invasion.

Enjoyed it.

Alien attack on earth told by

American soldier... Japanese girl working for JASA... group of english schoolboys and american family.

Worth checking out
I usually love this sort of thing but was hugely disappointed with Invasion, not one likeable character and so many plot holes you could drive an alien spaceship through it.
i felt the japanese character / story line was the best one i wanted to follow - it was also very very slow pacing - i did wonder if perhaps it was 1 idea/ story and they added the uk , usa and others to try and bring in a worldwide audience


8,822 posts

217 months

Sunday 25th February
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Anyone watching Constellation?

It's kind of OK, lots of slow scenes, potential for horror but maybe staying just within the category of "psychological thriller". Thing is, I have the impression is might be one of those series that has no answers - all style and no substance. I'm a bit worried about investing the time in it only for it to just... end.

Corso Marche

1,735 posts

204 months

Monday 26th February
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Mars said:
Anyone watching Constellation?

It's kind of OK, lots of slow scenes, potential for horror but maybe staying just within the category of "psychological thriller". Thing is, I have the impression is might be one of those series that has no answers - all style and no substance. I'm a bit worried about investing the time in it only for it to just... end.
Sums up my current sentiments perfectly. I'll continue for now, but it could go either way. I think it's 8 episodes in total, and we're 3 episodes in at this point.


8,822 posts

217 months

Monday 26th February
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Corso Marche said:
Mars said:
Anyone watching Constellation?

It's kind of OK, lots of slow scenes, potential for horror but maybe staying just within the category of "psychological thriller". Thing is, I have the impression is might be one of those series that has no answers - all style and no substance. I'm a bit worried about investing the time in it only for it to just... end.
Sums up my current sentiments perfectly. I'll continue for now, but it could go either way. I think it's 8 episodes in total, and we're 3 episodes in at this point.
Just watching the 3rd ep now - the acting is unconvincing. I'm not going to follow it from here... might binge watch after it all finishes but so far not-so-good.


8,822 posts

217 months

Monday 26th February
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Right - I've finished the first 3. When can I speculate about WTF is going on? I have some theories.


8,403 posts

243 months

Tuesday 27th February
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Put them in 'spoiler' tags or start a dedicated thread.


8,822 posts

217 months

Tuesday 27th February
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DocJock said:
Put them in 'spoiler' tags or start a dedicated thread.
It doesn't seem very popular. I'll wait and see if anyone else is watching first


4,369 posts

190 months

Tuesday 27th February
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Mars said:
DocJock said:
Put them in 'spoiler' tags or start a dedicated thread.
It doesn't seem very popular. I'll wait and see if anyone else is watching first
Yeah, spoiler tags or a thread with a "SPOILERS" warning please.

We consume content differently these days and if someone comes to the programme later (amongst the swathe of other programmes!) it's nice they don't come across the finale being discussed, spoiling it for them smile.


3,186 posts

211 months

Tuesday 27th February
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Mars said:
DocJock said:
Put them in 'spoiler' tags or start a dedicated thread.
It doesn't seem very popular. I'll wait and see if anyone else is watching first
We are on episode 4.

In two minds TBH

will persevere though


3,473 posts

201 months

Tuesday 27th February
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Tycho said:
number2 said:
A good selection on at the moment.

We've been watching Tehran. Up to episode 7, and enjoying it. It could all go tits up but so far so good smile.

Iran/Israel secret agent/freedom fighter/terrorist plot.
I watched this with the OH a while ago and we really enjoyed it.
I loved Tehran and the lady playing the main character

Corso Marche

1,735 posts

204 months

Wednesday 28th February
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Mars said:
Right - I've finished the first 3. When can I speculate about WTF is going on? I have some theories.
Fire them up. I'd be interested in reading others thoughts. 4 episodes in now.
Use spoiler tags if people prefer.

I'm still trying to figure out where Alice falls into this - an 'observer', albeit an unwitting one at this point.


8,822 posts

217 months

Wednesday 28th February
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OK, spoilers (well, speculation but it includes references to episodes up to Ep4) for Constellation below.

I think the experiment pushed Jo into a different reality/universe. I'm sure most people have figured this part out. The little girl no longer speaks Swedish and in the snow-cabin, Jo interacts with two daughters. Also Jo can play piano and then claims she cannot. Two different Jos?

I also think Bud and Henry are the same person in separate realities. They may have started out the same person but the experiment diverged them.

I'm not sure whether the Jo who is still in love with Magnus is the same Jo in the snow-cabin interacting with two daughters.

I don't understand why only Henry can see the experimental results now on earth although Jo could too in Ep4.

Think there might be different time-frames too - maybe. Is the snow-cabin "now" or sometime in the future. Also, is Jo seeing the dead ISS chap from another reality or is she just hallucinating?

The interaction with the cleaners/porters in the office and with weird Henry in his office... the "B" pills. Her obvious affair with her colleague that she doesn't remember. It all points to two realities.

That's all I've got.

Edited by Mars on Wednesday 28th February 22:55

Corso Marche

1,735 posts

204 months

Thursday 29th February
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Mars said:
OK, spoilers (well, speculation but it includes references to episodes up to Ep4) for Constellation below.

I think the experiment pushed Jo into a different reality/universe. I'm sure most people have figured this part out. The little girl no longer speaks Swedish and in the snow-cabin, Jo interacts with two daughters. Also Jo can play piano and then claims she cannot. Two different Jos?

I also think Bud and Henry are the same person in separate realities. They may have started out the same person but the experiment diverged them.

I'm not sure whether the Jo who is still in love with Magnus is the same Jo in the snow-cabin interacting with two daughters.

I don't understand why only Henry can see the experimental results now on earth although Jo could too in Ep4.

Think there might be different time-frames too - maybe. Is the snow-cabin "now" or sometime in the future. Also, is Jo seeing the dead ISS chap from another reality or is she just hallucinating?

The interaction with the cleaners/porters in the office and with weird Henry in his office... the "B" pills. Her obvious affair with her colleague that she doesn't remember. It all points to two realities.

That's all I've got.
Just random thoughts below...

Definitely 2 closely parallel 'realities' or possible timelines as a result of that.

Sometimes the possibility that 2 consciences/minds can occupy the same brain and 'reality' at the same time?

Alice clearly has the ability to 'observe' both, but has no control of when or how she does it.

Bud/Henry -- My thoughts are similar re. starting out as one individual.

Not sure on the Irene/Henry/Jo overlap re. meds, and possible shared experiences in the past etc

The flash-forwards to the northern cabin in the snow. Definitely agree. The scene in the car where Jo turns the temperature to the lowest despite being within the arctic circle to be comfortable while Alice is shivering in the back of the car from the extreme cold.

The recording from 1967? A verbatim recording and transcript of Jo's time during the crisis on the ISS more than 50 years later. Comms also being perceived across multiple realities/times, or something more re.Jo/Alice/Irene?

But then what if the writers have gone down a different track and this multiple versions/multiple realities is just a form of mental processing?
What if Jo (or Alice) is perceiving these as real as some form of cognitive rehabilitation process? And their minds go down different paths as part of that process? What is real? Is any of it real, or just perceived 'realities', and we don't know the real plight of any of the main characters?

I've no knowledge of the source material so these are just random thoughts based on the first 4 episodes of the show.

Edited by Corso Marche on Thursday 29th February 09:02


4,025 posts

94 months

Thursday 29th February
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Corso Marche said:

Definitely 2 closely parallel 'realities' or possible timelines as a result of that.

Bud/Henry -- My thoughts are similar re. starting out as one individual.

Not sure on the Irene/Henry/Jo overlap re. meds, and possible shared experiences in the past etc

My theories based on same episodes…

The Jo on the ISS at the start, on the video call with her daughter, switched into a parallel universe at the point of the impact. The impact being caused by the body of Irene who was a cosmonaut in her youth and originally died in space.

The Irene and Henry in the universe Jo now inhabits are from Jo’s original universe, and this is why they all need the medication. Somehow they swapped in the past, Irene perhaps when she ‘died’ and Henry during the disaster on his Moon mission.

When we see Bud, we’re actually seeing the other universe, the one that Jo, Henry and Irene are originally from. This is why his recollection of events in the past doesn’t tally with those of the other conference guest, and why Jo gets names wrong, doesn’t recall having an affair with her coworker, and her daughter no longer speaks Swedish. In the original universe Jo died during the accident, but Paul survived. This is shown in the touch of hands on the ISS, and in the graveside scene in Ep 3.


6,300 posts

182 months

Friday 1st March
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Just finished season 2 of Slow Horses.

Really enjoyed it and we were so engrossed we missed the appearance of 2 of our kids who were extras in it!

So if you see 'girl in background on phone' or 'barman walks across ', they were ours.

Roll on season 3.


35,276 posts

215 months

Friday 1st March
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silverthorn2151 said:
Just finished season 2 of Slow Horses.

Really enjoyed it and we were so engrossed we missed the appearance of 2 of our kids who were extras in it!

So if you see 'girl in background on phone' or 'barman walks across ', they were ours.

Roll on season 3.
If you missed them it probably means they did their job well as that's kind of the point of extras biggrin