The Boys



28,063 posts

199 months

Monday 21st August 2023
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6,146 posts

195 months

Monday 21st August 2023
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ajprice said:

You're going to love the life affirming tale of love and happiness in a world of kind generous superheroes.


28,063 posts

199 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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New trailer for Gen V

Text linking it as the thumbnail is a woman covered in blood hehe


6,146 posts

195 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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Watched episode one of Gen V. I did not have high hopes for a spin off show.

Spoiler: it’s pretty good. Everything you’d expect from The Boys. Interesting characters. Good writing. And a 4 inch woman riding a guys dick.


20,099 posts

189 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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Watched the first 2 episodes of Gen-V and its pretty good, definitely from the same stable as The Boys but different enough to be its own thing.

The Rotrex Kid

30,727 posts

163 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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On Ep2 now, very enjoyable, as above, you can tell it's the same universe but the all new characters are good.


13,237 posts

168 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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It's decent if a bit too "preachy" in places. In two episodes we've had the race agenda, the trans agenda and eating disorder shaming. You can definitely tell it's a show made in 2023. Can't just tell a good story anymore, has to make political statements too at every opportunity.

Despite all that it's still decent enough that it's keeping my interest for now but they need to seriously dial back the politicising.


7,050 posts

162 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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I thought it was... fine so far.

It could easily be completely non The Boys related and you wouldn't really know any different. Maybe they'll turn that up later.

A lot of the fun of the main show is the vanity, corruption and moral squalor of the main characters. I guess young folk are going to be fundamentally less interesting as it's yet to happen to them, or most of them.

I'll check the later ones but not super fervently.


10,490 posts

224 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Well I thought the squid sex scene in the boys would be hard to too but they managed it .


4,937 posts

221 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Guvernator said:
It's decent if a bit too "preachy" in places. In two episodes we've had the race agenda, the trans agenda and eating disorder shaming. You can definitely tell it's a show made in 2023. Can't just tell a good story anymore, has to make political statements too at every opportunity.

Despite all that it's still decent enough that it's keeping my interest for now but they need to seriously dial back the politicising.
As usual, the modern Hollywood wokinistas ("Go woke, go broke!") have gone too far with their black characters, a gender changing mutant and as for their eating disorder 'agenda' it's political correctness gone mad!! /sarcasm.

You seem sensitive to 'wokeness', do you count the number of black actors in the adverts and complain that it's not representative of the real world?

To be fair, I've only seen one episode so far, so it's possible that they start to really twist the "preachiness". But so far it's been pretty good and totally on-message with the rest of 'The Boys' output.


13,237 posts

168 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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tangerine_sedge said:
As usual, the modern Hollywood wokinistas ("Go woke, go broke!") have gone too far with their black characters, a gender changing mutant and as for their eating disorder 'agenda' it's political correctness gone mad!! /sarcasm.

You seem sensitive to 'wokeness', do you count the number of black actors in the adverts and complain that it's not representative of the real world?

To be fair, I've only seen one episode so far, so it's possible that they start to really twist the "preachiness". But so far it's been pretty good and totally on-message with the rest of 'The Boys' output.
I'm not sensitive to it but neither am I blind to the very obvious agenda in modern Hollywood. I watch TV to be entertained, not preached to but it seems almost every modern show has to have a message, it can't just he good entertainment and yes it does get quite heavy handed in the next 2 episodes.

As I said it's not totally ruining my enjoyment but it's mildly annoying that a spin off of one of my favourite shows has become a bit heavy handed. Similar issues in The Boys are covered with a lot more subtlety.


7,050 posts

162 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Guvernator said:
I'm not sensitive to it but neither am I blind to the very obvious agenda in modern Hollywood. I watch TV to be entertained, not preached to but it seems almost every modern show has to have a message, it can't just he good entertainment and yes it does get quite heavy handed in the next 2 episodes.
But it's about young folk in modern America.

Most of them probably identify as a moose and only eat every blood moon. It's probably been toned down compared to college reality.


170 posts

249 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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2 episodes in and I think it is spot on and as always with the boys an brutal look at the modern world. Young adults / teens acting like young adults / teens do today and older folk (like on this forum) getting knickers in a twist and worrying & complaining about it.

PS: I am also in the older folk camp

Edited by Norgles on Sunday 1st October 19:26


4,950 posts

220 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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These young sups are just as brutal as the older lot. Any normie on the wrong side or who is a bit mean gets death or GBH and no one cares at all.


13,237 posts

168 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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AlexC1981 said:
These young sups are just as brutal as the older lot. Any normie on the wrong side or who is a bit mean gets death or GBH and no one cares at all.
It's a brutally honest take on what would more than likely happen if superpowers actually existed. While I enjoy things like Superman, in terms of his morality, they are pretty unrealistic. People are very complex beings, it's pretty much impossible that someone with near God like powers could be so good, ALL the time. I think it's way more likely that Sups would be just as messed up, if not even more so than the rest of us and the shows do a top rate job of portraying that.


4,950 posts

220 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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They certainly are messed up alright!


6,146 posts

195 months

Monday 2nd October 2023
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Guvernator said:
It's a brutally honest take on what would more than likely happen if superpowers actually existed. While I enjoy things like Superman, in terms of his morality, they are pretty unrealistic. People are very complex beings, it's pretty much impossible that someone with near God like powers could be so good, ALL the time. I think it's way more likely that Sups would be just as messed up, if not even more so than the rest of us and the shows do a top rate job of portraying that.
When I was reading comics only a very small percentage of people with superpowers were 'heroes'. Almost everyone else would behave like most of us, becoming selfish aholes who think it's there chance to do whatever they want. Those were the 'villains'. Even among the 'good guys', sometimes they succumb to the old adage that power corrupts.
The premise of the Boys is that 'super powered' is synonymous with 'superhero'. But it isn't.
The only 'supe' we've seen that comes close to being a 'hero' is Starlight, trying to do the right thing, even at the risk of her own life.


3,647 posts

214 months

Monday 2nd October 2023
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ETA: I don’t know why it comes up in Portuguese by default, but you can change to EN once you click past the first screen.


Original Poster:

41,069 posts

193 months

Monday 2nd October 2023
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ThunderSpook said:


ETA: I don’t know why it comes up in Portuguese by default, but you can change to EN once you click past the first screen.


3,677 posts

106 months

Monday 2nd October 2023
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I've only seen the first episode so far but I thoroughly enjoyed it. They've lent in hard on The Boys formula which has translated really well into the younger setting of an American College and I'm pleased to see them expand on the whole V given to kids side of the original series. I was worried they might tone it down slightly but having watched just one episode I can see that isn't an issue at all.

No issues at all from me in regards to any sort of "agenda" or "message", it's portraying modern society within that demographic very realistically (well apart from the whole kids have super powers thing of course) and given the themes the original dealt with (consumerism, communism, corporate greed, the influence of social media etc etc) I don't see anyone who enjoyed The Boys having any issue at all with the setting.